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Good Morning My Children

Your ego's have been lying to you "forever" about your Game of Humanness

Monday, September 9, 2024 Blog

How are you this day...this new day on Mother Earth, where all of My Children of Light Divine continue in their Dream of Humanness, dreaming away, and away...

Oh yes, and you all take it so very seriously, your dreaming that is, when it is all "just a dream", an illusion, which your ego's tell you is "Reality". Oh yes, your ego's lie to you all the time...constantly, adding another layer of reassuring conditioning that you know what you are doing.  

When you are dreaming, My Children of Light Divine, and someone in your dream tells you that your dream is "Reality", do you believe them, hmm? Well...that is what your ego's tell you each and everyday.  

When children make up a game to play, a pretend "Reality", that they know is not "Reality', but then, begin to take their pretend "Reality" so seriously that they become angry, and anxious, and irritable, it is no longer just a game, because they have forgotten they are only playing a game. Oh yes, they have forgotten that their "pretend Reality" is just a game...just a game My Children of Light Divine, to be enjoyed, "just for the experience" of playing the game. 

Well, My Children of Light Divine, are you enjoying playing your Game of Humanness on planet Earth...hmm? Are you...or have you forgotten why you are here...who you truly are...and how you win your Game of Humanness? Don't you want to win My Children...hmm? Don't all humans want to win the games that you play?

Oh, that's right, I almost forgot, My Children of Light Divine, part of your Game of Humanness was to forget who and what you truly are, by experiencing every possible aspect of your "pretend humanness"...your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, Pure Intelligence, and Perfect Peace.

Oh yes, you have forgotten, on purpose, as part of your Game of Humanness that you are Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, whose only purpose and function is to first, eliminate any perception...any illusion of separation from Me, Abba...your Creator..."The Creator", and then, and only then, can you fulfill your function, the reason I created you, and that is to function as channels or mediums for my Infinite Love, for that is My only desire, to extend Self, to extend My Pure Love throughout Creation, inclusive of your Dream World of humanness, on planet Earth.   

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, for that is how you win your Game of Humanness, and fulfill your purpose and function. For until you do...until you do My Children of Light Divine, there will be this ongoing, never-ending, unconscious drive within you to continue to search for your purpose and function

Oh yes, this is why you are unable to obtain a state of True Peace in your Dream World of Humanness, for you remain unfulfilled, and do not know why, hmm...My Children of Light Divine. Because "I created you in My Image". Oh yes, a reflection of Self, The Infinite Beingness of Love, which simply means that you too desire to extend the Pure Love, Pure Intelligence, and Perfect Peace of your Creator throughout Creation, which of course includes your Dream World of Humanness, on planet Earth. 

How are you doing so far, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? Are you winning your Game of Humanness yet? "No"...I don't think so, because you have become so lost in your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, Who you can never, ever, truly be separated from, that you have forgotten your only desire, which of course, is a reflection of My only desire...the extension of Love.

Don't you want to win your Game of Humanness, My Children of Light Divine? Don't you want to fulfill your purpose and function, and thereby return to the bliss of "reunion" with Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love? "Mind-boggling", "Incomprehensible", "Impossible" your ego's tell you, and tell you, and tell you, and yet, is this not what Jeshua ben Joseph discovered how to do two thousand years ago? How all lost Souls, lost Spirits of Love, pretending to be human, could re-establish "Perfect Union" with Me, your Creator? 

Oh, that's right, your version of his Life and so-called "authentic teachings", The Gospels of your Holy Bible, left out the most important part, and created your fantasy reason for his crucifixion, the atonement of all of your so-called "sins"

Oh yes, so when the time was just right, Jeshua ben Joseph has come back into your Dream World of Humanness, to fill in the gaps Christianity left out of your Gospels. Oh yes, sizable gaps, indeed...including how to fulfill your purpose and function...and how to remember "Who" and "What" you truly are, My Children of Light Divine.

Ah...but for the most in almost the entire human population, few are paying attention to the large volume of information contained within Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. Oh yes, for you are far too lost in your Dream World of Humanness, your Dream World of pain and suffering, to take the time to read, study, and practice the very teachings which will allow you to fulfill your purpose and function. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, it is quite the conundrum, but then again, there is no great urgency, no great rush, because why My Children of Light Divine...hmm? Because you are "Immortal", your Spirits' that is, not your temporary human body-brains, your "human costumes", in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph.

On rush at all My Children of Light are free to endure every imaginable aspect of your egoic judgmentalism, also known as "fear consciousness", and its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator.    

Look at your long history on Mother Earth, My Children of Light Divine...or if you prefer, look at your current events on planet Earth. How are you doing, hmm...My Children of Light Divine? Have you obtained True, Long-Lasting Love and Perfect Peace, hmm...My Children of Light Divine? Have you learned how to dissolve all of your fears and anxieties, hmm? No more arguments, conflicts, or wars, My Children of Light Divine? No more poverty, famine, or decease?

Ah...but your egoic voices within, that have been guiding you, "calling the shots", as you sometimes say, continue to tell you, lie to you, that they know the way to all of your desires, just as they have been telling you ever since you first incarnated into your Dream World of humanness.

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, continue to follow your egoic voices within, maintain your status quo of pain and suffering, of fear and anxieties, because your ego's surely know the way to True Love and Perfect Peace. Oh yes, they must, because they have been telling "you", all of humanity, that they know "the way" forever..."forever" My Children of Light Divine...your ego's have been lying to you forever, for if they knew "the way", then surely, you would already be there! have been following the guidance of your lying ego's forever, in your Dream World of Humanness. Oh yes, what is that saying...about doing the same thing over, and over, and over again, expecting a different outcome. Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, it is one of your definitions of "insanity". 

Yes, My Children of Light Divine, maintain your status quo, continue to follow the guidance of your egoic voices within, that is, if you want a new version of your fears and anxieties, the very same fears and anxieties you have encountered during your long history on planet Earth. Oh yes, that is definitely "the way to go"...just conitnue to expect a different outcome over, and over, and over again.

Or...if you want to try something new, and learn how to obtain Everlasting True Love and Perfect Peace, then, consider following someone who has already done so, your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, who has documented for you the steps he followed two thousand years ago.

Oh yes, indeed...and in the process, he will pass on the knowledge of how to dissolve your egoic voice within, and replace it with My Voice, My guidance, and "The Way" to Perfect Peace and Everlasting Love. 

"Impossible" your ego's will say, and yet, in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, from his The Way of Mastery course, "what can be known, felt, realized and lived".

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...





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