The Sovereignty of your Souls, your Spirits, is "Sacred"
Yes, indeed...another new day has begun on planet Earth, in the dimension of space and time, one of the infinite dimensions that My Children of Light Divine have to choose from. Oh yes, "infinite dimensions" to choose from, in all of Creation, to create experiences.
Ah, and what you ask is "an experience"? An experience is created by awareness and free-will of course, for without both characteristics there is nothing that is created, and I created you to be "Creators", just like Me, your Creator and Divine Parent...a term, Divine Parent that is, which is rarely used by you, My Children of Light Divine.
"Divine Parent"...what oh what could such a title mean? Don't be shy, this is not a difficult question, even for you who are lost in your Dream World of Humanness, on planet Earth. Divine Parent is a deity who creates offsprings, just like Itself.
Does this sound like you, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? You who find yourselves in human who believe fear and all of its stepchildren (negative emotions) are "Real" who believe you are not deities, but rather mortal, human beings. Oh my, by your own descriptions of yourselves, you are certainly not My Children..."Me", The Infinite Beingness, The Infinite Field, The Infinite Matrix of Consciousness...Living, Aware, Love, Pure Intelligence, and Perfect Peace.
Oh my, by your own definitions of yourselves, you are "nothing" like Me, so why on Earth are you called The Children of God, hmm? Oh...I know, many of you do not consider yourselves to be My Children, My Offsprings, but rather limited, mortal, fearful, human beings, who exist in a single dimension, when I Am "Everywhere", simultaneously, in all of the infiniteness of Creation, of multidimensionality.
Oh no, you must not be My Children, for what you consider yourselves to be, "human beings", does not sound anything like "Me", The Infinite Matrix of Love, from which all things arise...the proverbial Source of All, and yet, I refer to you as "My Children of Light Divine", do I not? surmise what this must mean, do you not, My Children of Light Divine, who are "pretending to be human beings"? You must not be who you perceive yourselves to be, but rather, are...let us say, seriously confused, seriously mistaken, seriously lost in your...your...what does your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph call it? Oh yes, lost in your Dream World of humanness, of physicality, fear consciousness, and "illusion" of separation from Me, The Creator and your Divine Parent.
Hmm...lost in your Dream World of, that explains a great many things, does it not, My Children of Light Divine, who have forgotten that you are only "pretending" to be human beings, for how else do you explain your true identities, hmm?
I, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is everywhere..."in" which you exist and live, refer to you as "My Children of Light Divine". So...your brother's description of you, My Children, as being temporary lost in your Dream World of Humanness, on a single planet, in one of the infinite dimensions you have to choose from, to create your experiences, sounds accurate to Me, with the understanding, "the Reality", that I Am All Knowing...Pure, Aware, "Intelligence".
Ah yes, accurate...indeed, which of course raises a series of questions, all of which have been answered, many times, within this, God's Blog, on, and also within the element of your brother's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, known this day, within your Dream World of Humanness, as his The Way of Mastery Trilogy.
Ah yes, The Way of Mastery Trilogy, the road map if you will, of your journey, your travels into your Dream World of Humanness, including how you will eventually exit your self-made Dream World of Humanness someday, when you tire of your creation, your illusion, your "non-reality of humanness" that you mistakenly refer to as "Reality".
Oh my, "your Reality"...humanness, fearful consciousness, and your illusion of separation from Who is "everywhere"..."Me", your Divine Parent. You truly are lost My Children, which of course is one of the reasons I have chosen to be "here" with you, in a physical extension of Self, on God's Blog, at, because many so-called human beings do not believe I exist, or that you are truly "My Children", My Offsprings, My Extensions of Self, and I Am but Love...Pure, Living, Aware, Infinite, LOVE...incomprehensible to your limited, illusion of Selves, and yet, in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother, "you can know, feel, and consciously embody Me"...part of Me...a portion of My Infinite Pure Love, while you continue to live and exist in your self-created Dream World of Humanness, within your temporary human forms.
"Wow", can you imagine "that", My Children of Light Divine...making the "shift in consciousness" from being a temporary, limited, mortal, human being an Immortal, Multidimensional, Knowing, Feeling, Extension of The Source of All, The Infinite Beingness of Love, "Me"?
"Look within" My Children....yes, please, as I have asked you many times here, on God's also suggested by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, within his The Way of Mastery..."look within", for all of the answers, to all of your questions.
Ah, but your ego's My Children, also known as fear consciousness, egoic judgmentalism, and your illusion of separation from all things, including Me, The Everywhereness of Love. It is called "individuality" on your planet Earth, in your Dream World of Humanness...your Dream World of separation from Creation. Why do you think we call your lives on planet Earth to be a "Dream World", My Children, hmm? Oh yes, indeed, within the very first lesson of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, he tells you, in black and white, that your lives as human beings are "just like your dreams", My Children. "Just like your dreams", your lives, on planet Earth, in your fearful human forms, separated from Me, your Creator, "The Creator", The Everywhereness of Love.
Do you believe that your dreams are "Real", My Children, hmm? Do you? When you are dreaming them, your dreams that is, they often seem to be "Real". Ah, but then, you "wake-up", My Chidren of Light Divine, and you realize that your dreaming was only an illusion of "Reality", rather than "Reality".
Is this journeying into humanness, which you have undertaken, not described using such terms, by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph? Is this not the same journey he traveled as a fellow human being, a journey in consciousness, from The Everywhereness of My Love, into human, fear consciousness...and then, back again to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love Consciousness, known by many other names, including Enlightenment, Creator Consciousness, and Oneness Consciousness?
Ah, but you are still dreaming your dream of, physical, mortal, fearful, humanness, including your dream of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, The Everywhereness of Love, "in which" you are dreaming your dreams, on planet Earth, in your temporary human forms.
I Am Your Parent...your Creator...gently touching your consciousness...your awareness...just as a human parent would gently touch the shoulder of a child having a bad dream...a very "Loving Touch" to awaken you to "Reality".
The "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love awaits you, My Children...awaits you as you dream your dream of limited, fearful, humanness. "You chose" to dream, "you chose" to enter your Dream World of Humanness, by exercising My gift to you, Conscious Awareness and Free-will.
The Sovereignty of your Souls, your Spirits, is "Sacred above all else", My Children. Thus, I will not force you to awaken from your Dream World of Humanness, of fearful consciousness, with your illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love. Oh no, "you chose" to enter your Dream World of Humanness, and so it must be you...and only you, "who chooses" to return to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, of Creator Consciousness, of Oneness Consciousness..."Oneness", indeed, for I Am Everywhere, "EVERYWHERE", even within your Souls, your Spirits.
Ah yes, so when you are ready to return to "Reality", "look within", as discovered and documented by Jeshua ben Joseph, for that is where he found Me, two thousand years ago. Oh yes, he turned on the proverbial light bulb within, and the darkness was no more...The Light, My Light, showed him The Way...The Way to Love and Perfect Peace, The Way to seeing and "feeling" Me in all things, even within your Dream World of Humanness.
Won't you follow him My Children...hmm? Follow him from the darkness, the fears, the pain and suffering, and into The Light of My Everywhereness of Love?
That is all...
Abba...your Divine Parent, The Everywhereness of Love...