Yes, another day on Mother Earth for humanity...the human race of fear-based beings, on a beautiful planet, "pretending" they are not Immortal, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine. Oh my, what a "story", what a setting, what a "pretend Reality", which you insist on as "Reality".
Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, what do you call a person, or in this case, an entire race of beings, whose "perception of Reality" not "Reality"?
Hmm...what words have I, your Creator, or your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, used to describe who or what you "perceive" yourselves to be? is no wonder you do not believe him, or Me, when we describe you in words your imaginary ego's associate with illusion, delusion, and non-reality. Ah yes, your imaginary ego's, which you do not perceive to be imaginary, and yet, you know and comprehend so very little about "the ego", the portion of your imaginary personality that dominates your decision-making function.
Hmm...the ego...what a creation, what an invention, what a part of your "perception of Reality" that you deny is "not Reality". Oh no, for the essence of your ego, fear consciousness, or the more descriptive term, judgmental fear consciousness, is the imaginary aspect of your "perception of Reality" that you insist on is part of your "Reality" of Life on planet Earth.
Perception of Reality versus "Reality"...egoic, judgmental, fear consciousness versus Divine, non-judgmental, Love Consciousness...illusion of separation, aloneness, and fear versus the "Reality" of Oneness and Love.
Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, the non-Reality of your non, false, and egoic selves versus the "Reality" of your True, Spiritual, and Divine Selves.
Oh, how long would you like Me to go on for, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, who are pretending to be human...who have "chosen" to be brainwashed in your humanness...who when confronted by the "Truth" of your Immortal, Spiritual, Multidimensional Identities', insist your mortal, physical, unidimensional humanness is "Reality". Oh yes, "you", humanity insist the non-Reality of your humanness is your "Reality", and insist does not even begin to encompass the strength of your conviction...your "denial"...that your "Reality" is not your "Reality".
Oh no, for even when Jeshua ben Joseph channels volumes of information describing your "Real Reality", versus your false, fearful, and egoic "perception" of Reality, you deny your "Reality". Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, what are we going to do about your illusion of humanness...hmm? What are we going to do...indeed.
It is a good thing you are immortal, and continually choose to re-incarnate into new human body/brains, continually choosing to be trapped in your illusion of humanness...your seemingly never ending loop of illusionary aloneness, and egoic, fear consciousness. Oh yes, how does "that' sound to your ego's that is...your invention, your creation, your illusionary type of consciousness...egoic, fear-based, judgmentalism that is?
Ah yes, one of your favorite, illusionary, egoic characteristics..."denial"...denial of "Reality" in favor of a continuation of your illusion of humanness. Oh yes, your illusion of humanness, which Jeshua ben Joseph refers to as your Dream World of separation from Who you can never, truly, be separated least not when you are living in "Reality"...and the "Who" of which we speak is "Me", your Creator, Who is literally impossible to be separated from, as we have described to you over, and over, and over again.
Oh yes, many of you, in your illusion of humanness, even deny I exist. Oh yes, the miracle, the wonder, the "Reality" of Life as a human being was just some form of accident, resulting by chance, some random chain of events...unplanned. Oh yes, "consciousness", "awareness", with the ability "to choose" were all some king of imaginary, random, combination of accidents. There is no "Creator". There are just random series of events with no purpose...and all of these random series of events just magically began to manifest, all by themselves.
"This" is what your ego's use to explain your illusion of humanness? Really? Oh...that's right, your ego's deny the illusion part of your humanness, for your ego's insist your Dream World of humanness is "Reality", even though Jeshua ben Joseph, the one you call "Jesus Christ", and your Creator, "Me", try to convince your ego's are, in fact, a key part of your Dream World of humanness.
Quite the challenge, don't you think, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm? Think about it, at least for a few minutes, from our perspective, Jeshua ben Joseph's and I that is. Your ego's (judgmental, fear consciousness), which "you created" to create your Dream World of humanness, is in, "not Real"...and this creation of yours is what is in denail of "Reality".
Then of course there is the other large portion of humanity, who believe in a Creator...that "Life" was not an accidental combination of random events. Oh no, the ultimate, All-Knowing, Supreme Intelligence in the Universe created the "human race", and placed you in a world of fear consciousness and dark emotions...a world of pain and suffering that just goes on, and on, and on...millennium after millennium. This is the "story" the ego has created to deny responsibility for your illusion of huamnness? Oh yes, the Supreme Intelligence in the Universe is to blame for all of the human pain and suffering? Really? This is your "perception of Reality"? Really?
These "egoic creations" are what you are going to identify with as your justifications for "your perceptions of Reality", which are not "Reality"? Really? You have not suffered enough...yet?
Okay, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine..."okay"...for I gave you Conscious Awareness with Free-will, to create whatever experiences you so desire. Jeshua ben Joseph was also lost in your egoic illusion of humanness. He found his way Home to the Reality of Love and Perfect Peace, and he has even documented how he dissolved your illusion of egoic judgmentalism...your illusion of fear consciousness...and remembered his relationship with Me, your Creator.
"Okay", suffer as long as you so desire, in your dark your fears and "your illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love.
That is all...
Abba...The Creator, Who is "everywhere", and I Am Love...