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Good Morning My Children

Monday, January 29, 2024 Blog

Another day as a human being, on your planet Earth, within an experiential dimension of fear consciousness and physicality...that many of your sister and brother Christed Beings of Light Divine would never consider, as you sometimes say, "even sticking a toe into"..."oh no...not me", some say. "I'll try to be of assitance to those who have entered, but embody my Self in the illusion of humanness, no...never! I don't know why they keep doing it."   

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, there are so many who do not even consider entering your experiential dimension of fear consciousness and physicality, with its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh no, many of your sisters and brothers choose other dimensional experiences, for there are infinite possibilities within what you refer to as "Creation". 

Just imagine if you infinite number of experiential dimensions to choose from, and you choose one where dark emotions, physicality, and the illusion of separation from your Creator (Pure Love and Perfect Peace) are primary ingredients, hmm? Does that make any does it, My Spirirtual Children of Light Divine, who are pretending to be human? Oh yes, indeed...only you are not pretending, now are you, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? Oh no, for you identify with your dark emotions, human costumes, and illusion of separation from Me, Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is everywhere...except as you perceive it, within your Earthly experiential dimension of humanness

How exactly do you explain that final aspect of your illusion of humanness...hmm...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? I'm everywhere except where you perceive yourselves to be, within your experiential dimension of humanness, on planet Earth. That is what you might refer to as, a very strange combination...for how can something and somebody (a little humor there My Children)..."somebody"...for I don't have a body, at least not in the terms you associate with, being and pretending as human beings. How can I, your Creator and Divine Parent, The Infinite Beingness of Love be everywhere except where you perceive yourselves to be, and that would be in your illusion of humanness that you do not perceive you are lost within

Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, so lost you do not realize you are lost in humanness, on your planet Earth, allegedly separated from Me, The Creator, Whom no one, no where, can ever be separated from...for I Am Infinite Love and "Everywhere"

Hmm...can you do Me a small favor, please? It will only take a few of your precious minutes. Oh yes, and before you grant Me, The Creator and Parent of all, a favor...please do not forget what I, and your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, have told you many, many times..."whatever is created in time, ends in time". Did you "get that" My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, hmm? Your humanness was created in time, and "it", your humanness that is, will end in time. 

How is that possible, hmm? Something must be amiss...for I created you to be Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings, with free-will, and an eternal relationship with Me, The Creator...The Infinite Matrix of Love, Who is everywhere

Oh...have you, as you say in your illusion of humanness, connected the dots? Your Spiritual Selves are "immortal", whereas your perception of humanness, which you are currently lost within...within an experiential dimension that has "time", is going to have an "end".  

"There", I have described the favor which I Am requesting you to conceptualize. Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits, who were created with free-will, and an eternal relationship with The Creator, The Infinite Field of Love, "who chose" to have temporary experiences in humanness (incarnations) just to see...just to experience being lost in temporary transcend the illusion of humanness, the darkness of humanness, the aloneness of humanness, and once again live in perfect, conscious, union with your Creator..."Me", Abba, while...while you still have the perception of being embodied in a human form

Yes, yes...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, "soak that all in"...imagine you made "that choice", to experience "non-love" when you exist in Love for all experience fear consciousness and all of the dark emotions as though they were "Real", when all of your human darkness...all of your human pain, suffering, and heartbreak would only begin in time and end in time, which would leave you where, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...hmm? Where are you going to be?

Remember? Remember where you were "before you chose" to incarnate into your human costumes of fear consciousness and physicality...hmm? Oh yes, My Children, you remember, you simply chose to temporarily place "Reality" into your unconsciousness, so you could experience the illusion of humanness, which you have grown so attached to. Oh yes...indeed, "attached to your illusion of humanness". It can also be called "addicted to your egoic judgementalism"..."addicted to fear consciousness", where the dark emotions seem to be "Real", as well as your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes, so you are forced into your illusion of aloneness, with only your ego to rely make all of your decisions. Oh yes, your ego has made all of those decisions, which have resulted in pain, suffering, and all of your dark emotions.    

How do you like your "egoic judgementalism"...hmm? How do you like making so many decisions which result in dark experiences, dark emotions, pain, and suffering? 

Free-will My Spiritual Children of Light Divine...don't forget your free-will...for "you chose" all of your experiences, in one way or another, many of which "you choose" to not remember. You remember your Pre-Incarnation Planning Process don't you...My Immortal, Spiritual Children of Light Divine? You remember everything "you planned to experience" before you left the Spiritual Realm of Pure Love and Perfect Peace, to once again "choose" to experience egoic judgementalism and your illusion of humanness? 

When you choose "you have had enough", you know where you can find the knowledge and techniques to dissolve your ego's, and to once again join "us" in the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love and fearlessness, which you have never truly left, for how can you be somewhere...anywhere, which is not within My Everywhereness of Love...hmm? 

Oh...that's right, Jeshua ben Joseph describes your illusion of humanness as a "Dream World", which you perceive as "Real"

That is all...

Abba...The Creator of All...The Creator of free-will...

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