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Good Morning My Children

You found Me, your Creator

Monday, September 16, 2024 Blog

My Children of Light Divine are facing a fine new day on Mother Earth, the planet that has been transformed into an environement where fear and anxiety is accepted as "Reality". 

What an imagination, what a creation, where My Children of Light Divine can experience the opposite, a substitiute for My Kingdom of Love and Perefect Peace, all "for the experience", a test as it were, to see if such a thing as non-love could be created and experienced. Oh yes, it is possible to create the impossible, an illusion, a "Dream World", in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, where non-reality is considered "Reality", all "for the experience".

Oh yes, and if such an illusion, such a Dream World of non-love, of non-Me, your Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, Who is "everywhere", is possible...then, what would it be like to experience the transformation of such a Dream World, such a fantasy experiential dimension of physicality, fear consciousness, and separation from Me, your Creator, back into "Reality". Oh yes, indeed...the "Reality" that "Only Love Is Real"

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, quite the imagination, indeed...for only ones with Unlimited Creativity, Unlimited Potentiality, could create such a fantasy place, such an illusionary environment, such an "Impossible Dream", and then...then, forget what you, My Children of Light Divine, had created

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, who call yourselves not My Children, but a curious and far off name of "human beings". Oh yes, physical, fearful, human beings, who live and experience your make-believe World of Humanness, as though you have no moment to moment awareness of our eternal relationship of Oneness, of the Reality of Love, the "Real Reality", rather than your fantasy Dream World of Humanness, on planet Earth.  

Can you imagine such a place, such an experiential dimension of non-reality, of non-Me, your Creator...hmm? Silly question as it is, for the obvious answer is a resounding "yes", for you have in truth imagined, created, and are experiencing your Dream World of non-love, of no recollection of Reality, the "Reality" that "Only Love Is Real"

Oh yes, a Dream World, indeed...for how else can a fantasy world that includes a seemingly endless variety of fears and anxieties, which include the illusion, the "imposibility", of being separated from Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love, be experienced...hmm, My Children of Light Divine?

Oh yes, I know, this is the topic, the "Reality", which I, The Infinite Matrix of Love, out of which you have arisen, have come forth, to assist Me in the extension of the "Reality of Love", throughout Creation

Oh yes, a seemingly endless search for a context, a description of "Reality" that will ring true to ones such as yourselves, who have created the impossible, the illusion of non-reality, that is mistaken for "Reality"

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you have created the "impossible", your Dream World of Humanness, where you perceive your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, is no Dream World of fear consciousness, but is the "impossible Reality" of being separated from That and Who which is "everywhere", even within your Dream World of Humanness.  

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, for if I am truly "everywhere", and I assure you that I am, how can you be possibly separated from Me...unless your perception of "Reality", your perception of the "Reality" of fear, is simply a mistaken perception, an illusion, a Dream World, in the words of your brother and friend, Jeshau ben Joseph...hmm?

Ah, and "here" we are once again, the place I and your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, have described to you many times before, with little effect, for you, My Children of Light Divine, pretending to be lost in your Fantasy World of Humanness, continue to believe you are in fact "human beings"...a limited, physical, fearful species that somehow became separated from That and Who it is "impossible to be separated from", Me, your Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, in which all of Creation abides, which of course includes your Dream World of Humanness, on planet Earth. 

Oh yes, "Dream World", indeed...for why else would your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, continually describe to you making the shift from the non-reality of fear and separation from Me, your Creator, The Source of All, to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, "as awakening from your Dream World of physicality and fear consciousness", hmm? Oh yes, indeed..."why", My Children of Light Divine..."why"?

Ah yes, two thousand years ago, when Jeshua ben Joseph first broached this subject, your "awakening" from your Dream World of Humanness, there was such a limited understanding of My Reality, "My Infinite Beingness" as it it is...for all humanity could conceptualize was what your physical senses told you.

Oh yes, indeed, so even when Jeshua ben Joseph told the limited number of his inner circle such stories as the now famous "Story of the Fishes", most, if not all, simply did not undestand. Oh...and for those of you who have not the benefit of this now famous Story of the Fishes, which was "intentionally omitted" from your Holy Bible, it is contained in the prelude to the Christ Consciousness Meditation, within this internet site,

Oh yes, My Children, two thousand years ago, humanity could not, as you sometimes say, "connect all the dots" of Jeshua's Story of the Fishes, for they knew not of the world of quantum physics, the "invisible Realities", which your quantum physicists have discovered and continue to explore, to educate themselves about, that which cannot be seen with the human eyes, and yet...yet, exists, which of course includes "Me", your Creator, The Infinite Field, The Infinite Matrix of Love, Pure Intelligence, Pure Awareness, and on, and on...

Ah...don't you see, My Children of Light Divine, who are lost in your Dream World of Humanness, two thousand years ago there was no knowledge, no undertsanding, no "Reality" to the "Reality" that could not be seen, but still exists, so how else was Jeshua ben Joseph to describe Me, hmm...other than as he did, in his Story of the Fishes...the parable which your editors "deleted" from your Gospels of the New Testament, simply because they could not understand Jeshua's message, which he has communicated again, in considerably more detail, with his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings.  

Two thousand years ago you, humanity, did not even know what "channeling" was...or what a printing press was...or what quantum physicists now label as the Zero Point Field, The Infinite Field of Energy and Information, out of which all things arise from, and are connected by. Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, pretending to be human beings, your quantum physicists have discovered the invisible world of "Realities" beyond most of your human imaginations, that is, until recently, in your current era. 

Ah yes, the "Invisible Realities", the invisible field of energy and information in which you live, have always lived, and are now only beginning to learn about...the few that is, that are taking the time to understand that you have always lived and exist within an Invisible, Living, Thinking, Infinite Field of Awareness that communicates everything occurring to everyone in all of Creation, in a mere "blink"...less than a "blink" about instantaneously? 

Ah yes, My Children of Light Divine, your quantum physicists have discovered part of Me, your Creator, The Infinite Field of Love, which Jeshua ben Joseph describes as "The Infinite Beingness of Love, out of which all things arise, including your human forms"...your human body-brains. 

Ah yes, My Children of Light Divine, your quantum physicists are assisting in bridging the once unimaginable gap between your dimension of space and time, and that of the Spiritual Dimensions, which you shift back and forth from, for each of your incarnations in your Dream World of Humanness...for that is what "Spirits of Love" can do, My Children of Light Divine, and "that" is what you are...Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, who chose to have temporary, human experiences

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, the day and era is quickly approaching in your Dream World of Humanness where your scientists will discover and confirm many, many aspects of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...which of course most of you are pretending do not exist, even though they are...some of them that is, in black and white on your world-wide internet, for all to see, to educate themselves, as disclosed in the section of this internet site,, labeled as "Books & CDs". 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you may continue to ignore the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph, and remain temporarily lost in your Dream World of Humanness...your Dream World of dark emotions and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love...for I gave you free-will, to choose what you will experience...and right now, "today", this very moment, you have chosen your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite Everywhereness of Love. Is it not time for at least a few of you, My Children of Light Divine, to consider making a new choice...hmm?

That is all...

Abba...The Infinte Beingness of Love, The Source of All... 



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