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Good Morning My Children

You will be "Home" once again, and to be "Home" is when you know Me, and I Am but Love

Monday, September 23, 2024 Blog

Ah yes, another day on Mother Earth for all of My Children of Light Divine. Another new day for all to enjoy, or dread, for Earth is the experiential dimension of extremes, and everything in between. "Normal" as most on Earth would say, for the inhabitants, the race of beings who call themselves "human", have been conditioned to have a very unusual perspective...a perspective which strives to have the opposite of normal, and yet, considers it to be "normal".  

Earth can be said to have an upside down sense of "Reality", which is considered to be "Reality". Oh yes, upside down, indeed...for where else will you find the perception, the illusion of separation from Me, The Creator, to be considered "Real".

Not many places, in all of Creation, have such a perception of non-reality as the perceived "Reality", and yet, great numbers of My Children of Light Divine have chosen to experience such a non-reality...over, and over, and over again. Oh yes, for the variety of experiences in consciousness is unparalleled in all of Creation. The uniqueness of such a dimension obtains the attention of most, and yet, not all actually choose to become lost in such extremes.   

Lost indeed...for to experience the extremes of consciousness, the only true way is to become loose oneself, one's true identity

Ah yes, so this planet Earth, this experiential dimension of extremes is full of Souls, Spirits of Love, who have traded their true identities as My Immortal, Multidimensional, Children of My Light Divine for the illusion of humanness, with its illusion of separation from Me, The One known as The Source of All, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is literally "everywhere".  

Indeed, however, in order to experience not-Me, not-Creator Consciousness, not-Love, the humans have chosen to experience non-reality as "Reality". Oh yes, can you imagine such a choice, hmm? Well of course you can, My Children of Light Divine, for it is a choice you make over, and over, and over again, "fully equipped", as one might say, with a new script, new human physical body, along with many dear friends, who have also made the same decision, only who have forgotten, so to speak, that they are "dear friends". 

It is really a complex production that is planned well in advance, within the "Real World", or at least that is the name used by the one Soul known as Jeshua ben Joseph. 

Ah yes, Jeshua ben Joseph, the famous Soul who chose to experience the Earth dimension of darkness, of fear consciousness, and then, discover the "Reality of Love", while within the Dream World of Humanness. Oh yes, quite the discovery indeed, but when he attempted to tell his fellow Souls, his fellow Children of My Light Divine, no one would believe him. 

Can you imagine, My Children of Light Divine, hmm...can you? Of course you can, because you are lost yourselves, this very moment, within your creation, your experiential dimension of humanness, where your perception of "Reality" is the illusion of separation from your Creator, "Me", The Infinite, living, feeling, thinking, Matrix of Love, in which "all" exist.  

"What? What are you talking about", most will say. "We are not lost in the illusion of humanness, for we live in the Reality of Life on planet Earth, in our human, physical bodies."  

Oh yes, I know, for I, your Creator, are Pure Awareness, Pure Infinite Matrix of Living All-Knowingness "in which" you created your experiential dimension of humanness. In the words of your brother Being of Light Divine, Jeshua ben Joseph, a Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator.

Yes, yes...of course, this has all been covered many times before on this, God's Blog, on it will be discussed over, and over again, for quite some of your time, within your dimension of space and time, until you, My Children of Light Divine, eventually "wake-up" to the "Reality" that you have chosen to experience the non-reality of your humanness, within Jeshua ben Joseph's so-called "Dream World".  

Oh yes, indeed, many contexts have been proposed here, and also within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy, in attempts to assist you in your awakening from your Dream World of Humanness, of egoic fear consciousness, with your illusion of separation from Me...and you, My Children of Light Divine, just continue to "dream away" in your Dream World of Humanness

"Dreamers" is one of the names Jeshua ben Joseph has used to describe you all, and yet, you are so utterly lost in your Dream World of Humanness, that few can relate to such a designation, such a "Reality". 

From many perspectives, your current fate, your current choice of humanness, is really quite amazing, but then again, I gave you all free-will, with unlimited potentiality (just like Me), so naturally, anything is possible, even though your creations may not coincide with "Reality".

Ah yes, your "current creation", your illusion of humanness and separation from Me, your Creator, can be experienced as "an illusion of Reality", which is exactly what continues to occur within your experiential dimension on planet Earth!   

Oh my, I used one of your exclamation symbols, so I must be trying to make a point of some significance, My Children of Light Divine.  

Please consider this...hypothetically, if you were in fact experiencing "an illusion of Reality", within your Dream World of Humanness, which naturally includes all of your dark emotions and anxieties, would you not find experiencing your Dream World from the perspective of your True Identities, as Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, as a fascinating experience...hmm?  

Oh my, consider such a possibility, My Children of Light fears, no anxieties, no limitations, all within an umbrella of Love Consciousness...Creator within the Bliss of My Infinite, Everywhereness of Love

How can you consider not taking full advantage of such a possibility? How? And yet, My Children, that is the very choice you make each and everyone of your days, as you opt out for your illusion of humanness...your illusion of painful limitation, rather than following in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and dear friend. 

Oh my, it is just as Jeshua ben Joseph describes in his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, you continue to "dream away" in your illusion of humanness, rather than join him...join us, in the Everywhereness of My Infinite Love. 

One day My Children of Light day you will tire of your illusion of egoic, fear consciousness, with all of your dark emotions, anxieties, and limitations...and when that day arrives, I will be "here", within your Soul's, within your Spirit's, within your Heart's, to welcome you Home..."Home" My Children of Light Divine, for you will be "Home" once again when you know Me, and I Am but Love

That is all...

Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "Everywhere"...



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