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Good Morning My Children

Languish in your illusion of victimhood

Friday, October 18, 2024 Blog oh are the Children of The Light Divine and here you are, on a planet called Earth, in your physical costumes of choice. Oh yes, in your physical costumes living from one drama to another in an endless cascade of darkness, as you experience a constant stream of emotions...emotions of every category available, but always ending in the same desire for something just a little bit better than what you experience, or a lot better, depending of course on how you prepared your script for any given incarnation into your Dream World of Humanness

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, a process that your egos run from, for accepting responsibility for your endless incarnations of seeking and darkness is not one easily accepted. No, indeed...because then...then, you would have to accept responsibility for all of your pain and suffering, not to mention your inability to find True Peace, and what you continually seek for...LOVE. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you create script after script for your incarnations into "humanness"...of some of the most painful and challenging experiences imaginable, and you all have quite the imaginations, for all you have to do to prove My last statement is to look in a mirror, and then, make a list of all of your desires. 

Oh yes, a list of all of your desires, My Children of Light Divine, will demonstrate imaginations unparalleled in all of Creation, and that is quite the accomplishment. You can imagine so many things, My Children of Light Divine, and yet, few of you can imagine "Reality" and claim it as your "Reality". 

Imagine your "Reality" and claim it as your "Reality"? What oh what could I possibly be talking about you ask, on this fine new day on Mother Earth, where billions of Souls, of humans, of My Children of Light Divine are striving for better lives. It has always been this way on Mother Earth, and it always will be the pattern of your incarnations, until you finally claim responsibility for yourselves, rather than languish in your illusion of victimhood

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, the acceptance of responsibility for your lives is as you say, square number one, if you are ever going to obtain that for which you seek...True Peace and Lasting Love. You all experience glimpses of that for which you seek, but those brief encounters only leave you seeking for more, and more, and more in a never-ending search..."never-ending" My Children of Light Divine. 

Ah yes, for who do you know that has "everything" that they desire, hmm? Who...who indeed, for their imaginations are never fulfilled...your imaginations are never fulfilled as you all long for a "better Life", even if only subconsciously. 

Ah yes, subconsciously seeking for better lives, the endless conclusion of all incarnations on your Mother Earth, which of course leaves you "wanting for more" than you have experienced, and then, you shift out of your human costumes, and into the Spiritual Realm of Light, a "shock" very few are prepared for.  

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your transition from your endless searching into the state of True Peace on the so-called "other side", the Spiritual side of your new "Reality". The new "Reality" of True Peace in the Spiritual Realm is something few can remember...consciously that is, which is why just about everybody fears physical death, for the ego, "your egos" My Children of Light Divine, fears that which they cannot control, and shifting from human consciousness to the "Reality of The Light"...the "Reality of True Peace", is not something under the control of your egos. 

Oh no, My Children of Light Divine, not in the sense acceptable to your egos, for anything your egos cannot control is "feared", an emotion your egos excel at. In fact, you could say your egos are "experts at fear", and "the creation of more fear", for that is precisely what "you created" your egos to endlessly create...more and more fear.  

Oh, and your egos may create new names for all the varieties of fear which you create and experience, in one way or another. The broad category is labeled as "anxieties", because your egos do not want to call what you all create and "live in" as "fear". Oh yes, anxieties are "Real" and yet, not as extreme as fears, which allow your egos to lie to yourselves about your true state of affairs

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your entire Mental Health Profession is dedicated to downplaying the "Reality" of all of your fears and anxieties because of course, they are mostly all "normal". "Only normal" they tell you, to have fears and anxieties, and then, "pretend" that they know how best to manage them all. "Ha"...what a masquerade!

Another quality your egos excel at...the illusion they know how to best manage all of your fears and anxieties. Your egos have been lying to you for thousands of years and you, humanity, continue to accept all of the "stories" your egos tell you.  

How long will you accept the lies your egos tell you My Children of Light Divine, hmm? How long will you incarnate into your Dream World of Humanness, where your egos tell you to search for that which you exist within the Spiritual Realm, in between incarnations...hmm?

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, "you choose, you decide" to leave the True Peace of the Spiritual Realm to experience more fears and anxieties, every time "you choose" to incarnate into another human body-brain. Why do you do that My Children of Light Divine...or another way of phrasing that is...why have you been making the same decision for thousands of years, hmm?

What do your egos tell you about that series of decisions...hmm? What stories, "what lies" have your egos convinced you is "Reality", rather than claiming responsibility for your current state of affairs? You choose to incarnate, you wrote your current script, you decided to experience more fears and anxieties, you chose to continue your endless search for True Peace and True Love. 

What do your egos tell you about all of those decisions My Children of Light Divine, hmm? They blame your current fate, your current incarnation, your current searching, on something or someone else do they not?

Oh yes, for your egos are "experts at denial", the "denial of accepting responsibility" for all that you experience...all of your fears and anxieties, inclusive of the stress and strain of your constant searching...incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation

Oh yes, your egos are experts at blaming something or someone else for "their decisions" to experience more fears and anxieties..."their decisions" My Children of Light Divine, which make "their decisons"..."your decisions" to experience more fears and anxieties.

Ah yes, it is "your" egos who decide to create more fears and anxieties by incarnating time, after time, after time...for I created you with "free-will" My Children of Light Divine. I created you with "Free-Will and Conscious Awareness" to create what ever experiences you so desire. 

Yes, My Children of Light Divine, I created you in My Image, "as a wave is to the ocean", to create be "Creators", and you create endlessly by choosing, "choosing" My Children of Light Divine, what you will be conscious of, and thereby, you create your experiences...endlessly...for as we have covered many, many times "here" on God's Blog, on, I created you as Immortal, Multidimentional, Spirits of Love.  

So...back to the question of the day, My Children of Light Divine, why do you create incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation on Mother Earth, where you experience the same thing, over, and over, and over the form of your fears, anxieties, and never-ending searching for True Peace and True Love..."True Peace and Love" My Children of Light Divine...the things you experience in the Spiritual Realm, in between incarnations, not the "imitations" your egos try to sell you down your Dream World of Humanness?  

What do your egos have to say now, My Children of Light Divine? What story, what lies are you going to tell yourselves, hmm? Some story of denial undoubtedly...but I created you with "free-will" to create whatever experience you desire...and you apparently desired to create endless fears, anxieties, and searching.    

Hmm..."why"...why My Children of Light Divine? Where is the answer, or possibly, "who" has discovered the answer? What source have I and your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, been pointing you to, hmm?  

What qualities did your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, epitomize at the conclusion of his final incarnation, two thousand years ago? Yes, My Children of Light divine, his "final incarnation", for he too experienced what you continue to experience, incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation of fears, anxieties, and searching. He epitomized True Peace and Love, Unconditional Love, My Children of Light Divine. Don't you want to know how he found them...hmm...the same things you are searching for?

That is all...

Abba...Your Creator and Divine Parent...




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