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Good Morning My Children

Teachings of Enlightenment

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 Blog

The Children of Abba, also "The One" humanity refers to as "God", The Creator, bids you all a warm and Loving greeting of "good morning" on this new day in your dimension of space and time, on the planet known as Earth. What shall I discuss this day, with My Creation, known as The Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine? What do I discuss most mornings on My Blog, on

Yes, My Children of Light Divine, the topic of "how you awaken from your Dream World of separation from Me" is once again our topic, on this fine new day on planet Earth.   

"How you awaken from your Dream World of illusions and delusions" you awaken to the "Reality of Love", rather than continue as you have, for the millennia, lost in your illusion of humanness...fear-based humanness, also known as egoic judgmentalism, "the illusion of duality" at its finest, for you have conditioned yourselves into believing, living, and owning your Grand Illusion of separation from Me, The Creator of All, is your "Reality", at least for the time being, unless you are fortunate enough to join Me in the place you refer to as "the afterlife". 

And of course, there are many so-called humans who subscribe to the belief that there is no afterlife, and from one perspective, I would have to agree with this segment of your population, for the simple reason that there is "no after" in your lives, for I created you to be "Immortal". Thus, you are "always alive", in one form or another, in one dimension or another, so there is "no after" in Life, but rather, only the "ongoingness" of your Souls, your Spirits of Love

Oh yes, My Children, let us once again attempt to put an end to that illusion within your Dream World of Humanness...your ilusion of death, for you, you Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, never die, but rather simply experience shifting from one or more dimensional experiences to another, and another, and another, "forever".   

"No death", My Children of Light Divine..."oh boy", we just eliminated one of your endless fears, but don't be concerned, for you have plenty of other fears and anxieties to dominate the balance of your current incarnation into humanness...and the next, and the next, until you become thoroughly tired of your endless fears and anxieties, which you apparaently have not yet arrived at...tired of your fears and anxieties that is, for you continue to create incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation, into your Dream World of Humanness

Oh yes, My Children, for you were never interested in experiencing just one incarnation into your Dream World of Humanness. Oh no, indeed...for you desired to experience "everything" possible that could condition you into believing that your Dream World of fears and anxieties was "Reality", rather than just a temporary state of being. Yes, yes, of course, this "non-reality" of humanness, of physical, fear consciousness, with its Grand Illusion of separation from Me...The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, sometimes referred to as "Oneness Consciousness", for I Am truly "Everywhere"...The Infinite Beingness of Love, in the words of your brother and dear friend, one Jeshua ben Joseph. 

Ah yes, Jeshua ben Joseph, the fellow Spirit of Love you have proclaimed to be The Only Son of God, or so says your Holy Bible., what kind of Creator would I be if I "birthed My-Self" only once? Who would there be for that one Child of God to play with, hmm? No, no...not unless there was a "dividing up" of that One, single Spirit of Love.

Oh yes, what a Creation that would be, a Big Bang of My one offspring, the Big Bang of Consciousness It-Self, for then, My Children of Light Divine, you would be one of an infinite number of Souls, or parts of the Original Soul, the original Spirit of Love.  

Oh course, I know, you have heard this all before, if you have studied The Way of Mastery, by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph. "Studied"? Well, maybe just read, for few have actually "studied and practiced" Jeshua's The Way of Mastery Trilogy...The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation, and The Way of Knowing. "Studied and practiced", as suggested by Jeshua ben Joseph, whereby it becomes the basis to dissolve all of your fears and anxieties. "No", there is no such group, for to date, most simply pretend that they "study and practice", and of course something your ego's excel at...discussing changes you would like to make, that you fantasize about making, that some even claim they have made, and yet, like, fantasize, and claim, do not equate to "know, experience, and live".   

"Know, experience, and live", My Children of Light Divine...why is that, hmm? Why do you choose to only like, fantasize, and claim, you live the teachings of enlightment, by your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, hmm? Or, then again, some of you don't even get "that far"...oh no, for you claim the teachings are far too challenging for who have grown to be far too comfortable with all of your fears and anxieties to ever commence the dissolution process thereof.   

Besides...besides My Children of Light Divine, you have been lost for so long in your Dream World of Humanness...your Dream World of fears, anxieties, and illusion of separation from Me, that you now proclaim your Dream World is "Reality". "Reality" My Children..."really", you proclaim your Dream World of fears and anxieties is "Reality". 

Oh my, whatever are you going to do to awaken from your Dream World of Humanness, My Children, hmm? Are there any serious students of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery with us this morning? Oh yes, for they know the answer to My question..."anyone"...any Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirit of Love wish to come forward this morning, on your planet Earth?

Ah...but to what end...for Jeshua ben Joseph delivered his The Way of Mastery to humanity decades ago. Oh yes, the manual of how you dissolve all of your fears and anxieites has been available, but you, humanity, have been far too busy being lost in your humanness to pay attention, to learn, to realize, to experience, to practice "living fearlessly"

Living without fears and anxieties My this not a state of consciousness that is attractive to you, hmm? Living fearlessly, in a state of Perfect Peace, and Loving, Oneness Consciousness, rather than your current state of egoic, fear consciousness, which is dominated by all of your self-created fears and anxieites, plus your illusion of aloneness and separation. 

Oh my, I know the answer to My questions, as do your brothers and sisters, who abide with Me in "Bliss", in the "Real World". 

No more excuses My Children, the path Jeshua ben Joseph discovered to My Real World of Perfect Peace, and Loving, Oneness Consciousness is available to you all, when you can no longer stand all of your fears and anxieties..."can no longer stand your fears and anxieties" My Children of Light Divine, is the answer to one of My earlier questions...which simply means you are well on your way to experiencing a deeper, more illusionary state of fear consciousness...which of course includes your illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love.

Until that day, My Children of The Light Divine...until that fateful day...

That is all...

Abba, The Infinte Beingness of Love... 



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