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Good Morning My Children

The ongoing movie of the Human Dream World

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 Blog

"Good morning" once again My Children of Light Divine, for it is a new day on your Mother Earth to explore your creation of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Great Mystery, The Infinite Field (or matrix if you prefer that term) of Pure Love. Oh yes, My Children, who call yourselves "human beings", on one tiny planet, in the infiniteness of Creation. "Here" we are once again, on God's Blog, on, to see if we can strike the right tone, message, and sense of urgency that would motivate you all to "awaken" from your Dream World

Oh yes, awaken to the "Reality" of My Infinite Love is your eventual destination, once you have had your fill of your illusion of humanness that is. For many of you, that eventual awakening lies off many incarnations from now, in your future, in your dimension of space and time. your future My Children of Light Divine, and yet, in the interim you journey to the dimension of The Reality of My Infinite Love each time you pass from your Dream World of Humanness to what many refer to as "the afterlife"..."physical death" is one term, as is "the Life between Life dimension", more commonly known as The Spiritual Realm, where you abide in a dimension of non-physicality, non-fear consciousness, and non-illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. 

No illusion of separation from Me, My Children of Light Divine. What do you make of that description for your "Lives Between Lives" on planet Earth, within your Dream World of Humanness. No separation from the "Reality" of My Infinite, Everywhereness of Love to once again resume your status of being completely and totally lost in your illusion of humanness, which Jeshua ben Joseph has so appropriately called your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness (also known as egoic consciousness) and illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love

Oh yes, My Children, "The Everywhereness of Love" is one of many names, descriptions as it were, for your Creator, here on God's Blog, within the internet site known as, the internet site devoted to your awakening to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love. Oh yes, "impossible", many of your egos say, masquerading as My Children of Light Divine. "Impossible" is a term your temporary race of humanness has grown to apply to so many things My Children, that are many things...however, "impossible" is certainly not one of them you should use to describe "your eventual and inevitable destination"...Perfect, Conscious, Union with Me, The Everywhereness of Love.  

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your "game" of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from My Everywhereness of Love. Oh yes, My Children, you read correctly, "game", for that is the essence of what "you created"...a game to see how lost you could become from My Everywhereness of Love...a "game" where you choose, "you choose" My Children..."you choose" to attempt to experience everything possible within your Dream World that can distract you from knowing, feeling, and living within, and part of, My Everywhereness of Love

"Part of" My Everywhereness of Love, My Children, for if I Am "Everywhere", and I assure you that I Am, as does Jeshua ben Joseph, within his extensive manual on How to Awaken to The Reality of My Everywherenss of Love, also entitled The Way of Mastery Trilogy, then, you too, in a manner of speaking, are also "everywhere"...for if you are part of the great, Infinite Ocean of Love, are you not also "everywhere"?

Oh yes, for how can you be part of, and connected to, The Everywhereness of My Love, and not be "everywhere"? "Impossible" your egos will tell you, for if you, hypothetically, are part of an apple, you are not everywhere the whole apple is...correct? Is this not the so-called logic your egos would use to debate Me, The Everywhereness of Love?

Of course it is...however, your egos, as usual, are missing a key part of this puzzle, My Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, indeed...your egos live and exist in non-reality, non-Everywherenss of Love, where the limitations of egoic, fear consciousness, tell you a great many things that are simply "not so"..."not true"..."not Reality".   

What is it again, what term, what description do you use to describe someone who does not live in "Reality", My Children of Light Divine, but rather, exists in an illusion, in a Dream World, in a fantasy experiential dimension, where The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love does not reign supreme, but rather, where all of the dark emotions and anxieties, the so-called stepchildren of fear consciousness are "perceived to be Real"? Yes, My Children, what do you call someone who does not live in "Reality", but rather, in illusion and delusion?

Go look in one of your mirrors My Children. Do you see an Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirit of you see a mortal, limited, human being, within the dimension of space and time, who believes fear and dark emotions are "Real", along with no perpetual, conscious, relationship with Me, your Creator, The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love?

You are a human being, correct? Well then, My Children of Light Divine, you are seeing an illusion, a non-reality, that your egos are telling you is "Real". "Real" My you see how lost in your Dream World of Humanness that you truly are...hmm? 

Hypothetically, let us say you are an actor in one of your big screen movies, and you just finished the last scene in the movie. Oh yes, you are in full costume and makeup, that accurately portrays "the part you are playing in the movie". When you look in a mirror, are you seeing "Reality" or non-reality...your true identity and illusion, a make-believe identity? 

Ah...your eyes tell you one thing, and yet, "Reality" tells you something else, does it not, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? This is the "same mistake" your egos make every moment, of every day, of every week, of every human incarnation!

Oh yes, for if you trace your living, knowing, conscious, "Self"...if you trace the path of your Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Selves back to the Life Between Life Dimension, you will find your true identites, and you will not have on your human costumes. Oh no, My Children, you will find Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love...for if you are truly "My Children", and I assure you that you are, would you not be "created in My Image"? Oh yes, indeed...even your Holy Bible says so, a document flawed in a great many ways, and yet, some truths can be found therein. 

"Incomprehensible" My Children of Light Divine..."incomprehensible" to any human ego, who lives and breathes in your Dream World of Humanness, just as one of your of your "characters" lives and breathes in one of your big screen movies, and yet, those "characters" are not "Real", are they, My Children...hmm? 

Are the identities your egos tell you are real..."Real", hmm? You know, the names you use to identify your temporary, human body-brains. One could make the same argument that those Beings of Love and Light Divine, that so many have remembered in the Life after physical death dimension, are "Real"...whereas, your temporary human body-brains are simply "costumes" you put on, for your "temporary part" in your Big Screen of Humanness production, on planet Earth...the ongoing movie of the Human Dream World

That is all...

Abba...The Incomprehensible, Everywhereness of Love 



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