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Good Morning My Children

Your egoic voice within, the source of all of your fears and anxieties

Friday, October 4, 2024 Blog

Ah yes, another day, and another day, and another after the other, and on, and on you go, in your Dream World of Humanness, almost hypnotized to be oblivious to what is really transpiring. "Almost" is the proper term, for even in your "dreaming" there are always a few cracks, shall we say, where the Truth of Who and What you truly are shine into your Earthly lives, reminding you that "there is more"...there is much, much more that is truly going on in your Dream World of Humanness.  

Oh yes, there is much more going on than what you will read about in your daily newspapers or avail yourselves to with your twenty-four hour streaming news that strives to keep you informed on a minute by minute basis. 

Oh yes, the human psyche has to know "everything" that is happening so you can avoid anything and everything that may threaten your ongoing survival and well-being. Oh yes, indeed...for humanity is always, shall we say, "on alert". Oh yes, and the world "you have created" rarely disappoints, for there is usually a combination of events that garner your attention as potential threats to your very survival or maintenance of a comfortable lifestyle. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you live in a world dripping of your fears and anxieties, all the while searching for True Love and Real Peace. Your lives are an endless search as you dodge one fear after another, or maybe you are not successful at your attempts to survive and/or maintain an acceptable standard of living, as you come face to face with the unthinkable...the manifestation of a fear you could not avoid...again, and again, and again.  

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your Dream World of Humanness is no light-hearted journey of happiness and bliss, now is it...hmm? You say you want to be happy, you say you want to find True Love and Real Peace, and yet, what does all of your searching accomplish, hmm...for many strive to avoid your fears and anxieties for a lifetime, as you constantly fool yourselves into thinking you are making progress just because you have a few more dollars in your bank account, a new automobile, or whatever accomplishment your ego's tell you is worthy of a "pat on the back".  

Ah yes, your ego's tell you a great many things, My Children of Light Divine, and still your fears and anxieties "pop up", one after the other, day after day, year after year, incarnation after incarnation

"Incarnation after incarnation", My Children of Light Divine, for your challenges do not end, do they, hmm? For almost as soon as one of your lives in your Dream World of Humanness ends, and you pass into the Spiritual Realm, the dimension of no time nor space, you begin to contemplate your return to your Dream World of Humanness on planet Earth. Oh yes, indeed...for you have yet to experience everything your Dream World of Humanness has to offer, and so, the planning phase of your next incarnation commences. 

Life after Life, human body after human body, you venture into your self-created Dream World of Humanness in hopes of experiencing something you have never experienced before, and on, and on, and on...millennia after millennia. It is truly an amazing process, that few will admit to, for their ego's would have to admit that what they have searched for the millennia has not been obtained

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, Life after Life, incarnation after incarnation, your ego's will tell you that you are making progress, that True Love and Real Peace is just around the corner, and then, low and behold, you find yourselves in the Spiritual Realm, without a human body, planning on putting on another human costume, and writing a new script, for your next incarnation into humanness. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, your search goes on, and on, and almost never-ending stream of fears and anxieties in your Dream World of Humanness, on a tiny planet called "Earth", and still...still, you listen to your egoic voice within for directions and guidance

"What is wrong with this picture", My Children of Light Divine, hmm? If your ego's are as smart as they tell you they are, why do you find yourselves confronted by more fears and anxieties every time they tell you to incarnate again, and again, and again? 

"We are making progress" they tell you, your ego's that is, that voice within that tells you to "do this" or "do that', and "don't do that", all in the name of progress, consistent with your search for True Love and Real Peace. 

How long will you search, My Children of Light Divine? How many more incarnations will it take to find that for which you search? One more incarnation, ten more incarnations, one hundred more incarnations? What does your ego have to say about this inevitability? How much longer will you search?

Ah...but your ego's never want to be confronted by such a question, do they, hmm? Oh no, for then, your ego's, will finally have to admit the inevitable, which they avoid in every way how, My Children of Light do they avoid this question, hmm? 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, this is a subject I, and your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, have covered before, and yet, "you", as in all of humanity, have chosen to ignore.  

Quite the phenomenon really, for your ego's have failed terribly in your search for True Love and Real Peace, for thousands of years, and endless incarnations, and "still" you listen to your egoic voices within for guidance

"Progress" they tell you, "we are making progress". "If" your ego's are making progress, why is your planet Earth, your Dream World of Humanness, such a mess...and why do your fears and anxieties persist, incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation?

Ah yes, My Children of Light Divine, we will tell you something we have told you before...your Creator and your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph. Are you going to listen this time? Probably not, but we will, because "we Love you", in hopes at least a few of you will listen this time.    

Those egoic voices within that have been guiding you incarnmation, after incarnation, after incarnation...telling you that you are getting closer, and closer, and closer to True Love and Real Peace are "liars"...for if they knew how to find that for which you seek, you would have certainly found them by now!

"Hello"..."humanity"..."My Children of Light Divine", who are completely and absolutely lost in your Dream World of Humanness...because you have chosen to follow your egoic voices within, who know not how to find that for which you seek...who...are you ready My Children of Light Divine? Who are the very source of all of your fears and anxieties!

Yes, My Children of Light Divine, your egoic voices within are guiding you to perpetuate all of your fears and anxieties, rather than terminate them. "There" that clear enough for you...hmm? 

Would you like to listen to a voice within that actually knows how to obtain True Love and Real Peace? Would you like to know how to dissolve your lying, egoic voice within? Would you consider educating yourselves and following the only documented path to obtain that for which you seek?

That's right My Children, "the only documented path to obtain that for which you seek", for there are many who make such claims. Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, and guess who will guide you to such sources, such personalities, hmm? Your ego's!   

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, continue to follow your egoic voices within, as you have been for incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation. How does it "feel" to now know you have been following the guidance of a liar, hmm? 

Your Dream World of Humanness is a very confusing and perplexing place, My Children of Light Divine. Continue on your current path, as you have been, incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation or follow one who actually discovered how to dissolve your ego's and obtain True Love and Real Peace...your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph. 

How do you follow him you ask? The path he discovered two thousand years ago, to True Love and Real Peace, is "not" what Christianity has been proclaiming..."no, no", as you sometimes say, "not even close". The path he discovered, and documented for you, is part of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, known as the Way of Mastery Trilogy.  

Are there other paths to follow...quicker and easier? Most definitely...the paths your ego's will tell you to follow...

That is all...

Abba...Your Creator...The Source of All...

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