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Good Morning My Children

Your Cloak of Forgetfulness

Thursday, September 12, 2024 Blog

Oh my, oh my, another new day has arrived on the planet called "Earth", where My Children of Light Divine...Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, have placed themselves in physical forms, calling themselves "human beings", to experience fear consciousness, and all of the so-called "dark emotions", when they could have remained with Me, "Abba", their Creator, in the Spiritual Realm.

Oh yes, indeed, and the only way...the only way, they could experience all of the dark emotions as a matter of routine, of habitat, is if they placed a cloak of forgetfulness upon and around My once precious gift to them, Conscious Awareness with Choice, to create the illusion, the delusion, the pretend environement where they have temporarily forgotten their "Perfect Union with Me", The Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, Pure Intelligence, Pure Potentiality, and Perfect..."Perfect" Peace.  

Oh yes, can you imagine such a decision, hmm...and what a "shock" it was for you, hmm...My Children of Light Divine? Oh, but you have forgotten the shock it was to make "the shift" from Love Consciousness to your human, fear consciousness. It was as if there was a great wall, where you hit the great wall, the border as it were, that separates the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, and your illusion of fear consciousness, with its "Grand Illusion" of Separation from Me, your Creator...The Creator...The Great Mystery of Infinite Love, which of course you instantly forgot, as you fell into your self-created dimension of physicality and temporary humanness, where you instantly forgot your eternal "Reality of Perfect, Perpetual Union with Me", your so-called Creator and Divine Parent.  

Oh yes, forgotten, while you began your most recent incarnation in your experiential dimension of humanness (egoic judgmentalism), which of course included the non-reality of separation from Me, "Abba", that you now call your home on Mother Earth. 

Home on Mother Earth, the opposite of "Reality", the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, for your temporary experience into "non-reality", which your ego's judge to be "Reality", because your ego's are the illusion of fear consciousness, where you perceive your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, and all of your dark emotions, are "Real"

Oh my, My Children of Light Divine, what a creation, what an illusion, what a Dream World of non-reality, for that is where you are, and have been many times before, pretending, experiencing "the impossible"...separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you desired to experience "the impossible", the Great Illusion of separation from Me, the Everywhereness of Love, and now you are so lost in your creation, your Dream World of fear consciousness, that you perceive your Dream World of fear consciousness to be "Reality". Oh yes, which is why I refer to your Dream World of humanness as "The Great Illusion", for it is impossible..."impossible" My Children of Light Divine, to be anywhere, in all of Creation, and not find Me, The Everywhereness of Love

Your Great Illusion of Humanness was the only way to experience not-Me, not-Love, which of course is "fear". Quite the revelation is it not, My Children of Light Divine, as your egoic voices within are shouting at you to pay no attention to My Voice of My Everywhereness of Love, which "you chose" to be drowned out by your egoic voices of fear consciousness, and your Great Illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, pretending to be human, "you chose", you created your Dream World of humanness, where you are guided by your egoic voices of fear...the voice focused on the survival and continuance of your human forms, which of course, is an illusion. 

Oh my, My Children of Light Divine, you are focused on the continuance of your illusion of humanness, your illusion of fear consciousness, which of course maintains your "illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator and Everywhereness of Love.

"Hurray" for you, for you have created non-reality, to be your perception of "Reality". Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, you have created "the impossible", just to see what such a creation would be like, to experience, to become lost within, to perceive as "Reality", and then, wonder why your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love, would put you in such a place. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, and in so doing, you "deny" responsibility for your creation, fear consciousness, also known as "egoic consciousness", with your Grand Illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", The Creator, The Everywhereness of Love.

Incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation you remain lost in your humanness. Why? Why do you do this My Children of Light Divine, for I gave you free-will, the gift of Consciousness Awareness with Choice, and yet, you choose egoic, fear consciousness, with your Grand Illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love?

Ah...a question with no answer, according to your egoic voice within, for your ego's deny responsibility for such a decision, over, and over, and over again...because why, My Children of Light Divine...why do you incarnate into your Dream World of humanness over, and over, and over again...hmm?

Oh yes, and when confronted by such a question, your infinite potentiality naturally comes up with a variety of reasons, a variety of stories, a variety of lies. Oh yes, lies, My Children of Light Divine, for your ego's, your illusion of fear consciousness, are bona-fide experts at lying to you.

Do you "get it", My Children of Light Divine, hmm? Or...did you miss it again..."Reality" that is, the "Reality" that your creation, egoic fear consciousness, lies to you all of the time...and...and, you have relied on this never-ending river of lies to guide you through all of your incarnations into your Dream World of humanness

"Impossible", your ego's will tell you..."impossible"? Then, why is there so much darkness within your Dream World of humanness, My Children of Light Divine? Why?

There is only one reason, one answer to this question, My Children of Light Divine. 

You are being guided by the voice of darkness, the voice of fear, the voice of your ego's, My Children of Light Divine. The very same voice which has played the pivotal role in assiting you in creating what "you desired to experience", just to "do it"...egoic fear consciousness, with its Grand Illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love.  

"Shocking", is it not, My Children of Light Divine...that is , if you accept the "Reality" of your creation. Ah...but your ego's avoid such a "Reality"...deny such a "Reality", so you remain lost in your Dream World of humanness, your Dream World of dark emotions, which just go on, and on, and on...and why My Children of Light Divine...why do you do this?

Because your ego's refuse..."refuse" to accept responsibility for your Dream World of dark emotions..."refuse" to accept responsibility for "dissolving your ego's"

Ah...refuse to accept responsibility for dissolving "your creation", egoic fear consciousness. Enjoy your darkness, My Children of Light Divine...enjoy all of your pain and suffering, within your experiential dimension of humanness...your Dream World of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love? 

Oh yes, indeed...for until you accept responsibility for your creation, you will continue to incarnate, over, and over, and over again into your Dream World of fear and dark emotions.

Your decision, My Children of Light Divine...your decision...

That is all...

Abba...The Everywhereness of Love...

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