"Our" Everywhereness of Love My Children
Ah, another new day on Mother Earth...another day for all of humanity to "pretend" they are something that they truly are not...a limited, fearful, physical race of beings, who know not the "Bliss" of True Love and Perfect Peace...the Bliss of abiding by My side, "consciously", within The Everywhereness of My Infinite, Everywhereness of Love.
Oh...a little overdone you say, with two "Everywherenesses". My, my...My Children of The Light Divine, how is it possible to overdo The Infinite, Everywhereness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...Pure Intelligence and Infinite Awareness...Pure Potentiality and Divine Humility, how...how is that possible, and still, some of your ego's judge Me, as you judge most everything you encounter in your daily lives, for that, "judgment", is one of the few things that your ego's truly excel at.
Oh yes, your sense of good or bad, right or wrong, is an almost endless everywhereness of egoic judgmentalism, or so it seems within your experiential dimension of humanism, of non-Me, non-Reality, non-Love, also known as the very limited dimension of "fear consciousness", your make-believe substitute for the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, sometimes referred to as My Kingdom...The Kingdom of Heaven, as though it is some special place, limited in many ways, obtainable only with some specific requirements.
Oh, how wrong you are, My Children of Light Divine, for how can there be requirements to enter into My very Beingness, if It...if I Am literally "Everyhwere"...for you are perpetually by My Side, literally. Oh yes, "literally" by My Side, within My Everywhereness of Love, only you have chosen to temporarily forget your "perpetual Reality" by creating a substitute, a make-believe place, an illusion, a Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness, where separation from Me, your Creator, is perceived (in error), as "normal", as so-called "Reality".
Oh my...my, my...does that not describe your illusion of "Reality", your substitute for My Everywhereness of Love, which "you chose" to leave, in a manner of speaking, rather than in "Reality", for how can anyone, anywhere, leave something, or in this case, someone, who is literally "Everywhere", and that something, that someone, is "Me", your Creator and Divine Parent.
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, this is our subject, once again, this morning, on your tiny planet in space and time, in your so-called physical dimension, within the Infinite Dimensionality of Creation, of My proverbial "Beingness", for I Am Love, and I Am literally "Everywhere".
You cannot go anywhere..."anywhere", My Children of Light Divine, and not find Me already present, unless of course "you have created" some type of illusion, some limited non-Reality, some perception of "Reality", which of course, is not "Reality", but rather, only the perception thereof..."Reality" that is.
This illusion, this non-Reality, this mistaken perception of "Reality" of which I, your Creator, speak of this morning, this new day on your planet Earth, is what your brother and friend, one Jeshua ben Joseph, refers to by many names, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, more specifically within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, as your Dream World, your Impossible Dream, your non-Reality, your illusion, your substitute from My Kingdom, and on, and on, and on.
Oh yes, My Children, My Creation, My Extensions of Self, your brother makes your creation, "your creation" My Children, quite definitively within his Contemporary Teachings as many things, using many words and labels, but "Reality" is definitely not one of them. Oh no, for how can a Dream World be "Reality", when it is only a so-called Dream, an elaborate illusion of "Reality", which you use as a substitute for "Reality". Oh yes, for in your illusion of humanness, you even call and believe your Dream World of Humanness is in fact "Reality"..."Reality" My Children, "really", how creative...the creation of the illusion of non-Me, of non-Love (egoic, fear consciousness), which you then immerse yourselves within, all "for the experience".
Oh yes, My Children, "for the experience", for when you are "Immortal", and I assure you that you are, for I created you in "My Image"...your perspective, your desires, are quite different...one could even say "the opposite", of what your perception of "Reality" is within your Dream World of Humanness. Oh yes, My Children, for you were curious about what it would be like to experience non-Me, non-Love, non-Bliss, which motivated you to create your grand illusion of egoic, fear consciousness, within an experiential dimension of physicality, of time and space, of "Humanness" My Children, on your planet Earth, within your Grand Illusiuon of Separation from Me, The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love.
Oh yes, indeed...quite the limitation of your Infinite Awareness, which of course includes your perpetual awareness of Me, your Creator, and I Am Love, I Am "Oneness" It-Self, for I Am "Everywhere", even within your Soul's, your Spirit's, and your illusion of Self, more apprppriately labeled as the limitations and illusion of your physical, human forms...unless of course you are presently in your illusion, your self-created non-Reality, your Dream World of Humanness...for then...then, My Children of The Light Divine, your ego's, your illusions of Self, your "perception" of separation from Me, your Creator, your non-Reality of fear consciousness, is perceived to be "Real", rather than, a temporary, limited, "Dream World of non-Reality"...a Dream World of separation from Who is "Everywhere", Who of course is "Me", and I Am but Love.
Ah yes, and how do you describe your current state My Children, from your limited, illusionary, non-Reality of egoic, fear consciousness...within your human forms...Spirits of Love who "perceive" they are confined to the limitations of a physical, human body? Now, if that is not an illusion, the illusion of all illusions, I do not know what is, which of course is "impossible", for I Am "All Knowing"...a little humor there My Children.
Ah yes, "humor", something you could certainly use more of My Children, for when you are in your Dream World of Humanness, your Dream World of separation from Me, your Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness, you instantly become lost in your illusion of "Reality", of fears and anxieties, thereby becoming lost in the seriousness of fears and anxieties, of your illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love.
Indeed...a new perspective My Children...you could benefit from a new, less serious, "Lighter", outlook. Yes, I know, such a shift in perspective will be what you sometimes refer to as "a stretch", but stretch you must, "if" you ever desire to put an end to your fears and anxieties, to once again abide "consciously" within My Everywhereness of Love...the place it is "impossible" for you to leave, and yet, is it not where you perceive yourselves to exist, within your Dream World of Humanness?
Consider this new perspective My Children, which I might add, was first described in your brother's The Way of Mastery..."you played a joke on yourselves", by creating, and then, becoming lost in your Dream World of fear consciousness...Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love.
Yes, My Children, it is long overdue that you "Lighten Up", and view your Dream World of fears and anxieties as a joke you played on yourselves, which you knew "going in" you would eventually "wake up" from, to experience the Bliss of Perfect Union with Me, once again....yes, "once again" My Children, for I created you as an extension of Self, as part of Me, as an aspect of Me, and I Am The Everywhereness of Love...which makes you "what" My Children...hmm?
Is it not time for you to "wake up" to the "Reality" of "Our" Everywhereness of Love?
That is all...
Abba, The Everywhereness of Love