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Good Morning My Children

More Fear or the "Reality" of Love?

Sunday, December 1, 2024 Blog

Oh yes, another new day has arrived on the planet called "Earth", and the race of beings called "human", the portion of My Children of Light Divine who have chosen to "test" themselves in an environment, an experiential dimension of physicality, fearful consciousness, and Grand Illusion of separation from Who and What it is literally impossible..."impossible" to be separated from, and that of course would be and is Me, "Abba", as named by your brother and dear friend, one Jeshua ben Joseph.  

Ah yes, we have been "here" numerous mornings before, discussing your fate, your chosen fate on Mother Earth, with all of the challenges that you face each day, My Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, indeed, and how you can follow in the footsteps of your brother...your rather famous brother, who has left for you a rendition of his Life and Teachings not previously known to you or...or just continue on as you have for the millennia, and to the surprise of many, you, "humanity" have generally chosen the path of dark emotions, and illusion of separation from your Creator, Me, "Abba", The Infinite Field or Matrix (if you prefer that term) of, conscious, feeling, ever expanding, "Beingness".  

Oh yes, my human children, "expanding", for My only desire is the extension of Self, and I Am but Love. You know Me quite well from your existence in the Spiritual Realms, the so-called "Real World", using the term of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph. Yes, My Children, "the Real World", rather than your make-believe, self-created, lives on your planet Earth...within your environment, your so-called Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness (also known as egoic judgmentalism), and Grand Illusion of separation from Me, the proverbial "Source of All".  

In comparison to all of Creation, you really do live on a pinhead of Creation, on your planet Earth, as I Am Infinite, "Infinite" My Children of Light Divine, with no beginning, end, top, bottom, or sides..."infinite dimensionality" is one such term that can be used to describe Me, incomprehensible to your very limited and restricted humanness. Yes, your limited humanness, quite the limitation of Who and What I created you to be...Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love

Hmm...ponder that description for a few of your minutes My Children...Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love. Does such a description, your true "Reality", your "true identitiy" even remotely resemble your current illusion of humanness, hmm?...Does it? No, I don't think so, and yet, here we are, within your self-created Dream World of limited humanness...fearful, egoic, limited, physical, "humanness"

My, my, what a selection you all have made, which is described quite thoroughly within Jeshua ben Joseph's many Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, which of course culminate with his The Way of Mastery Trilogy. Oh yes, a three volume rendition of the choice you have made, to test yourselves as it were, to see how long it will take you to forget your true identities, live your mistaken lives of humanness, and then, eventually, tire of fearful humanness, whereby you finally discover and remember your true identities.  

Oh yes, such a journey in consciousness has been described using a variety of contexts, both here, on God's Blog, and also within The Way of Mastery, in an effort to lend you all a proverbial "helping hand" in the quickening of your journey, that few have chosen to benefit from...and, in a manner of speaking, all expected, for you have chosen to seriously, very seriously, and quite thoroughly, "forget your true identities" by becoming lost in your Dream World of Humanness. 

"Denial", oh yes, My Spirits of Love, denial is a characteristic you have chosen to be part of your foundation, for your experiential journey into humanness. Attack and projection are your other pillars of defense, to protect and sustain your "illusion" of humanness, with your Grand Illusion of being separated from Me, The Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, who most, if not all, project to be the cause of your journey into your Dream World of Humanness, a "Grand Illusion", indeed. 

Oh yes, denial, attack and projection...and let us not leave out the creation of guilt, for your ego's are true experts at employing these, your defense mechanisms, to stretch out and extend your Grand Illusion...your Dream World of Humanness. 

It is quite amazing from one perspective, and yet, entirely predictable, that even in the face of the wisdom conveyed to you within The Way of Mastery, you My Children, My Spirits of Love, continue to slumber, struggle, and "dream away" within your Dream World of Humanness.  

Ah, but that is the choice you have made...that you have so effectively "conditioned yourselves" to make. Thus, your current fate is no "big surprise", as you continue to live your lives of egoic judgmentalism, within your illusion, your Dream World of separation from Me, the proverbial Everywhereness of Love Consciousness.

Ah yes, Love Consciousness goes by many names, including Enlightenment, Oneness Consciousness (for all is "One", all is connected, "Oneness" is "Reality"), and of course, Creator Consciousness.

Yes, My Children, My Spirits of Love, pretending, experiencing your self-made illusion of humanness, on planet Earth, who perceive your Dream World, your self-made experiential dimension, is "Reality", when in fact, it is far from "Reality"...some might even say as far from "Reality" as it is possible to be! 

Oh yes, My Children, for your chosen state of fear consciousness, with all of your dark emotions, is about as far from the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love that you can possibly be. But...then again, you were curious, you wanted to test the limits of your unlimitedness, and "here" you are...physical, fearful, conscious, mortal beings..."success" have done it, the "opposite" of your true identities. "Hurray" for you all, for you have truly created lives of limitation and separation from "the Reality of Love", which of course is I, The Everywhereness of Love.    

Ah...and your journey back to the Reality of Love awaits you, within the pages of The Way of Mastery. Oh yes, indeed, for this is the journey back to the Reality of Love that your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, traveled two thousand years ago. 

He tried to tell you all about your eventual journey back to "the Reality of Love" two thousand years know how his efforts ended then. Oh yes, hanging on a cross in Jerusalem, because you found his teachings, his experiences back to the Reality of Love to be "incomprehensible". 

You simply, using your vernacular, "just did not get it", so you reacted in fear, for that is where you were, and still are, in fearful "non-reality"...the non-reality that you continue to mistaken, to call your "Reality". Is that clear enough for you? Is that so incomprehensible? It is all in black and white, in print, and also conveyed in an audio record of the original channeled sessions.   

Yes, I know, we know, that the conditioning of yourselves to believe and live as limited, mortal, physical, fearful beings was so thorough, and overwhelmingly successful, that you still "don't get it" read the words, but are extremely challenged to accept "Reality", the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, in place of your Dream World of fear consciousness.  

Oh yes, and that is the choice I, we, will continue to put in front of you...what's it going to be? are you going to live? fear or Love?

Fear or Love, My Children...fear of Love? The only difference this time..."this time", My Children of Light Divine, is nobody is on a cross, and a few...very few, are actually studying and practicing how to find your way back to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love. Oh yes, it is very different than two thousand years ago, because "here" we are, "here" I Am, The Everywhereness of Love, on your internet, with a message of "Reality", from your Creator...two times each week. 

You cannot crucify Me, because you don't have a cross big enough, because I Am Love, and I Am "Everywhere". 

Your choice is quite simple...more fear or the "Reality" of Love.

How do you make the shift in consciousness, from the illusion of fear, to the "Reality" of Love? and practice, study and practice, and and practice some more, The Way of Mastery Trilogy, by your brother Spirit of Love, one Jeshua ben Joseph.

That is all...

Abba...your Creator, The Source of All...



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