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Good Morning My Children

You Once Said to Yourselves...Oh Yes, Let's Do "That", Let's Have "That Experience"

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 Blog

Today is today, yesterday is yesterday, time and time again humanity has fallen into the same pattern, the same experiences, and what you later perceive as the same mistakes...over and over again...and you find yourselves back in the Spiritual Realm, reviewing your lives on Earth, realizing you created a particular combination of events in the physical dimension of Earth...all to provide yourselves with the same learning opportunity you have had life after life...incarnation after incarnation...only to once again, and again, succumb to the fears and anxieties...and the overal pressures of the illusion of physical survival, the illusion of physical death...oh yes...time and time again, you think you are on the verge of the end of your existence, only to find yourselves in "the Light" once again, in the Radiance of your True Selves, and once again, and again, you learn that there is "no death...ever" you return Home to "Reality"...after another episode of illusion and theater in the "experiential dimension" of Earth. 

Oh my, it is a shock to once again, and again, remember and experience the human form is not "who" and "what" you truly are, after placing all of your efforts and resources into the continuance and pleasures of what you thought was...what you had identified with, as "you"...only to learn once again, that you were fooled by a temporary illusion, a temporary human form.  

Oh my...a "shock" in deed...for you review your last episode of illusion on Earth, and see you had once again made the same choices you had made in so many prior incarnations...for you had been conditioned by the same illusions of fear and physicality to choose, to value the fears of the ego, as opposed to the Love of your True Self, that only values Love and True Peace... 

Oh my...a "shock" in deed..."I forgot again", you say to yourselves..."I forgot my plan was to make different decisions this time...this incarnation, and place my priority on the Reality of Love, and not the illusion of fear"...

And there you find your True Spiritual, Multidimensional Self, existing in the Perfect Peace of the Light of Love, surrounded by so many, just like you, and after what I, your Loving, Divine Parent, will call a period of orientation, you and those souls, those Spirits of Light, that you are closest to, begin the process, once again, of planning to re-enter the fear-based, experiential dimension of Earth...and there are many such experiential dimensions to experience...but it must be must be another venture into the "illusions of the human experience", for the dramas and emotions run so very high within Earth's experiential dimension of non-reality.

Oh yes...the non-reality of is called "the illusions of fear consciousness"..."egoic consciousness" it is called...where you choose, once again, to allow the ego, to make all the decisions...oh yes, the same illusionary environment you had created incarnation, after incarnation... 

Only once you reincarnate, your perception of Life within the fear-based, experiential dimension of Earth changes...the illusions deepen, and take on a convincing sense...the illusion of a different kind of "reality" than you experience in the Spiritual Realm. The dramas, the emotions, the physical sensations immediately dominate, and you once again forget the Reality of Life in the Light... 

Oh yes...those memories become trapped in your subconscious, as planned, so you can begin to experience the dramas, the emotions, the physical sensations, and every variety of consciousness that tells you your temporary incarnation is the only "reality" there is...yes..."I am Bill or Harriet or Tom or Sally...I am this temporary human form", and survival is priority #1..."its" continuance and pleasure is all that matters...and "that" illusionary, false sense of reality, shapes and conditions all of your choices... 

Oh yes...there is the cultural conditioning to contend with, that further intensifies and complicates the dramas of Life in the experiential dimension of Earth...but, the continuance and pleasure of the temporary physical form...the temporary human body-brain is priority #1.

And the inherent fears and anxieties created by such a value structure blur the Reality of Who and What you truly are. Yes, under the surface, in your subconscious, in your Spiritual Self, called the "Soul", the values of Love and True Peace, make brief appearances in the structure of your physical values. However, they usually succumb...not the fears of the day...particularly when the survival of the human form enters your dramas... 

And the survival of the human form is not the only issue...oh no...for the "degree of physical comfort and pleasure" is also a prominent factor...oh yes...if Sally cannot be as "comfortable" at 50 as she was at 40, then there is a problem, there is "fear", there are anxieties, there is stress...

Life in the Light has been forgotten. The Love and Perfect Peace...the "Bliss" of the Spiritual Realm is a non-issue for most of the population. Why? Because you entered the illusionary dimension of fear and physicality for "the experience"...for "the experience" of non-Love...for "the experience" of non-Reality...for "the experience" of fear and aloneness...the illusion of fear and aloneness Jeshua ben Joseph calls the "false self'", which of course is the egoic, fearful self

Over and over you return, because you have a very, very different perspective of the illusions of Life on Earth when you are in the Light of the Spiritual Realm...oh yes...very different. How is it that you describe such large differences...oh yes, as "night and day"... 

And in this particular case, night and day is apropos, the darkness of the illusion of fear that pervade the experiential dimension of Earth...and the Light of Love in the "Reality" of the Spiritual Realm.  

How do you bring the Light of Love into the darkness in the experiential dimension of Earth? Oh yes...let's do "that"...and "that" has been part of the plan from your first incarnation, your first venture into forgetting, temporarily, Who and What you really are...for eternity...for "eternity" My will be in Bliss for eternity... say to yourselves..."Bliss for eternity...that is my Reality"...that creates what is called a foundation of experience...a foundation of a Beingness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace that is "always"...always going to be there to fall back into...

"So...after I choose to experience...temporarily...all of the dark possibilities of the fear-based experiential dimension of Earth, I am going to return to Bliss!"

"Oh...what if, after we experience every aspect of fear, every aspect of non-reality, every aspect of egoic, fear consciousness, we remember the Light, while we are in one of those temporary human forms".

"We undergo a transformation, while in one of those temporary body-brains. Oh yes, we dissolve the illusions of the ego, which we created, to experience the darkness of the experiential dimension of Earth. Yes, dissolve the egoic illusions of the separation from the Source of All, while we are in one of those human body-brains...which would dissolve all fears, all anxieties, all negative emotions, because we would experience reunion with Abba, our Creator, a Beingness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...while occupying a temporary body-brain!"  

"Oh my, we have never done that before...we have never transformed such a dark, dense, fear-based experiential dimension of physicality into the Reality of Light and Love, that is forever...that is "Reality", that is everywhere, literally everywhere...for Abba is the Infinite Field of Limitless, Pure Love that is everywhere...that has been temporarily camouflaged by the illusion of judgmental egoism...the illusion of fear and separation from Abba.

"Oh my, we can make such a dramatic shift in consciousness from fear to Love we can experience and saver the joy of reunion with Abba over "time"...hmm...ah...but let us be creative...let us create the dynamics to make it appear, initially at least, that such a transformation is not inevitable, whereby we will have the experience of feeling we are lost in the darkness of fear, of the illusion of separation from the Creator, which of course would only be an illusion...but what an experience! To be lost in the illusion of fear and be lost in the fear of the termination of our existence with the death of the temporary body-brain."

"Oh my...let's do it...let's do it all...let's have that experience of transforming a dark, fear-based, experiential dimension of physicality into the Reality of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...oh yes!"

Well, My Children, "that time" has come, the transformation has begun, and all of you, all incarnated, Beings of Light are still lost in the illusions of fear and egoic judgmentalism...oh...but wait...the awakening to the Reality of Love...My Love...has been is, as you say, in black and is in audio is the subject of a growing number of seminars...and the momentum is now unstoppable

Unstoppable in that I, The Source of All, the Infinite Field of Pure Love have manifested Self in human form...and one will grow into two, and two into three, and there will be no end to the transformation that has been described in these few words...and in this series of articles...on this obscure internet site...the energy of which has begun to permeate throughout the experiential dimension of Earth...the manifestation of the Reality of Love, that is literally everywhere... 

Yes, My Children, I Am "here"...I have always been "here"...and everywhere...everywhere in the entirety of Creation, which is "Infinite". 

My message of Love is has appeared in books, it is on your internet, it is in your meditations, it is within your very Beingness...because I, your Creator, placed a spark of Self in all of you...the Light of Pure Love Consciousness..."it" is called "Christ Consciousness", because we needed to call "it" something, You and I, all of the Beings of Love and Light that have been extend the Love and Light throughout extend Love Consciousness throughout extend Creator Consciousness throughout Creation...

Oh my...what an experience for all of Us...the extension of the Reality of Love, Consciously, throughout Creation...

Won't you join Me?

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All... 



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