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Good Morning My Children

Thursday, February 22, 2024 Blog

Ahh...another day on Mother Earth...another day of pretending to be a human being, quite the talented species...quite, indeed...unless of course, you were "who" and "what" you truly are, and that would be Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings of the Light Divine that are lost in the illusion...the Dream World of only "thinking" you are human beings, when in Reality..."Reality" My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, you are the Children of the Creator of All, Who would be "Me'", Abba, the "incomprehensible", Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everywhere"... "everywhere" My Children of Light Divine, even in your illusion of humanness, where you perceive...imagine...pretend...dream that you are what is "impossible"

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, your perception of "Reality", your illusion of humanness, your Dream World of physicality and fear consciousness, also known as egoic, fear-based, judgementalism is impossible...literally...unless of course you include an adjective or two as part of your perception of "Reality", as human beings...and a few examples would be delusional, illusionary, and non-reality...hmm...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? 

Oh my, for those of your Dream World of humanness, who follow My Blog..."God's Blog", on, you must be a bit tired of reading that your perception of Life as human beings, your perception of all your dark emotions, your perception of all your anxieties does not make your illusion of humanness, with your illusion of separation from Me, any more than what I always describe your lives of pretend humanness to be...just perceptions, just illusions, just delusions of the "Reality" of "who" and "what" I created you to be

Oh yes, I have been quite direct in my descriptions of your status quo...far more direct than your brother, friend, and know, the famous "Jesus Christ", who's name is actually Jeshua ben Joseph, along with all of the other assumed names he was called during his other incarnations, into your humanness.

Oh, that's right, I almost forgot (only kidding My Spiritual Children of Light Divine), for I Am what you call "All Knowing", so I never forget...anything...but I find it helpful to toss in a bit of humor here and there, in My Blog...for many reasons, one of which is your human perceptions of Who and What your Creator far different than all of your "hypothetical Creators" you have conjured up during your long history...your long illusion of humanness, which Jeshua ben Joseph refers to as your Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent

Yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, has extensive practice at attempting to make you understand that your human perception of "Reality"...your human perception of "Who" and "What" I Am is anything...anything but "Reality"

Ahh...and he has not had much success so far, at convincing you, humanity that is, that his descriptions of Me are "Real"...oh no...billions of you worship Jeshua ben Joseph in some form of your Christian religions, and yet, you do not believe him. How about that, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, hmm? When Jeshua ben Joseph...your "Jesus Christ"...tells you things, which your ego's deny, you do not believe him? 

How is that possible, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, who are pretending you are members of your pretend human specie's. How is that you worship "Jesus Christ", as your hypothetical only Son of God, and yet, when Jeshua ben Joseph walked among you, two thousand years ago, you chose not to believe everything he told you...hmm?

Oh did not believe everything Jeshua ben Joseph told you two thousand years ago, just as you do not belive everything he is telling you today, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. How is this possible, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? You worship him, but don't believe him? Oh my, and some of you wonder why he calls your Dream World of humanness as "non-reality"?

You must admit, worshipping someone, who you say is the Only Son of God, and yet, not believing him, is as you say, "a bit off" don't you think...hmm...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? "A bit off", "that" is one of your understatements.

Oh, you realize what this means, don't you...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? Your "make believe" Only Son of God tells you the "truth", and your "Real" brother and equal lies to you...hmm? How do you explain this state of affairs My Children...hmm? You believe Jesus Christ, when you place words in his mouth, within your revered Bible, and yet, when he returns to convey the true version of his Life and Teaching's, within a contemporary rendition, you deny he tells the Truth? This is what you refer to as a "conflict", is it not? 

There are many such conflicts for you to reconcile, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, and yet, your Christian leaders, deny the validity of the Contemporary and Channeled Teaching's of Jeshua ben Joseph. Oh yes...and once again, this means your "Jesus Christ" is lying to you, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...unless of course, you deny the Jeshua ben Joseph of "today", is your "Jesus Christ" of two thousand years ago. Jeshua ben Joseph is not "Jesus Christ"? Is this your answer to the huge disparities in your Holy Bible versus The Contemporary and Channeled Teaching's of Jeshua ben Joseph?

Today, in your twenty-first century, you are going to believe that "The Creator" sent his Only Son to Earth, to be tortured and crucified, as a human sacrifice to "Me", The Infinite Beingness of Love..."really"? This is the story of "Jesus Christ" you are going to hold onto..."really"? 

On my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, not only do you have Unlimited Creativity, but you use it to create "unlimited illusions of Reality" in, apparently...that are never ending.

The Supreme Intelligence, in all of Creation, sent his Only Son to Earth, to put on an illusion of illusion of a human body/brain, to be tortured and crucified, to somehow make Me feel better about how your pretend human species, which you created, to see if it was possble to experience "non-love"...the illusion of "Who" and "What" you can never, ever truly be separated from...The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who created you, because I Am "everywhere"? Is this not a summary of what you, humanity, are attempting to say is "Reality"..."really"?   

Oh...what is this I would not use the words I have used, your Creator, to describe your perception of "Reality"?

That is all...

Abba...The Incomprehensible, Infinfite, Beingness of Love...


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