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Good Morning My Children

Mistaken Human Identity

Wednesday, December 4, 2024 Blog

"The Children of God", my, that is quite the title, is it not..."for those who have chosen" to be embodied in a very limited human form, on a single planet, in a corner of Creation. One would think of a much more loftier destination, like at the right hand of Self, MySelf, The Creator, the proverbial Source of All, but "no", you have chosen the planet Earth, a remote destination in the portion of the galaxy referred to as "the Milky Way", a somewhat bright portion of Creation, given the number of stars and planets.  

You really have stuck yourselves in a remote destination, where few possibilities present themselves for other intelligent Life forms to happen by, and discover your temporary location. Yes, My Children, "a temporary location", for you will not spend eternity on planet Earth...oh no, just a small portion thereof. 

How must it "feel" to be addressed by The Source of All on your internet, without a clue if I am some...what do you call them, "nut job", or the "real deal". Ah yes, for most of you cannot comprehend a bonafide series of messages, bi-weekly messages, from The One who created you...for that would present quite the "shock" to your entire population, who are far too occupied with your illusion of humanness to consider My communications to be the "real deal". Oh yes, for I have chosen not to make...what do you call them, a "big splash" onto your human scene.  

Oh no, the "big splash" will come a bit farther down the proverbial path of time and space, for I have a plan for humanity beyond your wildest imagination. Oh...I suppose it is no longer beyond your imagination, for it has already been communicated within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy, a communique that has received just a smidgen of the worldwide fame it is about to receive.  

Oh yes, humanity as a whole has chosen not to pay close attention to My bi-weekly messages, on Ah...but this to will change, eventually, when you can no longer ignore the message, "My message", which will forever alter the history of humanity on your tiny planet Earth.  

Oh yes, there has been, and will continue to be, considerable resistance to My message to humanity, which first began to be delivered in earnest two thousand years ago, through the one you mistakenly refer to as "My Only Son, Jesus The Christ", the messiah, when you are all surrounded by his sisters and brothers, all over your planet Earth, billions of which continue to be oblivious to My Message of Love, My Message of "Reality", all because you have chosen to condition yourselves...yes, that is have chosen to "condition yourselves" into believing that you can somehow separate yourselves from That and Whom which is "everywhere".  

Hmm...imagine that, oh yes, a race of very limited, physical, fearful, mortal beings, and that would be "you", My temporary human children, who have chosen to experience an extreme version of the magnificent Selves which I initially created you to be, and by the way, remain to be the Extensions of Self, I, The Source of All...only part of this charade of humanness is that you have literally "blocked out" Who and What you truly are, all because "you chose" to experience the very limit of your unlimitedness

Oh yes, test the limit of your unlimitedness, by making yourselves extremely limited, and then, choosing to forget (block out) Who and What you truly are, but for only a portion of time. Hmm..."time", such an interesting part of your test...challenge as it were, of your unlimitedness. Ah, another portion of My Message of Reality, which you will continue to "deny" for quite sometime, but eventually..."eventually" My Children of Light Divine, you will be "shocked" on your tiny planet Earth when slowly, more and more of your limited species discover (remember) your true identities, along with the proverbial purpose of your creation. 

Oh yes, your "purpose and function", My very limited and temporary human children, has been delineated in a description that will become undeniable..."undeniable", indeed...even to your mistaken human identity.  

"Mistaken human identity", oh yes, indeed...your "mistaken human identity" will become an "irrefutable Reality"...part of your future existence on your planet Earth, as one by one, and then in small groups of your false human selves, begin to remember your true identity by following in the footsteps of your brother and dear friend, one Jeshua ben Joseph. 

Yes, indeed, finally...after all of this "time", a slowly growing portion of your human population will discover that you are not truly human, physical, mortal, fearful, egoic based beings, but rather...should I tell you again, hmm?...My Extensions of Self, The Source of All? 

Oh no, for why would I want to tell you of your true identities...your magnificent and wondrous identities, when you continue to be "locked in" to your Dream World of separation from I, The Infinite Matrix of Love, "in" which you live and exist, fall all of eternity.

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you are "locked in" to your false, mistaken, illusionary selves, all because "you chose to do so". Oh yes, for another of the endless times you will be told the Truth, here on God's Blog, and initially within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy, you have been told "the Truth", your true identities, which of course your ego's...your Grand Illusion of selves...your false and not-selves, in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, will continue to deny...until of course, it becomes "impossible" for your egoic, false, not-selves to deny "Reality"...the "Reality" of your true identities

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your illusion of self, your mistaken identities of limited, physical, mortal, fearful, egoic, human beings will be revealed to be the illusions that you are, and then, oh, my...pandemonium will breakout on your planet Earth, as your true identities pierce the surface of your consciousness.  

Oh yes, the impossible (according to your ego's) will become your "Reality", right here, within your Dream World of illusion, of your mistaken identities as human beings

Oh my, what fun we will have, as your population..."your entire population" makes the shift from your limited, fearful, egoic, human, illusion of consciousness to "Reality". Oh yes, My Children, and what oh what "Reality" could I possibly be referring to?

Don't pretend you do not know, for Jeshua ben Joseph told you about it two thousand years ago, only you thought he was "crazy"...crazy until the miracles began...and then, how could you call him "crazy", hmm? Ah, and so, your accusations of craziness turned into fears..."egoic fears", for that (your ego's) are the source of all of your fears and dark emotions My Children, and your Grand Illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, for they are one and the same.  

Is that clear enough? You are not living in "Reality" My Children...My Extensions of are not really human beings, but rather, only the Grand Illusion thereof

Oh my, call Me "crazy"...go ahead, get it over with. Ah, but I Am in very, very good company, for My Truth to you this morning...this fine new day on your planet Earth, is the identical Truth Jeshua ben Joseph conveys within his the Way of Mastery Trilogy. 

You are not "human"...your fears and anxieities are not "Real"...but go ahead if you must, experience more of your darkness, more of your illusionary fears and endless anxieites. Yes, yes...go ahead with your Dream World of Humanness, for it is truly a very convincing illusion, indeed...a trick as it were, which you have played upon yourselves, all because you have chosen to play a trick of "mistaken humanness" upon yourselves

What else do you have to do with all of your time?...oh yes, what else My Children of Light Divine, for eternity is a very long time, indeed.

Your "Game of Humanness" long will you play My Children? How long will you search for Pure Love and Perfect Peace? Ah, but only you can answers these questions My Children, for I gave you all "free-will", so...I again pose the question to long will you play your Game of Humanness, hmm? 

That is all...

Abba...The Everywhereness of Love...

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