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Good Morning My Children

True Love and True Peace...where can I find them?

Thursday, November 28, 2024 Blog

My Children..."good day" to you on this Thanksgiving Day, this Thanksgiving morning, where across America families will be celebrating one of your many traditions...and a very worthy tradition it is, giving thanks for all that you have to be thankful for. 

Oh yes, and even though there are a great many challenges ahead, America...the US of A, in comparison to other countries, has much, indeed, to be thankful for. So...enjoy your celebration, your many families and friends, but also keep an eye on your challenges, which lay ahead of you...and most importantly, do not forget "Me", your Creator, as many of you have, for True Peace...True, Lasting, Peace will remain an elusive goal without My Presence in your lives. 

Oh yes, in this era, many have relegated Me to a role of less importance, than what has been the case in the past, and understandably so, for your subconscious desire to "test yourselves" with the depths of darkness and despair has never been more exaggerated than it is this fine new day, on your Mother Earth.  

Oh yes, "testing yourselves" in many forms and emotions, many of which lie beneath the surface of your consciousness...behind your many misplaced priorities that speak to you, in one way or another, to obtain what your human society values, rather than what I value, and I Am but LOVE...Pure, Aware, Conscious, Living, Infinite, "LOVE".

Oh yes, it matters not how big your homes and houses become, how many new automobiles are in your garages, how many coins are in your bank accounts, and on, and on...for without Me, your often unspoken desire and sense of True Peace remains elusive...indeed. 

It has been quite the "journey in consciousness" for My Children of Light Divine, those who have chosen your planet Earth, and dimension of fearful consciousness, with your "illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent.

Oh yes, many remain loyal to our eternal relationship, in the form of many religious traditions, and yet...yet...the most important such tradition, knowledge, and lifestyle, was discovered, and then lost, two thousand years ago, when your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, passed from your dimension, your Dream World of Humanness, two thousand some odd years ago. For although there was a small group of followers who truly understood and lived his teachings...his great discovery, the traditions, the practices, the path back to conscious, everlasting, "union with Me", The Infinite Beingness of Love...The Source of All, perished soon after his physical death.  

Yes, indeed, there was a great misunderstanding of his discovery, his teachings, on how to consciously reunite with Me, and I Am but Love. Many associate Me with a great many other qualities, and although they will be correct, My Infinite Essence is Pure, Infinite, Living, Conscious LOVE, which is why so many remain loyal to our everlasting relationship, while a great many others have turned away, towards other priorities. 

Oh yes, humanity was not quite ready for the "Truth" two thousand years ago, just as many remain this day, and yet, you continue to search for True Love, and True Peace, which you can only find "with Me", rather than apart. For how many can profess a living, conscious, lifestyle of seeking, and then implementing, My guidance to you, hmm? How many? How many live, study, and practice what he discovered two thousand years ago, hmm...and I Am not referring to "Christianity".

I Am referring to "our realtionship". Oh yes, "our relationship" and Me, and I am The Source of All, out of which all things arise, and then, often, pass away...away from your physical dimension of time and space, "physicality" it is called. 

Oh yes, all Souls, all My Spirits of Love, "who chose" temporary trips into your Dream World of Humanness, may lay down their human forms, and yet, all continue on...continue to live in other Spiritual dimensions, as some of you, My Children of Light Divine, are slowly beginning to accept as part of your "Reality".   

Ah, so a great many questions arise, when your consciousness pierces the "Reality" of non-physical, Spiritual dimensions of existence, just as Jeshua ben Joseph began asking two thousand years ago. Oh yes, indeed...and his desire for all of the answers rose from within. He would often attempt to "take on" the same values and principles, as his fellow human beings, and yet, he was never truly satisfied...oh no, so his search for answers to what is often referred to as "The Big Questions" began in earnest. 

He searched, and he searched, during the so-called seventeen missing years..."seventeen years" My Children. This is a long time to search for answers...answers to questions many perceive to be "unavailable to humanity"...unavailable to this day, and yet, humanity, often subconsciously, continues to search for exactly what Jeshua ben Joseph searched for two thousand years ago...True Love and True Peace

Unlike his brothers and sisters (humanity), he refused to take "no" for an answer to any of his questions, to "live in" True Love and True Peace? He searched and he searched, all over your planet Earth, seeking out the wisest of the wise. 

Ah, and he finally discovered "The Source" of his answers...the answers to all of his questions...and "That Source" was within his Soul, his so-called "Spirit", which I, this day, will call his "essence", his heart...and within his heart he heard a Still, Small, Voice, calling to him...whispering some of the answers to his Big Questions, answers that intially seemed to be "incomprehensible", and yet, he listened to the Still, Small, Voice Within, for he "felt" a calmness, a peacefulness, an overwhelming sense of Love beyond his wildest imagination.   

This is the very same Still, Small, Voice Within that he describes within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings.

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, for those of you who are uninformed, Jeshua ben Joseph has returned to your Dream World of Humanness in the form of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, many of which are conveyed within this very internet site,

The "mystery" is over...over for those who continue to search for True Love and True Peace, for Jeshua ben Joseph found two thousand years ago...he found the answers to all of your Big Questions. 

Oh yes, and The Source of all of the answers was the Still, Small, Voice Within all his sisters and brothers, all Souls, all My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, within the heart's of all who are "pretending to be human beings", within your Dream World on planet Earth. 

Do you desire answers to all of your questions? Do you desire to solve all of the mysteries humanity has been mystified about ever since you first breaths on planet Earth, hmm? 

Many did not listen to Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago. Oh no, they would hear him speak, or hear of his teachings and say, "no, this cannot be so". Cannot be so? Why...just because they/you have not heard of such answers...of such information before?

Oh yes, this is precisely what your ego's will tell you..."this Jeshua ben Joseph is crazy...his teachings simply cannot be so!" Oh yes, this is precisely what your ego's will tell you in this current era, when you read his The Way of Mastery Trilogy...your guide, your training manual, on how he listened and developed his relationship with his (and your) Still, Small, Voice Within.

Oh yes, indeed, The Voice of Wisdom, of True Peace, and most importantly, The Voice of True Love. The Voice within all can hear when you quiet and calm yourselves, for the quiet and calmness eventually "harmonizes the brain"...the right and left hemispheres thereof, using your terminology.  

Calm yourselves, My Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, quiet and calm yourselves as a matter of daily routine. The longer the better, but possibly begin with a mere fifteen or twenty minutes. Place everything..."everything else" on...what do you call it...oh yes, place everything on a back burner, all of your concerns, all of your fears, all of your anxieties, all that you value, whatever they maybe, and simply "relax into" calmness and the quiet "within".  

Oh my, many have never attempted such a simple state...that of the calm and quiet. Oh no, for your ego's have been keeping you very busy, pushing you to "do this" or "that" with all of your limited time. Oh yes, limited to a simple twenty-four hours each day, so you (according to your ego's) have far more important things to do then to waste your precious time on entering a state of calm and quiet for fifteen or twenty minutes each of your days. 

Oh yes, your ego's tell you, there are far more important things to do than to follow in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph, and how he discovered the True Peace and True Love within the hearts of all Souls...all his sisters and brothers who occupy, temporarily, the human form.  

Yes, My Children of Light Divine, you should just continue to follow the guidance of your ego's, if you want to continue to long for True Peace and True Love...

Yes, yes, of course, do not take the time to study and practice The Way of and practice "until" you discover what Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago, your relationship with Me, The Source of All...The Infinite Beingness of Love. Oh yes, your ego's have more important things for you to do...besides, such a goal is incomprehensible, so why attempt to follow Jeshua ben Joseph's model? Why?

Why, indeed, My Children of My Light Divine, because although "incomprehensible", in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, "also a way of Life that can be known, felt, realized and lived!"

That is all...

Abba, The Source of All...The Everywhereness of Love...



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