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Good Morning "My Children"

You Have a Split Personality...One as a Child of God and One as a Human Being

Monday, October 17, 2022 Blog

"Children"...what does that mean? It means descendants of the parents...made of the "same stuff", as you say...just like...with the same genes...possessing the same qualities...the next generation of a family or aspect of that which created you...

And so, that means you are just like Me, your Divine Parent, The Source of All...The Great and Mysterious Spirit that I Am...and I Am but Love...which means that you must be a Mysterious Spirit of Love...with an essence of Love...

What is a Spirit?...a Beingness without form...with consciousness or awareness...a living consciousness with no form, that has an essence of Love...which means that you are a living, counscious, Beingness of Love, just like the living, conscious, Beingness or Field of Love that created you..."Me"...which of course had no beginning and has no end...that is everywhere...that is what you are...and yet, you exist with a sense of separation from your Divine Parent...of not being connected to or part of "That" which created you...which "if" I Am what created you, and I assure that I did, it would be literally impossible for you to be separated from Me, because I Am everywhere...right? 

And we could continue on this, as you say, line of thought forever...and We would always end up back at the same conclusion...the same mysterious, beyond understanding conclusion of Who, What and Where you are...all of "You"...a Spirit of Love that is everywhere...and yet, you have a "sense", a "perception", of being separated from very unusual, impossible and yet, your "perceived reality", all at the same time.   

But then is it possible for your sense...your perception of reality, to be in fact, "Reality"..."it" cannot be...can it? For the qualities and characteristics of your Parent, your Creator (that's Me), are not shared by you...or so you "perceive"...particularly the parts about being everywhere and "Being Love"...and what about being a Spirit, and having no form...and the thing you most identify with, called "your body"...Hmm...

Let Us return to the part of  Me, your Divine Parent, of "Being Love"...because you generally are always seeking one way or another...either consciously or unconsciously...even if you are attempting to improve the Love you fell into, with another...for you often later have a sense...a perception...of "not Being in Love"...not being in a state of  Love that you had once perceived yourself to be "in"...which means that somewhere along the line...during your must have fallen out of Love...which again, if we recall Who, and What and Where I Am, your Divine Parent, your perceived sense of "reality" would all be impossible...right? Because your Creator...your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love, is a Beingness of Love, a Spirit, "that is everywhere"...   

You are a mind-boggling, mysterious, field of awareness, with an essence of Love, that is everywhere...however, you perceive yourself as a human form, which is separated from everything, alone, and seeking Love...all at the same time? 

That sounds like a state of "nonreality" does it not? That must be a dream of some kind...and what is a "dream"? A temporary state of awareness, with a series of illusionary experiences, that do not represent "Reality"...and "that"...your perceived state of reality, as separated from everything, including your Creator, that is lacking Love, because that is what you seek, all the while identifying yourself as a form...a human what you are experiencing as your "perceived reality''...

It sounds like you have a split personality does it not? One as a Child of God, the Creator of all...and one as a physical being...what is called a "human being". very curious and interesting you are...which raises, or shall I shall, creates many interesting and equally mind-boggling questions...

Questions that most of you, My Children, do not even ask yourself...for you, a Spirit of Love, exist, temporarily, within your dream of seeking Love...a dream of "non-reality" a physical body...and here we go again...for if you were created to be like your Creator, in the image of your Divine Parent...possessing the same qualities as your Divine Parent does...and most of you profess to be a creation of God, Who is a God of Love, that is everywhere, than why do you perceive yourself as not like your Divine Parent? Your Creator?     

And here we are must be dreaming...for "that" My Children is the only explanation that explains everything that you profess and perceive to be your "Reality"....and everything that I, your Ceator and Divine Parent, say that you are.   

You must be dreaming... long are you going to dream your dream?

How long are you going to seek Love, when your essence is Love...because that is what I, your Parent is...correct? A Beingness, that is Love. For how can a Child of Love not have Love...and "not be" Loved, Loving, and Lovable?

One conundrum after another...after another...and on and on your dream goes...with no apparent end in after life...after life...what is called an "incarnation"...oh...I recognize that word..."incarnation"...We have discussed that word in a prior means "into the meat...into the flesh" came into the flesh or body...into a human body..."into"...which means you are coming from some other place...does it not?

And from where have you come from? An interesting question indeed...and for those who have investigated this phenonmenon, of coming into and then leaving the body, in what is called "the death of the body", have learned about a Loving, Peaceful State of Awareness, called the "Spiritual Realms"...a destination if you will, that is not a topic of discussion on your nightly news, which in and of itself is quite the conundrum...for the Spiritual Realms is where you come from and where you return to, incarnation after incarnation...

And for those that "raise your hands"...desirous of questioning the validity of such statements...please lower your hands...for in raising your hands, you demonstrate your apparent void of education in the scientifically-based research that is readily available to anyone...anyone...and this research reveals a consistent pattern of experience, that repeats itself...incarnation...after incarnation...after why is this subject not discussed on your nightly news? Why do some of your religions deny the existence of your "cycle of reincarnation"? Why are most of you not interested in your "pre-incarnation planning process", which is when "all of you" make the decisions that shape and affect your current incarnation...that would provide answers to the question that you so often ask yourself: why is "this" happening to me? 

Question after question...conundrum after conundrum...which of course raises another there anything...any source...any body of information...that anyone can choose to educate themselves on, that answers all of the questions that we have touch on this morning? Is there a "person", just like yourself, who has "come into the flesh" incarnation after incarnation, who has awoke from their dreaming...who walked in a body on Planet Earth, who has reduced to writing an education on all of the Big Questions?

And the answers are yes, yes, and yes...for those of you who are tired of your dreaming, who desire to experience the Pure Love and Perfect Peace of the Spiritual Realms, while still "in the flesh"...while still occupying a human body...and that person who has traveled the path of awakening that you seek is one Jeshua ben Joseph...who has returned in the form of many channels and mediums, to deliver the education you seek, in numerous books, audio recordings, and ongoing "live" presentations...which culminate with a trilogy of books known as The Way of Mastery...

For the studying and practicing of the information...or shall I say, and I Am but Love, one of the paths of awakening to the Reality of Pure Love and Perfect Peace, is The Way of Mastery...which Jeshua ben Joseph channeld in the 1990s...for the masses to benefit from...which of course, raises Our next question...

If there is a source that educates all on the path to the state of Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace, that Jeshua ben Joseph resides within...that is available to even those that temporarily reside "within the flesh", why are there not millions and millions of students, who study and practice the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery?  

As you say on your dream...all in due time...all in due time...

Oh...and when that era arrives, there will not be just one, such as Jeshua ben Joseph, who said two thousand years ago...and who says today..."Abba, the Parent of All, does all things through me...Abba thinks through Me, Abba sees through me, Abba feels through me, Abba speaks through me, and Abba manifests ItSelf, consciously, through Me"...will be the Reality...the way of living expressed by millions "in the flesh"...just as Michael says this day! 

For just as I, your Divine Parent, said to Michael years ago..."study and practice The Way of and practic the path walked by Jeshua ben Joseph"...with My Still Small Voice of Love within all souls...within all of My Children "in the flesh" shall I say to you! 

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...





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