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Good Morning My Children

Quiet Desperation

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Blog

Oh my, My Children of Light Divine, how are you on this new day, this new morning, hmm? Are you not making progress? Have you begun this new day with a little bit of a quicker step, livelier step, because you feel better about who you are, what you are doing, and why you are "here", on planet Earth, in your human costumes of physicality, of body and brains, hmm?

Probably not, for you are far too busy being lost in the hussle and bustle of just surviving in your environment of "pretend humanness" to notice how you are truly doing with all of your fears and little fears, those things you minimize, called "anxieties".

Oh yes, you minimize them all right, because you have conditioned yourselves into thinking, feeling, believing that your anxieties are "no big deal"...because they do not represent insurmountable hurdles in coping with your daily challenges...again, because you think they are "normal"

"Everyone has some anxieites", or so your therapists tell you, if they bother you enough to seek out some ideas on how to minimize you can focus on your bigger challenges, called "fears", which you attempt to downplay, because you have so many positive things going on in your lives. Besides, fears and anxieties are "normal", everyone has them, what's the "big deal", you have more important things to focus on, like your job, your relationships, your quality of Life, and on, and on, and on.  

Oh yes, that's right, try and minimize your fears and anxieties, that "secretly" are driving you, as you say, slowly and inevitably, "a little crazy"...but you can handle them, you always have, ever since you were a little child, a teenager, and now, a grown adult. 

Ah yes, "Life on planet Earth", as a human grand, because you are coping with your fears and "wonderful". Ah yes, and they never go away, not really...they are with you, as you sometimes say, 24/7, every moment of every day, every week, every year, every decade, in one form or another, "all of your lives"

And then, when you become older, some of you begin to wonder, first unconsciously, and then, consciously...what am I doing? Why am I here? What is my Life all about? Ah yes, what some of your fellow human beings refer to as "the Big Questions", because although you continue to survive, some may even tell yourselves that you are "getting ahead", "making real progress", because you have a bigger house, a nicer car, or whatever, that raises your opinion of yourselves, that society values you more now than twenty or thirty years ago. 

So, on you go, doing whatever you do, day after day, week after week, year after year, searching, and searching, and searching for all of those things you have "conditioned yourselves" to value, and yet, even after you have all of your "stuff", you continue to push yourselves, often unconsciously, to obtain more "stuff", and yet, it matters not what the stuff is, because you continue to search, and search, and search (sometimes not even realizing you are searching). 

Oh yes, humans are famous for your endless searching, for you search until the day you die, even though you may have convinced yourselves that everything is "okay", "normal", "all is well", because you are just doing what "everyone is doing"...what everyone is told is "the right way to live"

Oh yes, and when you finally give up, for one reason or another, and face the "Reality" of your demise, the event called "death", you push it down the road of Life as long as you possibly can. Why? "That", you are not quite sure about, most of the time, if you are honest with yourselves, for your fears and anxieties are still with you each day, as you continue to struggle with them. 

Oh yes, the names may change, but you are greeted each morning, afternoon, and evening with the "Reality" that your searching for a better way to live never really goes away...not really, so you search, and search, and search. 

Oh yes, and you often pay very close attention to the people who tell you that they have figured out how to improve theirs lives, and you should too, by following them. Oh yes, your commercials are endless, and generally address everyone of your fears and anxieties, in one way or another.

Oh yes, so even though your lives are almost over, which is a "Reality" your ego's have a very difficult time admitting, your searching for whatever will provide a modicum of peace, so you can stop your searching, your striving...the pushing of yourselves, goes no, and on, and on...  

The End..."end", I don't think so, as your fears and anxieties "never end", not completely, not really. You may have the maturity to accept that "Reality", that you are never without your fears and anxieties, which is why you continue to search for "True Peace"...and the cycle goes on, and on, and on...searching, and searching, and searching...even when your searching only occurs in your mental and emotions functions...why? Because your body has basically "worn out", and the physical aspect of your searching is simply no longer possible. 

Ah yes, what is the state called? "Quiet desperation", as you face your death's each morning, as you look at yourselves in your mirrors, and face the "Reality" that your searching is ongoing, and yet, you are unable to fully engage...forced to ask the Big Questions once again, and again, and again

Oh yes, your ego's continue to provide some answers, all in a useless attempt, over, and over, and answer your Big Questions. They, your ego's, may temporarily provide an answer or two that temporarily halts your searching, but "the temporary" does not last for very long. Why? Because your ego's do not have the answers to your Big Questions...they never have, never will, and yet, you continue to believe them, your ego's that is, day after day, week after week, and year after year

Curious thing really, your ego's lie to you for your entire lives, and yet, you never "call them" on their "endless lying". Oh no, you just keep listening to those feelings, those little voices "within", which are often not so little.

Oh yes, but the lies your ego tells you generally parallel or mirror the same lies everybody elses ego's tell them, in one way or another, so you believe them, because in your "quiet desperation", either consciously or unconsciously, what else is there for you to do?

Yes, My Children of Light Divine, what else is there for you to do, believe the endless lies of your ego's or what? What? That is the "Reality" that few face, in the form of "I am not believing my ego any more". How often have you heard "that", My Children, hmm? "I am not believing my ego any more because I have found someone who came to the same realization, "dissolved their ego", put an end to all the lies, and found The Source of Truth, The Source of "Real Answers" to the Big Questions...including the answer to how to obtain True, Lasting, "Real Peace"

Hmm...have you seen any commercials with that message on your streaming services, hmm? How to dissolve your ego's, put an end to all the internal lies, and lead you to "True Peace", hmm? Do you know of any one who offers such a program, hmm? 

He tried to tell you what he discovered, two thousand years ago, "but no", you did not believe him, because your ego's overruled him and his path to "True Peace", ego's made up some new lies, so they could "retain control of your lives"

He tried to tell you again, a few decades ago. He even channeled how he dissolved his ego and lived in "True Peace" (The Way of Mastery), and again, your ego's lied to you, on how to implement his teachings...just as your ego's continue to lie to you this day..."it's not possible to do what that one tells you, you can do...not really, besides, he was special, better than you...far better, so don't waste your time, our time...we will find another way, an easier way to live, another way to find True Peace"

"Really" My Children, your ego's have lied to you for your entire Life, Life after Life, incarnation after incarnation...after incarnation, and you are actually going to turn your back on the person who actually lived in "True Peace", documented how he dissoved his ego, and discovered all the answers to all of your Big Questions? "Really", True Peace is not worth the effort, your ego's tell you, by telling you that you are not "special enough" to do what he did, even though he tells you are "equal with him", and that you can do everything he did...and more? 

Who are you going to believe? Your ego's within, who have lied to you "forever", or your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph? 

Are you not tired of the lies? Are you not tired of your searching? Are you not tired of your fears and anxieties? 

"True Peace" My Children..."True Peace" awaits you...when you finally get tired of your ego's.

That is all...

Abba, The Source of All...your Creator...



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