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Good Morning My Children

...that is what you do when "you chose" to incarnate..."you create" a simulation of humanness...only you do not believe it is a simulation, you believe your simulated humanness is "Reality".

Thursday, July 18, 2024 Blog

Yes, of course, another day has arrived on Mother Earth for all of those who have chosen to experience "humanness", a temporary state of physicality, fear consciousness, and the illusion of separartion from your Creator, Who of course is I, The Infinite Field of Love. 

And the first question some inquisitive Souls might ask is "why?" Oh yes, of course, "why" would anyone desire to experience such a temporary state of darkness and non-Love? So let us begin a new day on Mother Earth by asking those who have made such a choice..."why" My Spirits of Love, My so-called Children of God...why oh why have you chosen to experience the temporary state of physicality, fearful consciousness, and the "illusion" of separation from your Creator, Who is The Everywhereness of Love?

Ah yes, of course, we have been "here" before, and your typical response is that you have not made such a choice. Oh no, for someone or something made it for you, and "wha-la", "here" you find yourselves, on this tiny planet Earth, in human costumes, "brain-washed in your humanness", which is a description you are unfamiliar with...apparently separated from your All-Loving Creator, again for "some reason", for which you have created a variety of possible reasons. 

Oh yes, you could call all of this a "Great Mystery", for which endless speculation has produced quite an array of responses. Oh yes, over the course of human history, human existence, many, many potential answers have been put forth by your humanness, your temporary state of illusion which "you", humanity, perceive as "Reality".   

Ah yes, your perception of "Reality", which of course is "not Reality". What a conundrum, which many do not perceive as a conundrum...because you have "bought into" one of the hypotheses for your existence in your temporary state of humanness.

Oh yes, various portions of your population are convinced of one story or another for your existence in physicality, fearful consciousness, and illusion of separation from "Me", your Creator. Ah yes, and one unique aspect of your so-called Dream World of humanness is that many deny the fearful consciousness quality, which of course is all part of your illusion of humanness and separation from Me, your Creator

How lost are you, My Children of Light Divine, in your Dream World on planet Earth? You are so lost that you believe your illusion of humanness...your illusion of egoic fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", your Creator, is "Reality".

Oh yes, and how many times have we been "here" before, on God's Blog, on Ah yes, a place we will continue to visit until you "wake-up" from your Dream World of humanness to discover, to remember, that your Dream World of humanness is anything but "Reality". 

Oh yes, this story has been told, delivered as it were, by one you would typically perceive as an unquestionable source of Truth, and yet, that's all you do...question the truthfulness of Jeshua ben Joseph. 

Ah yes, and your ego's retreat into a convenient state of denial, whereby you do not have to accept "Reality" as "Reality", by denying Jeshua ben Joseph has told you that your Dream World of humanness is "not Reality". 

"Oh boy", is that not your term, your phrase, to describe returning to a "Reality" that you deny is "Reality", which you would prefer not to explore or discuss, hmm? about "not again?"

Oh yes, it will be interesting to see how many years go by before your population believes Jeshua ben Joseph...believe him to the point of actually accepting his solution to your temporary state of humanness...your temporary state of egoic fear consciousness, which of course he began describing as your "Dream World"

What do you call someone who believes a Dream is "Reality"? Oh...but in this particular case we are not talking about a literal dream, now are we, My Children of Light Divine? Oh no, for "you created" what has been described here, in God's Blog, as an "experiential dimension". And some may ask...what is an "experiential dimension"?

Hmm...let Me see, what would be a good analogy for you, My Children of the Light Divine...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, who think you are human beings? 

Oh yes, how about this description...those headsets (virtual reality headsets) you can now purchase that simulate skiing down a mountainside or driving a race car, that strive to create the simulation of those or other kinds of experience. Well, My Spirits of Love, that is what you do when "you chose" to incarnate into one of your human costumes..."you create" a simulation of humanness only...only you do not believe it is a believe your simulated humanness is "Reality".  

And for those of you who do not stay closely attuned to all of the various ideas and hypotheses of your scientific community, My analogy this morning is not that dissimilar to what some of your scientists are now discussing as a very real possibility

"Simulated humanness" as an option to existing in the Spiritual Dimensions...existing in the "Real World" of consciousness as Spirits of Love. The "Real World" My Children of Light Divine...the "Real World", where My Everywhereness of Love is "Reality"

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, when are you going to join us in the "Real World", rather than your "simulation of humanness" on planet Earth? The Real World of My Everywhereness of Love, in place of your simulation of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator? 

Oh yes, "when", My Children of Light Divine, is a question I continue to ask, here on My Blog, "God's Blog", on 

Ah yes, a question Jeshua ben Joseph has already answered for you, within his The Way of Mastery trilogy. Oh yes, an answer you generally deny is "Reality", and you do that oh so well, My Children of the Light Divine. You deny Jeshua ben Joseph is telling you the "Truth", or that it is even Jeshua ben Joseph who is telling you how to...let us say, "step out of your simulator of humanness"...or typically described by Jeshua ben Joseph as "awakening from your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from your Creator".   

In The Way of Mastery, Jeshua ben Joseph tells you that you will follow him out of your simulator of humanness (awaken from your Dream World) when, and only when, "you have suffered enough", and will do anything and everything to awaken from your Dream World

Well, My Children of Light Divine, have you suffered enough? Have you suffered enough to follow the model lifestyle and belief structure Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago? Has two thousand more years of pain and suffering been enough motivation for you to do whatever it takes to follow your brother, friend, and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph?

Oh, I guess "not", for there you still are, in your simulation of humanness, your experiential dimension on planet Earth, "denying" Jeshua ben Joseph has returned, and provided you with instructions on how he awoke from your Dream World two thousand years ago.  

Oh my, your ego's are still in control, and will remain in control until you follow your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph...follow his The Way of Mastery. 

How much pain and suffering are your ego's willing to endure? When do you think you will say, "enough is enough", and dissolve your ego's, as described in The Way of Mastery...whereby you "remember" you relationship with Me, your Creator...The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love?

Ah, My Children of Light Divine, do you know what happens when you decide to make the dissolution of your ego's Priority #1, along with remembering your eternal relationship with Me, your Creator and Divine Parent? 

You see your Dream World of humanness, your experiential dimension of humanness, your temporary human simulator, as "non-reality", and finally..."finally" you will experience, own, and live "Reality", the "Reality" that only Love is "Real", for I Am "everywhere"

That is all...

Abba, The Beingness of Love, Who has no beginning, no end, no limits...The Infiniteness of Love...

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