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Good Morning My Children

Illusion & Fear or Reality & Love?

Monday, January 9, 2023 Blog

Today we will venture into a subject long misunderstood and confusing to humanity...and even after I, your Creator, clarify and define information of interest, there will remain a degree of confusion...for many will not accept the Truth as the "Truth"...but then again most, if not all of humanity, do not accept the validity of Me, your Creator, in this present another perspective, the "Truth" will not matter to you because your egos will find an excuse to reject the "Truth", one way or another. Such is Life on your planet Earth...a comingling of untruths humanity resides "within" is no wonder many of you find Life confusing and extremely challenging. This being the case I, and I Am but Love, Pure Unconditional Love, will proceed... 

Proceed in deed...are you ready? Of course you all...are not...but here I go...motherhood, parenthood, the raising of children is often such a confusing and challenging endeavor. You desire to excel at the requirements when there are no true examples...a true model of parental excellence for you to try to follow and emulate...the raising of Beings of Love and Light, while temporarily occupying human forms. Where do you go to find manuals or literature on such a subject? No where that where on your planet Earth... 

And with that being what you are confused about, most of you will try your very best to be good parents, when you are no better equiped and informed to be good parents than your children...

Oh my...what a is no wonder you have been tarrying in the experiential dimension of Earth for as long as humanity has...incarnation after incarnation...after incarnation, and when you return "Home" to the Spiritual Realm, and perform a Life Review, you say to yourselves...I know I can do better than "that"...I must go back and try bring some sense of "Reality" to such a confusing and challenging experiential dimension...oh yes...for how can I leave the Earth experiential dimension until I live as my True Self, as an Immortal Being of Love, instead of a being who believes and lives as though fear and the illusion of separation from Abba is the real deal... say to yourselves...who can I study (while in the Spiritual Realm) that will provide me with insight as to how to break the fear-based lifestyle that has dominated all of my incarnations...but then again, that's why I incarnated in the first experience experience a "type of Life" void of any direct, conscious connection to Love...and that would be a category of Life experience that included no direct communication with the Creator of All, even though that would be a temporary venture into non-reality, for the Divine Parent of All is "everywhere"...literally... 

Oh yes...humanity does not comprehend "that" reality, because you are just beginning to understand your Earth dimension with information that is not immediately available from your physical senses.

As one example, it took humanity thousands, and thousands, and thousands of years to discern your planet was not flat...can you imagine...for many reasons...the primary one being that you wanted to reincarnate, into different human forms, over and over...and over, in order to have "time" to experience every possible experience...every possible fear-based experience of the illusion...the "illusion" (I Am emphasizing that word) of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, that could possibly make you forget Who and What you truly are...and "That" would be Christed Beings...Immortal, Spiritual, Multidimensional Beings of Love and Light...and My Children, you have succeeded... 

Oh yes, your have succeeded in "that" have accomplished half of the reason you first came and incarnated into the fear-based, experiential dimension of Earth...void of a conscious relationship with Me, your so-called Creator, and I Am but Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...a "field" is what Jeshua ben Joseph was the first to call Me (in his contemporary teachings)...yes, an Infinite Field of Love that is everywhere, that exists within you, and around you...that permeates all of Creation...

Yes, I Am the Infinite Field of Pure Love that is everywhere...even though there are no words to accurately describe Self, your, let us use those words as a starting point of reference. However, two thousand years ago, you did not know what a "field" was...other than where you plant crops to harvest (yuk, yuk, yuk) as your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, was trying to piece together the "Truth"...the Realities of Life on Earth...I, Abba as he called Me, had to convey to him comparisons...analogies you call them, so he could better understand Who and What I Am, in relationship with and to humanity.

Quite the challenging and perplexing endevour that you, humanity, have been lost in for the millenia...oh yes..."lost" is a good word...a good description of your status quo two thousand years ago, a thousand years ago, one hundred years ago, and I assume you are getting, what you call, "the picture"...because you remain "lost" until and including today...this very moment... 

Yes...your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, wanted to understand Life on Earth, and in this regard, he journeyed all over your experiential dimension of search of the "wise ones" that could answer all questions, many of which humanity had never asked before... his great surprise and amazement, he received answers to all of his questions, for one of his famous sayings is, in fact, true..."ask and you shall receive"...maybe not as you would initially desire, because such information...many of the "Truths" are contrary to why you first came to the experiential dimension of see if Life without Love and a conscious, knowing, feeling relationship with Me, your Creator (and I Am but Love) was possible. 

As crazy and inconceivable as such motivation may sound to must rememeber, or try to "remember", that "that" is half of why you first came to the Earth experiential experience "non-reality" experience the illusion of Life without Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love...and "I Am everywhere"...literally...  

And your brother, who is channeling this article (using the written word), is beginning to wonder if it is time to take another pad of paper out of the closet, for this maybe a more lengthy article than usual...but I digress...

Jeshua ben Joseph finally, as you say, woke-up to the Reality, to the Truth, that Creation is multidimensional, and My Children, "that" was quite the revelation two thousand years ago...a portion of "Reality" many humans continue to not concern themselves with...or even recognize...all part of your plan to distract yourselves from "Reality"...   

Jeshua ben Joseph wanted no more distractions...he wanted answers to all of the so-called Big Questions, and he, as you say, "would not take no for an answer" I, your Divine Parent, told him in terms that a Christed Being, in a human form, could comprehend.  

He, Jeshua ben Joseph, then faced the challenge that was almost to communicate the Reality of Life, the Realities of Who and What the Creator is, the Reality of Who and What humans truly are, without sounding like a "crazy person"... 

Except for a very few, in what is called his inner circle, he quickly surmised that passing the information that I, the Creator, had conveyed to him, was different (is Reality) from the common perceptions of Life on Earth, that he agreed to communicate my suggested suggested an introduction, as a first step in the awakening of humanity from your illusions...from your Dream World of Life without Love...Life without a conscious, thinking, feeling, knowing relationship with Me, and I Am but Love...

At that time, the concept of "channeling the Creator" was unknown, and yet, as he spoke to the gatherings of his followers, that is exactly what transpired...

Ah...and as you say, the evolution of mankind took some big steps forward. Long story short, two thousand years later, some of the same questions and desires your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph had, began to resurface in the consciousness of humanity...

Much has changed, including a broad category called "science"...and within this broad category of science, a sub-category you call "qauntum physics" emerged, which attempts to explain your physical dimension with "things" that cannot be seen or heard with your physical senses...and even though most of the population does not concern themselves with quantum physics, the merging of science, in particluar quantum physics, with your Spiritual Realities, opened the door for a much more comprehensive...a much more accurate understanding of Who and What you are in relation to Me, your Loving Source of All...

"Now"...for the first time in the history of humanity, being a "human" can be accurately framed as a temporary experience in a fear-based, experiential dimension...inclusive of the illusion of separation from Me, your Loving Source of All. "Wow" as you say, one large step for humanity... 

And yet, there are not great numbers of incarnated Christed Beings of Love that are interested in such information...such as insights into your temporary lives within the fear-based, experiential dimension of Earth, simply one of the infinite number of experiential dimensions that are available...

As you say, "mind-boggling" is it not...and yet, the number of your brothers and sisters that have experienced...that have lived all of the fear-based illusions your Earthly, experiential dimension offers is growing...for "there must be something more to Life" was a topic rarely expressed, and explored...but no more...

There are sisters and brothers no longer completely absorbed in your Earthly longer distracted by the common priority of the continuance and pleasure of your temporary human forms...who are finally...finally ready to live in the "Reality of Love", and say "good bye" to the illusion of fear and separation from Me, your All Loving Creator. This new era for humanity gave rise to mediums of comunication that would answer all of the Big Questions, and provide a pathway to the Reality of Love...the Reality with Life with your Loving Creator and Divine Parent, for within this experiential dimension of Earth, "that" is an accurate depiction of from whence you came, and to where you are going. 

To facilitate this ending to your Earthly adventure, for it has truly been an adventure, Jeshua ben Joseph began channeling a pathway to the Realities of Love...and this endevour has motivated a series of books, audio recordings, and such...and Jeshua ben Joseph is not alone in these efforts to awaken humanity from your fear-based, Dream World, for there is now a library on many aspects of your Dream World on Earth...both authored by the channeling of disembodied Souls, and by incarnated sisters and brothers, who have performed research, in one way, or another...

This library of which I speak is not one physical is the collection of educational resources available in a variety of mediums, one of which is this internet site.

With the understanding that the shift in consciousness, from fear consciousness to Love consciousness, is a monumental change in perspective for all humans...for it is a shift from illusion to "Reality". Yes, My Children, the second half of the reason "you decided" to create and experience the experiential dimension of Earth was to experience, to wittness, to know, and to feel the shift from the illusion of fear, to the Reality of Love...Real Love...the Love you have experienced in fleeting moments, versus the substitutes for Love that you have created...that you so often find yoruselves lost in...and then, you are not satisfied...again and again, which gives rise to "the question"...isn't there something more to Life? 

Quite frankly, one of your creations, the ego, does a masterful job of trying to convince you that all of your substitutes for True Love, which would be "Me", your Creator, are enough...for they, the substitutes, are what all humans strive for...why...because they are what your ego's tell you are most important...all related to the #1 priority of your egos...the continuance and pleasure of your temporary human forms...your temporary body-brains...

Yes, this is a subject I have addressed before, in this God's Blog...your ego's value your illusional, temporary identity...for you are not the temporary body-brains...and each time you lay down the body-brains, pass from Earth's experiential dimension to the Spiritual Realm, you experience your reoccurring revelation...Oh...Oh...I'm so much more than that temporary body-brain that I just left...I Am Light...I Am Conscious Awareness...I Am Love...I Am Multidimensional...I Am at Peace...and so is everyone else!

And then, "in a blink", you perform what is known on Earth as your Life Review...and everything falls into place...all of the pieces to the puzzle of Life on say to I I remember the "Big Picture" I remember what "Life" with Abba, the Source of All, is like..."Bliss"..."Bliss" could I forget? Oh...that's right...that was my plan...I wanted to experience non-reality...non-love...temporarily...again...

My Children...some of your plans are changing...for some of you have experienced non-love and the fear-based illusions of the Earth experiential dimension as much as you desire...and now you desire what I, your Loving Source of All, have described many times within this My Blog...God's Blog...

You desire to remember and experience reunion with Me, and I Am but Love, while you are occupying a temporary human form...and this desire motivates you to reincarnate again and again...and each time your ego has convinced you "it" knows The Way Home to Love...and you follow your ego once again, and again, and again, which is simply a cycle of reincarnating into the egoic illusions of Earth's, fear-based, experiential dimension... your "think" you "feel" like it is finally time to listen to another My Still Small Voice of Love within...the same Still Small Voice that your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, surrendered to two thousand years ago, that showed him The Way Home to reunion with Me, your All-Loving Source of All... you want to learn more about The Way Home that Jeshua ben Joseph found two thousand years ago...or do you want to listen to your ego, and maintain your status quo...for "that" is where your ego always takes you...back into the egoic illusions of Earth's fear-based, experiential dimension...but your ego does enjoy thinking and talking about making changes...

Oh yes...I have heard "that" want to think and talk about making the shift in consciousness, which creates the illusioin that your # 1 priority is changing...oh yes...I have heard "that" many times before...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...





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