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Good Morning My Children

"No death" after physical death...the "Real World", according to Jeshua ben Joseph

Thursday, September 26, 2024 Blog

Ah yes, here we are, on your Mother Earth, spinning around, and around, waiting and waiting for you all to wake-up to "Reality"...the "Reality" that I and your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, have been describing for you, and yet, you are apparently not able to comprehend

Not able to comprehend? You, human beingings, being addressed in the language of your choice, and still, unable to comprehend what your Creator and brother describe to you over, and over, and over again. 

I guess we will just have to continue to repeat ourselves, in as many forms of communication as possible, until we strike the right message, the right context, that will obtain the level of understanding necessary for you to finally comprehend your current fate, whereby the necessary desire to change arrives here, on planet Earth...moving the population of human beings to "finally awaken" from your illusion, your Dream World of Humanness

Ah yes, bombard you with a constant stream of "Reality" until you finally realize your perception of "Reality", is not "Reality". "Oh boy", as you sometimes say, you have no idea what that means in the interim, now do you, My Children of Light Divine? Oh no, for that means a continuation, even a deepening, an intensification as it were, of what you have chosen to experience ever since you first arrived on your planet Earth of humanness. 

An intensification of the fear, the dark emotions, and anxieties, that will finally, after all of this time, finally push you over the edge of accepting your Dream World of Humanness must not be, as you say, "the way to go"..."there must be another way to live". 

Oh yes, "there must be another way to live", for the fears and anxieties will finally "overwhelm you", My Children of Light Divine, bringing you to your knees, just as it has before, only you knew not where to look for the answers...the explanations that would convey where you truly are, and how to make meaningful changes.   

Oh yes, "meaningful changes", rather than just a continuation of your status quo of the river of fears and anxieties that has plagued Mother Earth since your perceived beginning, which was no "Real", indeed...but rather just your illusion of a beginning. Ah yes, My Children of Light Divine, you perceived that your lives began here, on Mother Earth, and then, they also ended here, on Mother Earth, when your physical form of choice, of creation, wore out, creating what you now refer to as your "physical death".  

Ah, but deep down inside, in your Soul's, in your Spirit's, you knew, you sensed, that your physical death's were not "the end", that there was more to "Life", only not within your physical forms, which you call "human bodies". 

Ah yes, so what arose in consciousness was a variety of possible continuations of your existence, of your consciousness, only not within a human body. A rather perplexing possibility to this day, for even though you remained "conscious and living", you were no longer in a human body. No longer in a human body you surmised, so "I must be dead"..."dead" but still existing, you thought. What shall we call this state, hmm? It must be the "after-Life" you thought, a description that has remained very much a part of your Dream World of Humanness vernacular.  

The "after-Life", a conceptualization of what many hoped was "Real", and yet, many also rejected such a conceptualization because they could not reconcile such a non-physical conceptualization with their physical must not be "Real". A perspective, a possibility, a theory, that remains to this day on your planet Earth, within your Dream World of Humanness

Ah...two alternatives for humanity to after physical death option, and a "nothing after" physical death option. Which one is "Real", and which one is fantasy? Quite the debate, indeed...with no apparent avenue to conclusively end the debate. 

Ah, but then, after thousands of years, facilitated by the advent of "modern medicine"...modern medical practices, physical death was defined: no heart beat and no brain activity. The term "brain dead" came into being. And then, the surprises of all surprises, human beings were declared "dead' by the medical sciences, but then, unexplainably, they (some of the so-called dead) came back to the living, physical state. Not only did they come back to the living state, in a physical, human body, but they also remembered where they went, and what occurred when their lives (as human beings) were so-called "over". 

Ah yes, a phenomenon which continues to garner little attention in mainstream society, the phenomenon referred to as "Near Death Experiences"...death of the physical body, but then, the "Reality" that consciousness survives and remains ongoing..."alive". "After death", but "no death"...after physical death, but still "alive", still conscious, able to remember what occurs, in a non-physical dimension

Ah yes, there has been much, as you say, "push back" to the ever growing case studies of no death, after so-called "physical death".

This subject has been broached, from the non-physical, Spiritual Dimension side of the fence, by many, including the revered Jeshua ben Joseph. Oh yes, your so-called "Only Son of God", refers to your conscious and alive state, but with no human body, as "The Real World", within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. 

Oh yes, he refers to your non-physical, Spiritual Dimensions as "The Real World", and Life within a human form, within your human body-brains, as The Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingsness or Matrix of Love, "in" which all exist.

Ah yes, the exact opposite of some of your "there is nothing after physical death" proponents, who say the so-called after-Life, within non-physical Spiritual dimensions, are simply illusions.  

It would appear the growing case studies of your so-called "Near Death Experiences" are destined to put an end to the "there is no after-Life perspective"...particularly when this "Reality" is reinforced by many sources, including Jeshua ben Joseph, in the form of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, most notably within The Way of Mastery Trilogy.  

The Way of Mastery, by Jeshua ben Joseph...quite the upside-down description of what humanity perceives to be "Reality". Quite the alternative perspective to what I, your Creator, will call "traditional humanness".

Ah yes, "traditional humanness", which emphasizes the physical sciences, a contradiction in terms...for you physical sciences, supplemented by your quantum physicists, have established that what you perceive to be physical, is not "physical" at all, but predominantly full of "space". 

Yes, My Children of Light Divine, your own scientific community has proven that what you physical eyes tell you is so-called "solid" is simply a "Grand Illusion". You have been fooled by the limitation of your physical senses to believe your "perception of Reality", is "not Reality".  

Where have we heard that phrase before, My Children of Light Divine? "Your perception of Reality, is not Reality". Oh yes, oh my, I believe it is right "here", on God's Blog, on 

Is it possible that the inherent limitations of your physical senses have conditioned you into routinely believing non-Reality is your perception of "Reality"...when you consider you are "conscious and alive" in the Spiritual Dimensions, with no physical body or senses to rely on?   

Which dimension represents "Reality", My Children of Light Divine...hmm? The physicality of your planet Earth, which your quantum physicists continue to prove is not what you perceive it to be...or your conscious living state in the Spiritual Dimensions, where physicality is recognized as a "Grand Illusion"...a Dream World, in the words of your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph.

Hmm...maybe those who "belittle" The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph are simply those who perceive "Reality" to be "non-reality"...because many of their "perceptions of Reality", are clearly "non-reality"

Ah yes, the great debate will continue...continue as you experience a deepening of your fears, dark emotions, and anxieties, which your ego's tell you is "Reality". "Reality" or "your perception of Reality", which Jeshua ben Joseph tells you is "non-reality", simply part of your "Dream World" of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator?

That is all...

Abba...The Creator...The Source of All...






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