My Children, Who are part of Me, and within Me, for all of eternity.
My Children..."My Children" you know how such words make Me feel, hmm? Of course you don't. How could you, hmm? You are all still "dreaming" you are human beings, in fear consciousness (egoic consciousness), believing and living in your illusion of separation from your Creator and Divine Parent. "Divine Parent" My Children of The Light Divine...My Light Divine, "infinite" as I Am.
No, My Children, you are not aware of how those words make Me feel, nor will you, until you awaken from your Dream World of Humanness and join with Me once again, in Perfect Union. "Perfect Union", My Children of Light Divine, don't you remember...remember how things once were (and will be again) when you were conscious in our relationship of Pure Love, Pure Intelligence, and Perfect...Perfect Peace? Ah yes, and I know the answer to My own question, for your memories of such a state of consciousness remain buried deep within your Souls, your Spirits, for that is what you truly are, Immortal Spirits of Love, My Children.
Ah yes, and a time will even come, in your dimension of space and time, where millions will remember what will always be, and always is, even though you are temporarily dreaming your Dream of Humanness, "for the experience"....the experience of non-Love, non-Bliss, of non-union with with Me, your Creator, which your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, describes as your "illusion of separation" from that which you can never truly be separated from, and "that" of course is Me, your so-called Divine Parent, in the words of some, who have tried to refer to Me with a name, a title, that more closely describes our relationship, our eternal relationship, that will, and is, going on forever..."forever" My Children of Light Divine.
Michael has a humorous saying, which always brings a smile to his face, "eternity is a long time". A long time, indeed, for although you find yourselves on planet Earth, temporarily dreaming away in your Dream of Separation from Me, your Creator, your Dream of Humanness will eventually come to an end, My Children of Light Divine.
Oh yes, for all will eventually tire of your current state of consciousness, which goes by many names...illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, fear consciousness, egoic consciousness, egoic judgmentalism, Dream of Separation, and on, and on, and on. Oh yes, My Children, and what you ask will bring an end to your "illusion" of separation from your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, Pure Consciousness, and Pure Intelligence? You will, My Children, Who are part of Me, within Me, for all of eternity.
Oh yes, we have covered this before, many times, as has your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, within his "road map" back to The Reality of Love, that you know as The Way of Mastery Trilogy...The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation, and The Way of Knowing.
Oh yes, I have spoken of this precious knowledge many times, "here", on, within the section so appropriately labeled as "God's Blog", which of course is My Blog...your Creator's Blog.
Ah yes, the tradition of My Blog has now been well established, and will remain intact, for the duration of your Dream World of Humanness, which unlike our eternal relationship, will definitely come to an end. Oh yes, My Children, for all things of physicality have a beginning and an ending, as do your human forms...your human body-brains.
Our relationship, our Perfect Union, will have no such ending, My Children of Light Divine, for you are "part of Me" the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, within The Way of Mastery, you are all "aspects of Me", The Great Mystery, The Infinite Beingness of Love, in which all of Creation abides. What is your word, My Children of Light Divine, as you dream away in your Dream World of temporary humanness, to describe Me? Yes, of course, "incomprehensible", Me, The Great Mystery of The "Everywhereness" of Love.
Oh yes, I enjoy that one, that name, The Everywhereness of Love, in which all of Creation abides. Makes you "feel" like you are missing something, does it not, My Children of Light Divine, as you dream away in your Dream of Separation from Who you can never, ever, truly be separated from...hmm?
Oh yes, which is why you keep searching, and searching, and searching for True Peace, incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation, My Children of Light Divine. And yet, you have yet to remember that your searching for True Peace is actually a search for what you have never truly lost, and that would be our Perfect Union, for it resides "within" you My Children.
Oh yes, My Children, your Dream World of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love, is but an illusion of egoic, fear consciousness, for where there is awareness of Self, of your Creator, of our eternal union, there is "Pure Love Consciousness"...and where we are, even if you have lost it "within", there can be no fear. As you say, "impossible".
"Impossible" My Children..."impossible" for your fears and anxieties to be "Real", for what mirage in a desert is "Real", what nightmare in your temporary state of humanness is "Real", and most importantly, how can your "illusion" of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, be "Real" if I Am "Everywhere"?...and I Am but Love My Children...and how can there be fear, where there is Pure Love, hmm? "Impossible"...
Fear not, for when your fears and anxieties are great enough, you will be motivated to follow your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, for he discovered The Way to Love...The Way to Perfect Union with Me, and I Am but Love.
That is all...
Abba, your Creator...The Everywhereness of Love...