"We Love You"
"My Children"...oh yes, I like the sound of that...in a way that My dreaming children will not fully appreciate or comprehend until the day arrives when you are no longer dreaming in your illusion of humanness...and even as those words and thoughts flow from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, onto the page of written words, they have what you might describe as a surreal message for humanity. Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, the entirety of My Message of Love has an underlying surrealism, which makes it almost..."almost" impossible for you to accept as "Reality".
You realize what this must mean of course, but then again, under the circumstances, that too is almost an impossibility, for if you recall how we arrived at this juncture in our communications, that is a sizable challenge to accept as "Reality".
How do you describe such a situation in your human words of expression? Oh, there are so many, and yet, with such a variety of human perspectives, choosing the appropriate combination...the combination that would convey "Reality" are the ones that I search for. Oh yes, and you could even say, "how can such a situation arise", where our Creator would be searching for any such words, for The Creator is "all-knowing". Yes, yes...I understand. I assure you that I do, and yet, when I or Jeshua ben Joseph, your fellow Christed Being of Light Divine, communicate your current status quo in precise human terms, it sounds like "insanity" to you.
Well, well...can you now imagine how we feel, on the Spiritual side of the fence, trying to communicate to his (Jeshua ben Josaeph's) brother and sister Children of the Light Divine, who are not cognizant of the fact you are "not" truly human beings, but rather just experiencing the "human experience" out of curiosity?
Hmm...ah yes...a new context, and yet, the message remains the same...a message of "Reality" which sounds like "insanity" to you, in your temporary human costumes, pretending to be human. Yes, I know, I have been "here" before, with the handful of your sisters and brothers who searched for the answers to your Big Questions, and who searched and searched until they finally stumbled to the location of the answers.
Oh yes, and even "then", when they found the answers, they were perceived as "impossible"..."this simply cannot be so", they all expressed, in one way or another...which makes such a unique experience for all concerned, regardless of which side of the fence you find yourselves (Spiritual or human).
Ah yes, but each Soul, each sister or brother of the Light Divine, who crosses the threshold of your illusion of humanness, to the "Reality" of your Spiritual Selves...the transition...the Great Shift in Consciousness from fear to Love becomes just little bit easier. Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, your inevitable Shift in Consciousness inches its way along, in your illusion of humanness or "Dream World", as described by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph...which in and of itself is quite the stretch for much of the population...accepting Jeshua ben Joseph as your brother that is...your brother Christed Being of Light Divine, for that makes the entire human population "Divine" does it not?
"How can that be", you say to yourselves? Even though you can comprehend the meaning of the words, you are unable to comprehend the meaning. And there "we" are My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, you are on your human side of the fence, and we are on our Spiritual side of the fence. Two differennt dimensions and yet, the human component of this discussion is "lost in your illusion of humanness", whereas "we", on the Spiritual side, are not...which is precisely why "we" created The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph.
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, lost in your Dream World of humanness, for we have explained this to you before...how it has been a "group effort", on our Spiritual side of the fence, to convey "a message of awakening", using your brother and friend as our primary spokesperson, Jeshua ben Joseph.
As opportunities are created, others have, and will continue to join in the process of education for your human population. Oh yes, just look at the progress of the last fifty years, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, who are pretending to be human. The examples grow each day. The Spiritual experiences of your human population continue to grow in both number and depth...so even though it may appear not much progress has been made, to your inevitable Shift in Consciousness from fear to Love, the proverbial awakening wave of Truth and Love grows each minute, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine.
Oh yes, indeed...and even when you reject, in one way or another, our efforts to awaken you from your Dream World of humanness, our motivation and energy grows, and grows, and grows to extend our helping hands to all lost in your Dream of humanness.
Why does our motivation, our desire to awaken you from your Dream World of humanness continue to grow, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? Is this a question some of you are curious about? You already know the answer, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine. Oh yes, either consciously or unconsciously, for you know what Love is...and when you Love another, you may Love them enough to provide the freedom they desire, to have some experience, whatever it may be, but then, you are also "there" for them...so when your Loved One cries out for assistance, you are "there" with your helping hand.
Ah..."we Love you" My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, who are pretending to be human, and we are no longer on the other side of the proverbial fence...oh no, we are "here" with you "in your humanness", for how else would you explain this Message of Love...this message of awakening to the Reality of your True Spiritual Selves, as My Children of Light Divine...hmm?
That is all...
Abba, Your Creator and Loving Parent...