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Good Morning My Children

"for there is no separation...only Oneness and Love"

Friday, October 11, 2024 Blog

Good moring to you all this new day...oh yes, another new day has arrived for you all to be challenged once again, and again, and see, to persevere, to overcome and transcend "all you have created". Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, oh yes, have had your lives on Earth all backwards all of these years on your precious planet Earth, for it is not I, your Creator, who has placed you "here" to endure your state of humanness, but rather yourselves

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, pretending to be human, it is not I Who have created the world in which you live in your human forms, but rather yourselves, for the never-ending time. 

Time after time you are told Who you truly are and how you found yourselves here...and more importantly, how to master and transcend your "self-created" world of humanness. It is as if you are all blind, deaf, and dumb, for you live on, oblivious to the words of wisdom intended to unseal your fate of humanness...your lives of physicality, fear consciousness (also known as egoic judgmentalism), and of course your self-made Grand Illusion of separation from Who and What you can never, ever be truly separated from, and "That" would be Me, your Creator, The Great Mystery, The Infinite Matrix of Love, from which all things arise, and eventually...eventually My Children of Light Divine, perish back into...only you don't perish do you My Children...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love.

Oh no, you simply shift from one dimensional experience to another, forever and ever, with no end, which is why of course you are truly Immortal, Spirits of Love...Fields of Consciousness with Choice, Who have the ability to experience the "incomprehensible"...your eternal relationship with Me.    

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you have forgotten have forgotten, ignored, or both, what your brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph, told you two thousand years ago, and more recently, within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, a component of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, playing your self-created Game of Humanness on planet Earth, within your human forms and make-believe world of every state of consciousness possible. Oh yes, My Children, you have created quite the place, quite the environement in which to become lost that you have forgotten how you even arrived here, on your planet Earth, within your human costumes

Oh yes, My Children of The Light Divine, "human costumes" is the proper term. Are not costumes what humans put on in order to pretend you are not what you truly are...hmm? Do you not put on costumes to play various parts in a movie, or possibly a play in some theater, hmm? Oh course you do, and when you have finished making your movie, or playing your part in some local theater group presentation, you take off your costumes...just as you exit your human body-brains when you complete any given incarnation into your Dream World of Humanness.  

Oh yes, My Children, your lives in your human forms, your human costumes of physicality, all have endings, which you have grown to call "death", only you never experience true death, now do you My Children of Light Divine? Oh no, you only fool yourselves into thinking you have an end, and low and "behold", you simply shift out of your human costumes, your temporary human body-brains, and into the Spirit World of what you quaintly refer to as "the after-Life". 

"The After-Life"...really...what a strange and backward name for your continuation of Life in another dimensional experience. There is no such place My Children..."The After-Life" that is, for you never truly have no end, for you simply shift from one dimension after another, as you planned to do, as you knew you were going to, before you incarnated into your human forms...your human body-brains.   

The truly odd thing about all of your shifting in and out of various dimensions is that in your modern era, you have grown to "know" all about this process, and still...still most of you, My Children of Light Divine, still fear what you call "physical death". There is no never truly "know" this...and still, you fear what will never happen

What do you call such a phenomenon My Children of Light Divine, hmm? What do you call someone who fears something that they "know" will never happen? Do you not refer to such humans as crazy, irrational, delusional, and insane, hmm?

Oh yes, I will play your game...the game some humans like to play to deny you know all about "not dying"...that you are truly immortal. How many apples have to fall from a tree before you stop denying the law of gravity, hmm? How many near death experience case studies does humanity have to accumulate before you "stop denying" your immortality? 

Please...don't play your games with Me, your Creator...but of course, some of you will, for old times sake, because your egos will concoct some story, some fantasy, some lie, which deep down within you know is a lie, only you will pretend you don't know. 

Ah yes, the human ego, quite the invention, that even pretends it knows more than Me, your Creator, The Infinite Field of All-Knowingness, out of which you were created. Now as some humans would say on your planet Earth, "that is quite the ego". 

Ah yes, the ego, another one of "your creations", My Children of Light Divine, for you needed to use your unlimited creativity to create something that would facilitate your illusion of "Reality"...which of course is your Dream World of Humanness, with your "illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator, The "Everywhereness" of Love

Why else do you think you become so confused or fail to comprehend Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery or articles here, on My Blog, God's Blog, hmm? Because you created your egos, your illusion of separation from everything, so you could experience what you were so curious it possible? Ah, but of course, you don't remember, because if you did, your Dream World of Humanness would not seem to be "Reality", now would it, My Children of Light Divine?

Oh no, and what you were curious about...what you wondered if it could be created...your "illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love, Infinite Love...would have never been experienced, because you never would have created it, not without the "illusion" of your egos...your "illusion" of separation from that which you can never be truly separated from, for I Am "Everywhere"

Ah yes, My Children of Light Divine, so you proceeded to create your "illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, known by one and all in the "Real World" of the Spiritual Realm as "fear consciousness", along with all of the variants...the dark variations of "fear consciousness".  

Ah yes, My Children of Light Divine, most of you will say "impossible", denying that you could ever do such a thing to yourselves, all the while forgetting what you have forgotten, on purpose, so you could experience the "opposite of Reality"...The "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love.

How do you like all of your self-created fears and anxieties, My Children of Light Divine? When you are done playing your Game of Humanness, on your planert Earth, and you are ready to transcend your self-created egos...your self-created illusion of egoic, fear know where to find Me, and those who have followed in the footsteps of your brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph. 

We will be "here", on, waiting for you...and of course, "in" your hearts', "in" your Souls', "in" your Spirits'...for there is no separation...only Oneness and Love.  

That is all...

Abba...The Everywhereness of Love...

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