Oh yes, they just keep coming...each new day, and each new day, and each new day, within your experiential dimension, which you call "the third dimension of planet Earth". How did you get "here" My Children...hmm? Oh yes, what an excellent question to begin our discussion this morning, this new day on your Mother Earth. How did you arrive in the third dimension of your precious planet Earth, which so many are trying to protect with your "green movement"?
Your scientists are not quite sure how "Life" began on your planet Earth, and when it comes to your human species, there are even more unanswered questions. Oh...I know, some of the mysteries have been partially answered by your scientific community, but what I refer to as "the Big Mystery" remains unanswered.
What is the "Big Mystery" you ask? Where did your conscious awareness with choice come from, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm...where did "that" come from, and why on Mother Earth, instead of the other planets...hmm?
Oh yes, I know, many partial answers abound, but they do not answer all of the "how and why" questions, now do they, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm?
Ah yes, and when it comes to a source that provides an overview...the "Big Picture" to "how and why" you arrived in your human forms...your human body/brains...the sceptics are quick to deny such a source is even valid and accurate in all details. Oh yes, for your scientists are challenged to incorporate your innate Spirituality into their hypotheses of "how and why" did the human species, the only species on your planet, obtain conscious awareness with free-will.
Ah yes, your innate Spirituality...your scientists don't have the answers to those questions, now do they, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...nor do they have answers to "how and where" did your mysterious Zero Point Field come from...hmm? You know, or at least a few of you do, the Zero Point Field, the mysterious, endless field of unlimited energy and information, which "everything" in your universe exists "within".
Ah yes, for a species who prides yourselves on demonstrating how smart you are, there are many questions you do not have answers to...or is it...I think it is, there are answers, but your ego's...oh yes, your ego's, those internal mechanisms that judge everything as good or bad, right or wrong, "deny" the answers that have been provided.
What answers on Earth am I talking about, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? All of the answers to your Big Mysteries and Big Questions that Jeshua ben Joseph (and friends) provide within the large body of information categorized on this internet site, jeshuabenjoseph.com, as The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of your very famous brother and friend, one Jeshua ben Joseph, more commonly known as "Jesus Christ".
Ah yes, "Jesus Christ", the name humanity had to "invent" and place on the famous Jewish man. Oh yes, the Jewish man humanity, or should we be accurate, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm? Yes, yes...let us be accurate this morning...the famous Jewish man the Roman Greco culture did not want to recognize...did not want to highlight as being "merely a Jew". Oh no, for the then reigning Roman Greco culture, of two thousand years ago, did not exactly view the Jewish culture in a "positive light". Oh no...a historical fact that was missed in your Gospels of the New Testament...and for that matter, missed in its entirety in your sacred New Testament.
How could that be, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm? How could so very many historical facts be missing from your New Testamant...hmm? Is it possible that your New Testament is missing so many historical facts on purpose, and if not on purpose, shall we say large, significant portions of the Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, along with his subsequent movement, were unconsciously altered by the human ego...the human ego's of the reigning culture on the planet Earth...the ego's of the Roman Greco culture, more commonly known as "The Roman Empire".
Ah yes, "The Roman Empire", so conveniently missing...almost missing that is...from your New Testament. The Roman Empire, who conspired with the Jewish hierarchy, to crucify Jeshua ben Joseph. What is that you say...hmm? The Roman Empire had nothing to do with the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph? Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, one day you may want to consider availing yourselves to the "Realities" of first century Palestine, along with the revolutionary underpinnings of the segment of the Jewish culture known as the "Essenes".
Oh yes, the "Essenes", the more spiritual and revolutionary segment of the Jewish culture, out of which Jeshua ben Joseph was raised and educated. Oh yes, both his parents (Joseph and Mary) were Essenes, and Jeshua ben Joseph was educated by Essene Masters from a very early age...at Qumram, the site of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Hmm...why are the Essenes not mentioned in your New Testament as playing such a prominent role in the Life of young Jeshua ben Joseph...hmm? Why is it that the targeting of all Essene communities, by the Roman devastation of Palestine, missing from your New Testament, in the section know as "The Acts of the Apostles"?
Oh yes, The Acts of the Apostles, the document that "allegedly" describes the events that followed the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph, the Essene Jew, who according to the Essene culture, was the "chosen one", referred to in the Torah (Old Testament) who was going to lead the Jewish culture to overthrow the Roman occupation of Palestine.
Oh...that part of history is missing from your New Testament isn't it, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...as is, why the Romans were threatened by the growing popularity of the famous young Essene man known as "Jeshua ben Joseph". Ah yes, so much is missing from your New Testament, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, including the Roman Jewish War, that occurred only thirty or so years after the crucifixion...oh yes...in the 60s A.D.
Hmm...The Roman Jewish War, when Roman legions laid siege to the city of Jerusalem, and eventually burned it to the ground, along with slaying all of its residents. Oh yes, and this was also the fate of every Essene community in Palestine..."complete destruction, death, and human atrocities"...at the hands of the Roman legions.
Ah...and what was the center of the young Jeshua ben Joseph movement, thrity years after the crufcifixion? Jerusalem...Why is the destruction of the authentic Jeshua movement, by the Roman legions, not mentioned in The Acts of the Apostles? Why was the Jeshua ben Joseph family and bloodline targeted for death by the Roman soldiers? Why, why, why? I could go on for many more pages, for there is much missing from your New Testament, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine.
Ah...but your history demonstrates the Roman Empire formally embraced the "Roman Greco version" of Christianity as its one approved religion in 325 A.D., by its Emperor Constantine. Now...how would it look if the New Testament, approved by Emperor Constantine, which is the source of your New Testament today, recognized that the Roman legions destroyed the core of the authentic Jeshua ben Joseph movement, in Jerusalem, know as "The Way", and renamed the counterfeit, Roman Greco version of Jeshua's teaching's as "The Roman Catholic Church"...hmm?
This all changes the perception of The Roman Catholic Church does it not? Oh yes, and I, Abba, your Creator, have only conveyed the "high points" of the true story of Jeshua ben Joseph. Oh my, how unfortunate many of his authetic teachings and inner circle of followers perished in Jerusalem, thirty years after the crucifixion.
Oh...maybe this is why he has returned, in this current era, to deliver his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings? Surely I jest...
That is all...
Abba...The Source of All...