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Good Morning My Children

..."educated and aware" of Me, your Creator

Friday, November 15, 2024 Blog

"The Children of God"...My Children of Light Divine, in whom I Am well pleased, indeed. Another new day has arrived on your Mother Earth, as each one has, time and time again, for thousands of years...and here you are, and here you will remain, until you desire to leave this all behind you, My Children of Light Divine. 

You will decide when this "human experience" has been enough. Oh yes, indeed...for although many attempt to place such a responsibility on Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, The Source of All, it will be you My Children, who will decide that you have had enough of fear consciousness, and its ilusion of separation from Me, "Abba", the name given to Me by your brother, one Jeshua ben Joseph. 

Ah yes, Jeshua ben Joseph, translated as Jeshua, son of Joseph. A name, a title as it were, and is, that many try to avoid in favor of the prevailing Christian title of The Only Son of God. "The only", how amusing, when there are billions that inhabit your planet Earth, in your Dream World of non-reality, of illusion, of not-Me, which of course means "you exist and live in an illusion", as you have been told...time, and time again. Oh yes, first within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy, and now, in the past few years, "here", on My Blog, on 

It appears, the "Truth" that is, to have had very minimal affect, for not much has changed...indeed. If you are waiting for some bolt of Heavenly Lightning to strike you all, and awaken you to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, you have a very, very, very long wait, indeed...for there is no bolt event to awaken you from the descriptions of your status quo that have been, and will continue to be, delivered "in Love". 

Oh yes, My Children, delivered in Love yesterday, today, and regularly in your future, until "you decide" you have had enough of this Dream World of Humanness...of physicality, fear consciousness (also known as egoic consciousness and egoic judgmentalism), and Grand Illusion of Separation from Me, your Creator

Oh yes, "it is all an illusion", My Children, My Creation, My infinite number of Souls...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love. Oh yes, indeed, for it is "impossible" for you to be anywhere..."anywhere", in all of Creation, and not also find Me present, and yet, here you are, in your Dream World of Humanness, dreaming away as it were, within your illusion of separation from that, from "Who", you can never be separated from..."Me", The Infinite Everywhereness of Love, for whom you search, and search, and search.

How very ironic, is it not, My Children of Light Divine? You search for Love and True Peace, and yet, that for which you search for is the very same thing (or Whom) you exist "within"...always have...always will...for eternity. The end...

Yes, My Children, My Spirits of Love, "The End", for "within" The Infinite Field of Love, "within" The Infinite Beingness of Me, is your destination, "for eternity"

How is that possible, you say? How can anyone be "EVERYWHERE"...and yet, do not the fish live in the sea...or ocean in which they live and breathe...hmm...the analogy Jeshua ben Joseph used to describe your fate for eternity, two thousand years ago, known as the Parable of the Fish...a victim as it were, of the editing process of his Life and Teachings, which are known as your Gospels of The New Testament. 

Yes, My Children, Jeshua ben Joseph compared humanity to fish, living in the Infinite Ocean of Me, "everywhere ", in which you exist. Oh yes, for a literal version of this edited parable, this "deleted" Parable of the Fish (from your New Testament), all you need to do is read the Christ Consciousness Meditation within this site, 

Oh yes, My Children, simply read Jeshua ben Joseph's original words of two thousand years ago, within this internet site, which he used to answer the question: Where is The Creator? And of course, the simple answer is "EVERYWHERE", and yet, his students, his followers of two thousand years ago, could not comprehend such an answer as simply "EVERYWHERE", so he used the parable to graphically describe your "Reality", My Children of Light Divine..."your Reality".     

Today, in this so called modern era, with the benefits of your quantum physics, much more accurate terminology can be used to describe "where I Am". Oh yes, indeed...and to this end, Jeshua ben Joseph, within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, used such terms as Infinite Ocean of Love, Infinite Field of Love, Infinite Matrix of Love, and Infinite Beingness of Love, to describe My location, for I Am Love, and I Am "EVERYWHERE", literally, even within your Souls', within your Spirits', within your very "Beingness".  

Oh yes, My Children, you search, and search everywhere, and yet, you see Me not, even though I Am "EVERYWHERE"...even in your mirrors, in which you gaze each morning, this morning, when you all awaken from your night's sleep. 

Ah, and your ego's tell you how very intelligent and evolved you are, in this current era, and "your creation", your ego's, fail to see Me, Who is literally "EVERYWHERE". Oh yes, evolved are you, My Children, hmm? How evolved can you be, if a Soul, who walked your Earth two thousand years ago, must return (in the form of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings) to tell you where you can find that for which you have always searched, "LOVE", for "That" is what I Am...always have been, always will be. 

Yes, My Children of Light Divine, that is our topic this fine new day, on your Mother Earth. How evolved could your ego's be, if you search for that, or in this case, "Who" is "EVERYWHERE"...hmm? 

Oh yes, I like the sound of that. How smart can you be, My Children of Light Divine, if you continually search for Who is "EVERYWHERE"? you see now? A little humor My Children...which is why Jeshua ben Joseph descibes your state of humanness as a "Dream World", for even your ego's understand that dreams are not "Real", but rather, elaborate illusions of "Reality"

Yes My Children, your Deam World of Humanness, of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Source of All, is not "Real", unless of course you become educated and aware of "Reality" (every moment of everyone of your days on planet Earth), that you exist and live "within" Me, as part of Me, an aspect or extension of Me...are a few of the terms your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, has used within his The Way of Mastery. 

Well, My Children of Light Divine, what will it be? Are you going to go forward "educated and aware" of Me, your Creator, or remain as you are this day, in your Dream World of Humanness, hopelessly lost in your self-created illusion of non-reality, of non-Love?

Oh yes, My Children, Dream World of non-Love, of your illusion of humanness, for you created your version of Love as a substitute for My Love, "Real Love", "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE", when you created your various versions of limited, human, egoic, "conditional Love". Yes, My Children, you have been settling for "conditional Love", for your entire stay on Mother Earth. Jeshua ben Joseph refers to your Loves as "idols", where you project your Love "within" on various objects, including your fellow Spirits of Love, masquerading as physical, limited, dreaming, human beings. 

Yes, My Children, "dreaming human beings", one and all, until you "awaken" to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love.  

That is all...

Abba, your Creator, The Everywhereness of "Unconditional Love"...



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