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Good Morning My Children avoid choosing to become "fully committed" to purifying your Soul's of the darkness which "you have created"...which "you chose" to experience...

Monday, January 22, 2024 Blog

Ah yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, another day has arrived for you to pretend that you are "human beings". Ah yes, indeed, human beings instead of your true identities as Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings of the Light Divine. Oh my, My Spiritual Children, that is quite the contrasting identities...human beings on Mother Earth or Spiritual Beings of the Light Divine, just pretending that you are temporary, human beings. It is no wonder that you often find yourselves confused with your split being Spiritual and the other being human...quite the difference...indeed!

We on the "other side" of Creation, often wonder what it must be like to be so confused about "Reality", but then again, we are of "One Mind", so it is quite easy to place ourselves in your shoes, so to speak, to appreciate how challenging of an experiential dimension such as egoic, fear consciousness, in temporary human forms, is each day. Oh yes...indeed. 

It is one thing to know you are Spiritual Beings of the Light Divine, only having a temporary human experience, but a completely different experience to actually believe, think, and live lost in your false identities' as fear-based, physical beings on planet Earth. Oh yes, "limited consciousness" perception of "Reality", instead of believing, thinking, knowing, and living as the true Spiritual Beings of the Light Divine that you are.  

The challenges you face each day, which you create, not understanding and appreciating that you create them, is obviously an experience many of your sisters and brothers in the Spiritual Realm choose to never experience. Ah, and I, as well as your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, have discussed this contrasting dynamic before, which most of your human population do not fully grasp. Oh no, for very few on your planet, who are pretending to be human, comprehend "your choice" to believe, think, and live in your illusion of humanness, inclusive of your illusion of being separated from who and what you can never, truly be separated from.

And as we, Jeshua ben Joseph and I, your Creator and Divine Parent, have covered endless times before, you refuse to accept responsibility for being lost in your illusion of humanness, which includes your "illusion" of being separated from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness or Field of Love, Who is "everywhere". Oh yes, this denial of Reality, this denial of "your choice" to create and experience your false identities' as human beings, all to see if it was possible to experience the illusion of non-love, of non-Oneness Consciousness, of fear consciousness, which of course is also referred to as "egoic consciousness".   

Ah yes, Jeshua ben Joseph, and a Heavenly Host of your sister and brother Christed Beings of the Light Divine...largely comprised of Souls who chose "not" to enter your experiential dimension of humanness and fear consciousness, with its "illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator, have documented for you, in considerable detail, what egoic, fear consciousness is all about. Oh yes, have I told you many times within "these articles", within God's Blog, on 

However...however, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, you are so lost in your experiential dimension of humanness and egoic, fear consciousness that you resist accepting what Jeshua ben Joseph and friends convey to you in his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...more specifically, the message of "Reality" contained in The Way of Mastery trilogy.  

"Resist" diplomatic of Me, for your ego's not only resist the "Reality" of the lives of humanness created by egoic, fear avoid taking responsibility for your temporary fate...and in the process, you avoid choosing to become "fully committed" to purifying your Soul's of the darkness which "you have created"...which "you chose" to experience...the darkness of egoic, fear consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love

Ah yes, "egoic, fear consciousness"...a description which can be substituted for "humanness" or "human consciousness" or "illusion of temporary humanness", or your current status quo

Let us see, "here", what your choices are, shall we, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human? I will continue to go through this "drill" for you, so your ego's will one day, which is probably not "today"...ah yes, but one day will choose to become "fully committed" to purifying your Soul's of egoic, fear consciousness, with your "illusion" of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...for until you do, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine...become "fully committed" that is, you will continue to experience the darkness of your Earthly dimension of humanness.

How are things down there, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human? Everything going as you would like? Not tired of your fears and anxieties yet? Not interested in Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and the Serenity of your Soul's...hmm?

The eternal "Bliss" of reunion with your Creator and Divine Parent is an option you always have...whenever you choose to follow in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph...whenever you choose to become "fully committed" to The Way of Mastery trilogy..."fully committed" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, who continue to settle for your illusion of limited humanness

Hmm...something to consider...or not..."your choice" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine. 

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...



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