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Good Morning My Children

Monday, March 4, 2024 Blog

Ah...yes, another morning for My Spiritual Children..."Spiritual Children of the Light Divine". Hmm...that is quite the title, now isn't it, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, pretending to be human..."pretending"...only you have forgotten the "pretending" part.

Oh yes, "pretending" My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, which is quite different than believing and living as though you are actually your human selves, rather than just "pretending" to be physical, mortal, limited, fear-based, human beings on a planet, in a single solar system, which we call "Mother Earth". 

"Mother Earth", though your single planet gave birth to "Life". What an interesting misconception...or shall we call it a complete distortion of "Reality". Oh yes, let us combine these two...let us call it a complete misconception of "Reality", something the human race excels at. In fact, let us, as you sometimes say, let us "be real".  

"Be real", My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, please "be real" about who and what you truly are, rather than some temporary, limited, complete misconception of "Reality", which you refer to as "the human race". Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, your perception..."perception", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, of your identities is a complete misconception of "Reality".

Oh my, the human race, the most advanced Life form on your tiny planet, which you have placed on the lofty, pinnacle of Life and breathe a complete misconception of "Reality".

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, how does that sound? How does that feel...hmm? What are your elite intellectual centers of education going to do with this "Reality"...hmm? Oh yes, your universities...or even better, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, what are the upper echelons of your most advanced technology companies going to say and think about how very wrong they are about who and what they "think" they are, hmm...mortal, limited, fearful, physical...oh my, "physical" human Life forms, rather than My Spiritual Children of Light Divine

Oh my, indeed...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, your ego's are going to fight "Reality" as long as possible, for what does the human ego generally, "generally" have more difficulty with than anything else...hmm...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? Actually, now that we are on "this subject", the human ego has difficulty with a great many things. 

Oh yes, and let us begin with what your ego's truly are...shall we? Dare we? Oh yes, let's...even though your ego's will not, have not, even accepted the "Reality" of these articles on Oh no, your ego's are far...far..."way far" too intelligent for believe "Reality" is "Reality". Oh no...that is just too complicated for your ego's, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, because that would mean your ego's would have to do something they detest...admit they are wrong, change, and stop defending the status quo of your perception..."perception" of "Reality", which of course, according to "Me", your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, and a fellow Spiritual Being of Light Divine you may of heard of before, Jeshua ben Joseph, have been describing as your "Dream World"

"Dream World", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, in place of your "perception" of "Reality". Oh my, your ego's are going to put up a fight over this one. Your ego's "perception" of your humanness as "Reality" is not "Reality", but rather, an illusion...a temporary Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness, which some of My Spiritual Children of Light Divine see what experiencing non-love and separation from Me, your Creator (Pure Love), would be like.   

Oh my, as I have described many times before on My Blog, God's Blog, on, convincing your ego's, your false perception of self, which Jeshua ben Joseph appropriately describes as your "not self"...that your "perception" of who and what you insist you are, is "not" who and what you are, is going to be an uphill battle. "uphill battle". Oh yes, that has a nice, as you say, "ring to it"...don't you think, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm? Your ego's don't care for "Reality", but then again, why should they, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...because you ego's are at the proverbial center of your illusion of humanness...which of course is all part of your illussion, your Dream World, the non-reality of non-love, or fear, and your "grand illusion" of separation from Me, Your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love. 

Ah yes, The Infinite Beingness of Love, a description your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph created, as part of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. Will your ego's at least concede that "contemporary" means "current", and potentially "far more accurate" than the version humanity created two thousand years ago, before you even had the "smarts" to create the printing press? 

Oh yes, some of your ego's will quickly buy into that one, because they have longed dismissed the non-reality of the heart of the Christian belief structure. Oh yes, some of your ego's will agree with their Creator, "Me", when I state a fact, which just so happens is consistent with their ego's perspective. 

Ah...but what do those same egos say about Jeshua ben Joseph's description of Me, your Creator, as The Infinite Field of Love, The Infinite Matrix of Love, The Infinite Ocean of Love, "in" which you exist, and live, and breathe? Ah yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, what do your ego's say about My Everywhereness of Love...hmm?  

Ah...and let us not forget what Jeshua ben Joseph..."Jeshua ben Joseph" My Children, has taught you about your ego's, "your illusion of yourselves", which you created..."you created" to see, to test yourselves, if you could create (and transcend) "non-love consciousness", and "that" would be "fear consciousness", along with your egoic illusion of separation from what you can never, ever, truly be separated from, and that would be "Me", and My Everywhereness of Love

Oh yes, let us not forget what your brother and equal discovered two thousand years ago, and humanity failed to place in your Holy Bible, as part of The Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, a name...a "Jewish" name, which your ego's felt the "need" to change. Oh yes, your human ego could not have a "mere Jew" be The Only Son of God....which just so happens to be very consistent with the prevalent  religious underpinnings of Roman and Greek Mythology.

"Oh no"...the dominant culture of your "egoic humanness" of the era, the Roman Greco culture, could not have a "mere Jew", and Essene Jew at that, "play the role" of The Only Son of God. "Oh no", your false self, your not-self, your illusion of self, your egoic self could not accept a "Jew" as their Only Son of God.   

Oh...and some of your ego's are as you say, "scrambling"...searching for the justification to change the name of a Jew, Jeshua ben Joseph, a very Jewish name, Jesus Christ, and what culture does such a name connote...hmm...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, who are pretending you are human..."not Jewish", but rather Roman Greco? "that" is a name the Roman Empire could embrace...the ego's of the Roman Empire that is. You remember "The Roman Empire" don't you, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine? What's have heard the name, but do not remember all of the details? How convenient for your ego's, and the ego's of the hierarchy of your Traditional Christian Culture. 

The very same Christian culture who is yet to recognize The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. Imagine that, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, lost in your egoic, illusion of humanness, the Christian culture has "not embraced" The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, the authentic name of their "Jesus Christ". Hmm...I wonder why, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? How about "their ego's", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm? 

What do I mean? It is really quite simple. The ego's of the entire Christian culture would have to "admit", "own", and "live" their Christianity has been promoting a lie for two thusand years. Oh yes, from its inception, dating back to your first century, "the Roman Greco version" of the Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, known as your Gospels, are filled with "lies", something your ego's excel at.  

Oh yes, your ego's excel at lying (often unconsciously), and not just the Christian ego's, "all ego's"...and all humans have egos. Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...oh yes, indeed..."your creation", the ego, lives and breaths lies, for without lies, your ego's would not exist! For your ego's deny My Everywhereness of Love, which is a denial...a lie about what "Reality" is

Oh yes, I know, your ego's are already "off and running", fabricating various justifications, various rationalizations, various lies about Who and What I Am...and why The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph do not represent "Reality"...and what do your ego's call statements, accusations, and un-truths, which are formulated and verbalized?

That is all...

Abba...Your Creator and Divine Parent... 


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