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Good Morning My Children

I wait for you "within"

Thursday, September 19, 2024 Blog

Ah yes, it has just barely arrived, a new morning on Mother Earth, where My Children of My Light Divine pretend to be physical, fearful, human beings, with no recollection of their/our eternal relationship. Ah, it is no wonder you chose to live in such a dark dimension, where you can also experience every variety of consciousness in the Universe. Oh yes, My Children, you experience the extremes, and everything in between, and yet, your Earthly experiences, "incarnations" you call them, are typically dominated by a search for True Love and Perfect Peace. 

Ah yes, there is much searching that goes on...on your planet Earth. This is how it has always been, and always will be, until you choose to recognize and practice the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, for although there are a handful of those who have awoken from your Dream World of Humanness, to once again bask in the radiance of our eternal relationship, only one has documented the journey from fear consciousness to Love Consciousness, also referred to as Enlightenment, Oneness Consciousness, and more recently as "Creator Consciousness"

Oh yes, "Creator Consciousness", your natural state of beingness, and yet, the one that essentally your entire population "denies". 

This chain of events is a bit perplexing, at least from one perspective, in that the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph is revered, to one degree or another, by your entire population, and yet, you choose to deny the validity of his most recent teachings, at least the ones where he educates you on re-establishing your eternal relationship with Me, your Creator, The Source of All.

"Strange", even for your planet Earth, but then again, few have studied and practiced his The Way of Mastery long enough to absorb, "feel", and live the depth of such knowledge. Oh yes, many have read The Way of Mastery and either turn away, before they comprehend the words, or pretend they understand, and then, go back to their lifestyles of fearful consciousness...their Dream World of separation from Me.  

Oh well, such is "Life" on your planet Earth, for you have created the environment in which you find yourselves, even though you cannot remember creating your current state of egoic, fearful consciousness, with its Grand Illusion of separation from Me, your Creator.

Oh yes, very few are willing to make that step, that realization, for your ego's thrive on "denying responsibility" for oh, so many of your creations, My Children of Light Divine...which is probabaly one of the many reasons why you, the many, find Jeshua's The Way of Mastery so challenging. 

Oh yes, indeed..."extremely challenging", in that until you are willing to assume responsibility for your current state of affairs, in combination with some of your innate abilities, not much will change on your planet of fear consciousness, and constant searching for True Love and Perfect Peace.

Ah yes, your ego's have some of their own innate characteristics, which of course, your ego's generally "deny", and so...where does that leave you My Children of Light Divine...hmm? "Lost", oh yes, lost in your Dream World of Humanness, as Jeshua ben Joseph delineates from many points of view, in order to educate yourselves on your current plight. 

Oh yes, searching for True Love and Perfect Peace, and yet, unwilling to take the necessary steps "to find, feel, and live what you seek for". It has really been quite the chain of events, which you have created, and now, "deny".

Many read Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery and walk away with the attitude, the perspective of, "it simply cannot be so...Life cannot be the way he describes it", and then, return to your searching, and searching, and more searching...incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation. 

It is as if you are lost in a desert, all of humanity that is, and you come upon an Oasis of Wisdom and Sustenance, but then turn away, denying that your Oasis is "Real", as you continue your searching.  

How long will you seach My Children, hmm? How long will you deny the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph, a brother and dear friend, who has shown you "The Way" for that which you seek. 

Oh yes, and since we are on the subject of denial of the Truth, how long will you deny it is I, your Creator, The Source of All, who conveys bi-weekly Messages of Love to all of humanity, on your world-wide internet, on this site,, long My Children of Light Divine? I have communicated to you before, there is no great rush to awaken from your Dream World of Humanness, for I created you to be as you truly are, Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, in My Image, as your Holy Bible tells you, so you can experience the darkenss of your creation, egoic fear consciousness, in your physical, human costumes, with your "illusion" of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, your Creator, as long as you like. 

How long do you think that will be My Children...My Immortal, Spirits of Love, who have chosen to experience your very limited state of humanness?

Oh yes, and before I conclude this issue of My Message of Love to humanity, I will once again remind you of what Jeshua ben Joseph makes quite clear in his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, which of course your ego's tend to gloss over, deny, or fail to comprehend. As soon as you had the thought, My Children of Light Divine, is it possible to create and experience non-love, non-Creator Consciousness (humanness), I created the solution, the answer to all of your searching, and placed it "within" your Souls, within your Spirits, within your Hearts. 

Oh yes, what you search for goes by many names, including The Holy Spirit, which is also known as "Right-Mindedness", the alignment of your Mind with Mine, your Creator, The Infinite Beingess of Love. Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, pretending to be human, your so-called "link to Me" is "within" you now, this very moment. 

Oh yes, which is why the answers to all of your questions are "within" My Children..."within", for I Am Pure Awareness, Pure Intelligence, and Pure Potentiality. Follow in the footsteps of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, and learn how to live with "your link to Me within"...or just continue as you have, following your ego's.

Hmm...I will wait for you "within"...

That is All...

Abba...your Creator & Divine Parent, The Source of All...  


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