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Good Morning My Children

Oh yes, your first priority is to continue to be insane...

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 Blog

Ah...another "good morning" has come to be "here", on Mother Earth, and not much has changed, in far too many ways, than what was, and is, the so-called staus quo. The proverbial Dream World of Humanness just continues on, as it has for the millennia. Humanity points to all of the accomplishments from the way "The Dream" once was, and yet, in terms of "the dreaming The Dream" of physicality, fear consciousness, and the illusion of separation from Me, The Creator, nothing of substance has been accomplished. As some of My Children of Light might say this morning, "zero" has changed in the last two thousand years. 

Indeed, and you may ask why I point to the last two thousand years of dreaming your Dream of Humanness, and My Children, pretending to be human, have changed so little from the concluding incarnation of the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph. 

Ah yes, your brother, friend, and equal, who discovered how to awaken from your Dream of Humanness, and then, attempted to pass on this knowledge of awakening, only to have the "species changing information" lost in The Dream, the illusion, the experiential dimension of humanness

"Lost" My Children of Light Divine, because you were not yet ready to awaken from your self-created Dream World of Humanness, which in many ways, just became a deeper sleep, a deeper illusion, for even today, two thousand years later, after he delivered a written and audio version of the steps of awakening he discovered, "you", My Children of Light Divine, continue to dream away, not recognizing that you are in fact living in a fantasy rather than "Reality".  

Oh yes, dreaming away are who are convinced you are physical, fearful beings, in an illusion of separation from your Creator. You are so very busy dreaming in your Dream World of Humanness, where fear and all dark emotions are perceived to be "Reality", that you do not have the time or the inclination to take any meaningful steps in pursuing the path of "enlightenment", which has been spelled out for you. 

We, on the "other side" of consciousness, within the Real World of the Spiritual Realm, marvel at your apparent lack of interest in following your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph. Oh yes, "marvel", at the depth of your Dream State, even when the proverbial door to your living, conscious, relationship with your Creator is wide and yet, humanity enters not. Oh no, you just continue to dream away, pretending to play your fearful "Game of Humanness", when the "Reality of Love" awaits you. 

Oh yes, My Children, The Reality of My Love awaits you, and you dream away, lost in your Dream World of Humanness, of fear and suffering, of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love. "The Everywhereness of Love" My Children...can you not even imagine what those words mean, and hold for you...and yet, "you choose" to go on playing your Game of Humanness, on a planet called "Earth". 

A game where all of your fears and anxieties are perceived to be "Real", rather than the illusions that they truly are. Oh yes, indeed, and you perceive The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love is simply "not possible", "not Reality", even when Jeshua ben Joseph, and your Creator, tell you that your perception of "Reality" is insanity

Oh yes, My Children, for the true test of insanity is when those who are insane, and those be "you" My Children, believe, and live, and own their insanity as though it is not insanity, but rather "Reality". In the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, "insanity seem sane to those who are insane"

Ah yes, and this is once again My message to you all on planet Earth on this new day, this new morning on Mother Earth. You are all insane, who profess that your insanity is sane

As can only be expressed in your human vernacular, "how do you like those apples", hmm? How do you like to hear, over, and over, and over again that your insanity seems to be sane to you, humanity, who are all insane, "if" your think, and believe, and live as though you are human beings.  

"Human Beings", really..."really", you believe you are human beings, on a planet called Earth, when there is so much evidence to the contrary? "So much evidence to the contrary" My Children of Light Divine, and yet, ninety-nine plus percent of your population does not even blink, all because you are too busy pretending you are human beings...too busy being lost in your Dream World of Humanness...too busy playing your Game of of pretending insanity is "Reality", that you ignore My message of "Reality". Oh yes, you ignore the message of your Creator over, and over, and over again.   

"You chose" not to believe Jeshua ben Joseph, not enough to actually study and practice his contemporary teachings until you awaken from your Dream World of Humanness to the "Reality of My Everywhereness of Love". Oh no My Children, some of you have chosen to just study and practice selected portions of his contemporary teachings, to satisfy your egos, rather than study and practice the literal meaning of his pathway to the "Reality of My Everywhereness of Love".   

What does that tell you My Children, hmm? It tells us, on the "other side", in the Real World, that your first priorrity is to remain in your Dream World of Humanness, rather that to join us in the "Reality of My Everywhereness of Love", while you still occupy your temporary forms...your human body-brains

Oh yes, your first priority is to continue to be continue believing, and living, and owning that all fears and anxieties are "Reality", rather than the illusions that they truly are. Now My Children, if that is not "insane", what would you call it? What would you call having your Dream World of fears and anxieties as a higher priority than once again experiencing the "Bliss" of Perfect Union with your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love?

Ah, the search goes on for the words that might motivate you to make the shift back to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, but to no avail. And if this is your chosen way to exist, to live...then, I will convey your eventual destination, My Children of Light Divine. 

While your ego's (fear consciousness) convince you that you are moving in a positive direction, as your ego's have done ever since your arrival on planet Earth, you will experience increasing levels of fear, anxieties, and suffering. Oh yes, My Children, the egoic lies will be ongoing, and you will believe the lies, incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation until...until you simply cannot stand it any longer. And when that day arrives, return here, to, and we, your Family of Love, will show you The Way to The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...The Infinite Field..."incomprehensible", and yet, "Reality".

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Field of Love...





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