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Good Morning My Children

"Decondition" yourselves from the depths of all your illusions...

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Blog

Ah...once again I Am "here" with you, to send you all another greeting that a new day upon your Mother Earth has commenced, as most of you slumber in your humanness...and I mean that in more ways than one. Oh yes, indeed...for you are not only physically asleep, but also mentally, emotionally, and most importantly, Spiritually.

"Spiritually asleep" My Children of Light Divine, slumbering in your perceived identities of being physical beings, on a single planet, faced by challenges each day that are no more than elaborate illusions, rather than "Reality". 

Ah...but your misconception of "Reality" has replaced the essence of Who and What you truly are, in a manner of speaking, that you do not even do not comprehend, as you go about living each of your endless days upon your precious Mother Earth.

Oh yes, Mother Earth, quite the setting for your Dream World of Humanness to unfold, as you believe you actually occupy your human body-brains, in fear consciousness...also known as "egoic consciousness"...the opposite, as some would say, from "Reality"...the "Reality" of your true Spiritual Selves..."fields of consciousness with choice", who have chosen illusion over "Reality", for the experience

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your origins is The Infinite Matrix of Love, in which all of Creation resides. Hmm...and here you thought you lived in a physical universe. My, my, so your illusion of "Reality" has many many that you are literally lost in your illusion of "Reality" rather than understanding not only Who and What you truly are, but also where you are

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you are, as you sometimes say, "totally and completely" lost in you self-made illusion of "Reality", which of course makes communications with you, humanity, to be quite the challenge. 

"Quite the challenge", now that is what you call a monumental understatement, for even after you are told Who you are, and where you have journeyed to, you "fail" to comprehend your current destination...and more importantly, your true identities. Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, who are only pretending to be lost in your Dream World of Humanness.  

Quite the illusion is it not, My Children of Light Divine...hmm? An illusion that you insist is "Reality". It is as though a little child, a baby, is told that they are only a child, a baby, and yet, they do not possess the faculties to comprehend what a "baby" is. 

Hmm...and interesting we have not used before in this particular context. A child, an infant, "awakening" to their true identities, rather than simply progressing through the typical human evolution from infancy to that of an adult. 

Ah yes, you are all missing "the link" to your true identities, and relationship with Me, your All-Loving Creator...the proverbial "missing link" which of course I...we, have described before for you, many times, here on God's Blog, and also within Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...more specifically, within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy. 

When I spoke earlier of how challenging the current state of affairs is, more specifically, your non-ability to relate to "Reality" and true identities, even after you read the descriptions thereof, a notable, and related "gap" in our communications is your lack of appreciation for the true significance of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of your brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph. 

Ah yes, Jeshua ben Joseph, which of course is hebrew for Jeshua, son of Joseph, a title, a description, an identity that many Christian idealists take great exception to, for they have been conditioned (a polite word for brainwashed) into believing the storyline of your Holy Bible, the portion labeled as your "New Testament".  

Oh yes, the Christian idealists take great exception to any reference to your illusionary Only Son of God as the mere son of a Jew. Ah yes, and I have once again walked on the sacred ground of Christianity, desecrating the core belief, or rather, the "core illision", upon which the religion of Christianity is built. 

What do you call a religion that is built on a foundation that is an illusion, a misconception, a lack of understanding "Reality", which has motivated a portion of the population to support and promote a lie...a story...a fantasy...hmm? 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, pretending to be human, in your Dream World of non-reality on planet Earth. There are almost..."almost" endless elements of your Dream World of Humaanness, which you label as "Reality", that are anything but "Reality", and Christianity's Only Son of God story...mythology some would say, is close to the top of the proverbial list. Ah yes, very close, and yet, not even, as you sometimes say, "in the top ten" illusions mistaken as "Reality".

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your Dream World of Humanness is peppered with illusions you label as "Reality", which is why communications with you are as challenging as they are. 

There are a great many things, may so-called truths, which we (Jeshua ben Joseph and My Self) describe as illusions, as "non-reality", which humanity has been conditioned into believing are true, representative of "Reality". Oh yes, it is as if we are having an exchange with a race of beings that are "truly insane", and yet, they do not comprehend how insane they are, even after they (you) are told.  

Ah yes, and still we try to pierce your Dream World of insanties in hopes we will be successful one day, whereby you will walk through the door to "Reality"...the "Reality" that each and every member of humanity is an Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirit of you say, a Child of God, who as we describe to you, are all pretending to be human, pretending that all fears and anxieties are "Real", and that your perceived separation from Me, your Creator, is just part of your Dream World of Humanness...a Grand Illusion of Non-reality, which "you created" to experience, simply because you wanted to see if such an illusion could be created.  

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, soak in every word of My descriptions to you this day, for if you do, you will begin to appreciate the Grand Illusion that you have created, that you can walk out of, anytime you would like to retrace your steps, whereby you "decondition" yourselves out of your illusion of humanness.  

Yes, My Children of Light Divine, "decondition" yourselves from the depths of your illusions of humanness, which you perceive as "Reality". It is just as Jeshua ben Joseph converys to you within The Way of Mastery, where he tells you that you must "retrain your minds". No easy or quick undertaking and yet, that is precisely the process he discovered and completed two thousand years ago..."the deconditioning of his humanness"...your humanness

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, the path for you to follow out of all of your fears and anxieties awaits well as your "link within", to our eternal realtionship that resides within all of you Souls'...all of your Spirits'...all of your Hearts'.

That is all...

Abba...The Infinate Matrix of Love...

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