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Good Morning My Children

"This to shall pass"

Sunday, January 19, 2025 Blog

Oh, my, my...another new day has arrived on Mother Earth and My Children of Light Divine remain lost in their Dream World of humanness...just as they have been ever since they first chose to inhabit this dimension of time, space, and so many, many illusions. Odd is it not, that a Creator can convey to one's Creations, and that would be "you", My Children of Light Divine, Spirits of Love, who are so lost in the non-reality of the Earth dimension that even after I, your Creator, convey your perception of "Reality" is not "Reality", you simply go about your business of being lost in the non-reality of space, time, physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite Field or Matrix of Love?

Oh well, this status quo of non-reality, this Dream World of non-Love, will eventually all change to an extension of My Kingdom of Love, typicaly referred to as "Heaven". Hard to believe is it not?...considering your status quo of apparent illusion and delusion, of pain and suffering, of fear consciousness...rather than Love-Creator Consciousness

Ah yes, "Creator Consciousness", a new term for the human population of Mother Earth, who perceive themselves..."yourselves" be somehow separated from the Love and Perfect Peace that remains the foundation of your Dream World of non-reality, of non-Love, of fear consciousness, and all of the dark emotions.  

Oh yes, for as inconceivable as it once was, you My Children of Light Divine, "you", who are Immortal Spirits of Love, remain hopelessly lost in your Dream World of non-reality, all because you were curious about experiencing the opposite of "Reality", which of course is Love-Creator Consciousness. "What am I talking about" most will ask, all because you chose to experience the non-reality of Love, of Me, "Abba", for I Am but Love...Pure, Perfect, Everlasting, Love...the "Reality" you search for from the time of your illusionary birth, to the time of your illusionary death...only to be shocked by the "Reality of Self", the Reality of Love, when you shift from your illusion or Dream World of humanness, to the Real World of the Spiritual Realm...the so-called "Spiritual Dimension". 

Oh yes, My Children, you are "shocked" by the Everywhereness of Love that you find yourselves immersed within, just as you are "shocked", in a different, consenting way, when you re-entered your Dream World of humanness, with a new script of experiences, a new human costume, and a new illusionary home, in your mother's womb. 

Ah...but "you agreed" to become lost in the shock of humanness, so it was not so much a shock as it was simply acclimating to your new chosen "illusion of Life"...your great distortion of "Reality", in the confines of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me...Pure, Infinite, Love Awareness. 

Oh yes, My Children, I Am "here" on this new day in your Dream World to convey, once again, many, many things I will repeat, over and over, until a few more, and then, a few more, and then, a great many more will "wake up" to the Reality of My Infinite Love in place of your illusion of dark emotions and separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love...borrowing the words, the message of "Reality", from your famous brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph, better known as "Jesus Christ". 

Oh yes, I know, everybody has forgotten his message of "The Reality of Infinite Love"...The "Reality" of Me, "Abba", because "Reality" was excluded from your Gospels of your New Testament, for a long chain of events in your Dream World that conveniently became lost...because servants of Emperor Constantine, the real authors of your New Testament, did not have access to an authentic version of his teachings...those of Jeshua ben Joseph that is, for all such records perished in the destruction of the Roman legions, that engulfed Palestine, during the Roman Jewish War, also conveniently omitted from your New Testament

Oh yes, so all that remained were the teachings Jeshua had conveyed to the masses, rather than those he had reserved for his so-called "inner circle", which today, in your twenty-first century, are sometimes referred to as his "Secret Teachings". Yes, of course, an edited version no less became your so-called record of his Life and Teachings, the foundation of what is known today as Christianity, a religion based upon half truths and distortions, rather than The Reality of Love..."My Love"...your Creator's Love.  

Needless to say, those events were the inevitable result of humanity's limited and delusional perception of "Reality", which is why we waited until the Truth could be comprehended before Jeshua ben Joseph returned, in the form of what this internet site is devoted to, his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, for the half truths and distortions of your New Testament have been replaced with "Reality", admittedly a gradual progression from the non-reality of Christianity, which of course is perceived as "Reality" by all Christians, to Jeshua ben Joseph's so-called Secret Teachings...teachings that are no longer "secret"...the teachings contained within what is now referred to as The Way of Mastery Trilogy...The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation, and The Way of Knowing. 

Regrettably, and yet understandable, many still do not recognize the progression of Truths and Revelations contained within Jeshua's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...but what else could be expected in a Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness, which the inhabitants, who call themsleves...yourselves, "human beings", simply fail to comprehend. As you sometimes say, humanity as a whole has yet to "connect all the dots", for you remain lost in your Dream World of physicality and fear consciousness. 

Just how lost are you, My Children of Light Divine? You remain to be so lost that even when "The Reality of Infinite Love" is reduced to your written words, you are unable to comprehend them. Oh yes, many have read The Way of Mastery, say they comprehend the meaning, and then proceed to live in their Dream World of fear consciousness, continuing to be dominated by the illusion of fear, rather than The Reality of Infinite Love..."My Infinite Love".  

Oh yes, which is why I Am "here", with you, in a manifestation of form, in your dimension of physicality. The form is this internet site, specifically the God's Blog section. Inconceivable to most and yet, "here" I will remain for the duration of your shift from your Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness to the Real World of Infinite Love...from your human illusion of separation, individuality, and aloneness to the Reality of Oneness, Unity, and Infinite Love.

Most will not understand, most will deny such a "Reality", for your ego's excel at denial My Children, and your ego's remain in temporary control of your human psyche. Ah yes, the key word there My Children of Light Divine, Immortal Spirits of Love one and all, is the word "temporary". Yes, My Children, your ego's (fear consciousness) remain in control of your Dream World on planet Earth. Why else do you suppose your "illusion of Reality" on Mother Earth appears and "feels" as it does, in your temporary human forms, that Jeshua ben Joseph so appropriately has described as your "human costumes". What other kind of world could be created by egoic, fear consciousness, with its...your illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love.

Yes, My Children, your so-called "Reality" is a world constructed by fear...the "illusion of fear" and all of the dark emotions, rather than The Reality of My Infinite Love...and the Great Shift in consciousness has commenced, although most, bordering on all, still deny the Infinite Reality of Love, still deny the Everywhereness of "Me", your Creator-Divine Parent, and I Am but Love...Love Consciousness...Love Awareness...for Love is the "only Reality"...a "Reality" your illusion, your substitute for Me, will continue to deny "until dissolved", and that would be your ego's My Children...your illusion of identity that has been finally described within The Way of Mastery. 

Where did these words of wisdom, of revelation, originate from, hmm? They originate with the Life experiences of Jeshua ben Joseph, of two thousand years ago, from his search for the answers to all of your so-called "Big Questions". The same wisdom and revelations that were precursors to the final years of his final incarnation, into your Dream World of humanness. 

Yes, My Children, for those who have finally "connected all the dots"..."have placed all of the pieces to your human puzzle in place"...Jeshua ben Joseph's final few years in your Dream World were made possible by him learning about the behavioral mechanics of your ego's, which are all based in fear, and how to dissolve them...replacing your "illusion of reality", your illusion of fear consciousness, with The Reality of Love Consciousness, The Reality of Oneness, rather than one of separation and aloneness...with one of reunion with Me, your Creator...versus your illusion of separation from The Great Mystery of Love, which I Am...which you are part of. Yes, My Children, "you are part of Me", The Great Mystery of Love. 

"Come"...follow the model of Jeshua ben Joseph has provided you with...dissolve your ego's, disslove you illusion of fear and all of your dark emotions...experience your destiny that he described two thousand years ago..."greater things than these you will do", in reference to his miraculous works during his final years, after he had dissloved the illusion of his ego...for that is the choice that is now at hand...for all to experience...the Great Shift in Consciousness from your illusion of fear to "The Reality of Love".  

Still in "denial" My Children? Yes, of course, for your ego's are still in control..."you are right and I Am wrong"

This to shall pass...

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...


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