Oh my...Mother Earth and human beings...human beings who are truly Spiritual Beings of Light Divine, desirous of being temporary, fear-based beings, in the illusion of physicality...and of course, separation from Me, "Abba", your Creator...The Creator of All, for if I created you, My Christed Children of Light Divine, then I created "all" either directly or indirectly, for I created you, My Children of Light Divine to be "Creators", one and all.
There is always so much to communicate in our little, bi-weekly articles. Oh yes, how to convey to humanity the true nature of your temporary existence on Mother Earth, as human beings in the illusion of fear consciousness, and separation from Me, your Creator, when you are so...so very much more. Oh yes, a race of temporary, fear-based, physical beings pretending to be who you "think" you are (humanity), when you are not who you think and live as, but rather Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love and Light Divine.
There is such a "gap" between your "human perception of Reality" and your true Spiritual Reality, that when I or Jeshua ben Joseph describe your true identities, and related characteristics, most of your human population has what you refer to as "zero abilities" to absorb and comprehend our message of "Reality".
Ah...but we, you and I, are at least at the point in time and space where "we" are communicating directly to who you think you are, "humanity"...the later "we" being your Creator and Heavenly Host of your sister and brother Spiritual Beings of Light Divine, who know and live as "Spirits", rather than in your human illusion of separation from your Creator and Divine Parent.
Ah yes, "Divine Parent", a term many of you have not seen before, until you began reading My Blog, on jeshuabenjoseph.com. Oh no, for you did not think of Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, as your Parent, but...but, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, Parent and Child...Parent and human children, is a much better description than "God and humanity", for in your illusion of humanness, most have zero conscious ability to comprehend the "Reality" of our relationship. Oh no, humanity as a whole still...still does not "get it", even after reading The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph and My Blog, labeled as "God's Blog", on jeshuabenjoseph.com.
Oh no, even after we put the "Realities" of our relationship, as you say, in black and white you go on with your lives as limited...very limited human beings, as though your lives on Earth is "Reality"..."Reality" My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, pretending to be limited, fear-based, physical beings, who do not have your eternal, conscious, relationship with your Creator and Divine Parent...Me, "Abba", as called by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph.
Oh, what a surprise you all have, when you pass from "fear and physicality"...to Love and your Spirituality. Of course I Am referring to your "shift" in dimensional experience, which "you", humanity refer to as "death", "death"..."death". Now do you see, do you at least grasp a tiny portion of your gap between you illusion of humanness and the "Reality of your Spiritual Immortality"...hmm? For you never have "death"...you never experience "death"...you even have books, and fellow human beings, who tell you that you have "no death", and yet, you still fear your illusion of death.
The depth of your human conditioning is just as you have planned it, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, planned and "created", for I created you to be "Creators", Immortal, Limiteless, Spiritual Beings of Light Divine, who have the abilities to create whatever experience you so desire. Oh yes, experiences of limitation, which you become lost within...so lost, you cannot even conceive that you are "lost".
Where have you heard that before, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm? You are so lost in your humanness, you cannot comprehend "Reality". Oh yes, the "Reality" you are so lost in your illusion of limited humanness, you deny that you are lost in your limited humanness, even after your sisters and brothers of Light Divine, and your Creator, tell you that what you perceive as the "Reality" of your limited humanness is, in fact, "non-reality"..."a Dream World", using the words of Jeshua ben Joseph.
Ah yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, lost in your illusion of humanness, you continue to perceive this one, who I have been communicating through, as the delusional one, rather than yourselves. Oh yes, and even after we, Jeshua ben Joseph and I, convey such information to you, humanity continues to live in your illusion of humanness.
Hmm...if we were not all immortal, that might create a bit of a problem, but such is not the case. Oh no, humanity has many illusional problems, but mortality is not one of them, at least the ones who can read, and comprehend what they read.
Oh yes, comprehend what you read, and then there is the "believing" part of our little conundrum, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, as I, your Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, Who is "everywhere", have told you many times before on this blog, on jeshuabenjoseph.com, humanity does not grasp and believe "Reality" as described by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, nor by My Self, your Creator...The Creator.
Oh no..."you", humanity seems quite committed to your illusion of limited humanness, inclusive of your illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, "Abba", Who is "everywhere", even within your illusion of humanness. Oh yes, over and over we tell you about your grand illusion of humanness...and over and over "you", as in all of humanity, ignore us.
Oh yes, we even tell you how to end all of your pain and suffering...we have told you how to dissolve your illusion of humanness, pain and suffering (by dissolving your egos), and still, your response is..."dissolve our ego's, dissolve all our pain and suffering, dissolve all our fears and anxieties, and live as we were created to live, in perfect union with our Creator, The Everywherenss of Love?"
"Hmm"...you say to yourselves..."no, I don't think so, for I have not had enough pain and suffering yet...I am am not yet motivated to put an end to my illusion of humanness. No, I am not motivated yet, to make the change (dissolution of the ego) to live in the Bliss of Pure Love and Perfect Peace. Oh no, I like to talk about making changes to my life. Oh no, I like to read about making changes that will put an end to my fears and anxieties...but the voice of my ego within tells me to ignore the pathway to Bliss...the pathway discovered by Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, and documented in The Way of Mastery trilogy. Hmm...oh yes, the darkness of my ego still dominates my decision-making...but I sure do like talking about living in Pure Love and Perfect Peace."
That is all...
Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love...