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Good Morning My Children

Your egos are not as smart as you perceive them to be

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Blog

Another morning My Children of Light Divine, another new day for you to play in your make-believe world of humanness...only you have forgotten that it is "just a game". Oh yes, indeed, for you all take it so, so seriously.

If you could only relax a bit, rather than being so very serious all of the time, you might remember why you truly came here, to Mother Earth..."but no" after day, and year after year, you torture yourselves pretending you are human, that your fears and anxieties are "Real", and my oh my, that you have no relationship with your Creator, Who of course would be Me, "Abba", The Source of All.

You have truly created a fantasy world to play your Game of Humanness, only you have forgotten it is "only a game". Ah, so once again, the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph are viewed with perplexing reactions, as to "what are you talking about", rather than gratitude for showing humanity how to "Come Home" once again to the "Reality" that your game of humanness is "not Reality", but rather only purports to be such, all in the name of "let us create the impossible".  

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, "that" is what you should call "Life" on planet Earth, "Let Us Create the Impossible".

Oh, but you are not paying attention, "again", are you, My Children of Light Divine...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, who have forgotten that you are only playing a game of "Let Us Create the Impossible", the illusion of separation from our Creator, Me, "Abba", as called by your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph.

You did not believe him two thousand years ago, just as you do not believe him today, even though he has, as you say, spelled it all out for you with the written word. Oh yes, in black and white, on, with words even a child could comprehend, and still...still, you play your make-believe Game of Humanness incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation.   

We thought, your brothers, your sisters, and your Creator, that if there was an internet site devoted to the "Truth" of Who and What your truly are, along with a few words of wisdom from your Creator, a few of you might actually pay attention, but "no", humanity continues to play your game of "Let Us Create the Impossible"...let us pretend we are human beings, on a planet called Earth, with no living, conscious, relationship with our Creator, to see what it would be like to experience the opposite of "Reality"...the "Reality" of The Everywhereness of Love.  

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you have created the opposite of "Reality", which of course, if you were listening, you would surmise to be an illusion, a Dream World, using the phrase of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph. Ah, but you are listening, and yet, you do not listen, for you live the illusion of separation from that which you can never be separated from, Me, your Creator, The Great Mystery.

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you "live in" The Great Mystery, which you strain to comprehend, and yet, you do not expend enough energy and attention to such a worthy do you, My Children of Light Divine? Oh no, for you are content to "dream away" in your illusion of humanness, as we continue to knock on your doors in an attempt after attempt to awaken you to the "Realities" of your true identities. 

Ah, but to no avail, for even when one comes forward, as this one Michael has, through whom I speak this day, this week, week after week, and year after year, most turn away, saying this one speaks of impossible things, and yet, it is not Michael who speaks this day, this morning, and many, many mornings, but rather I, your Creator. 

"Impossible" you say, all of humanity that is, and yet, is this not what your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, told you two thousand years ago...hmm? "The Father does all things through me". this not what your hypothetical Son of God told you two thousand years ago? Is this not his same message today, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, hmm?

Oh yes, most definitely, for he tells you that your purpose and function is to first eliminate any illusion...any perception of separation from Me, your Creator, and then, to function as channels for Me, The Great Mystery of Infinite Love, whereby "your illusion", your Dream World of fears and anxieties on planet Earth, is pierced with the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love.

"Knock, knock, knock"...I Am still knocking at your doors, My Children of Light Divine...knocking, hoping, knowing, that eventually a few more, and a few more, and a few more will tire of your relentless fears and anxieties, your Dream World of darkness, and finally, choose to do whatever it takes to "wake-up" to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, everyday, every week, every year, no matter where you choose to go in My Creation, in My Beingness, for I Am "Everywhere", and yet, you see Me not...because you have chosen to see your Dream World of Humanness on planet Earth. 

Not a bad place, your Dream World of Humanness, just "not Reality"...the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love...

When you go in one of your movie theaters, My Children of Light Divine, and you experience what is purported to be "Reality", up on the large screen, do you become hypnotized, whereby each day, each week, each year, you return to watch the same movie over, and over, and over again. No, of course not, so you move on with your lives, within your Dream World of Humanness

Hmm...or do you, move on that is, or do you "remain hypnotized", believing and living as though your Dream World of Humanness is "Reality", all for the experience, to test challenge yourselves...Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, pretending to be human, to see, to feel, to experience transcending your hypnotized state of humanness, and then, remembering Who and What you truly are. 

Not yet tired of your fears and anxieties, My Children of Light Divine? Not yet tired of your hypnotized state of believing you are "human beings", and separated from Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love? Not yet ready to follow your friend and brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, because your egos like to make you believe you are so very to distinguish the difference between illusion and "Reality" to distinguish the difference between your rerun of humanness and the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love? 

"Think again", My Children of Light Divine, for your egos are simply not as smart as you perceive them to be...

That is all...

Abba...The Source of All, The Everywhereness of Love...


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