If Jeshua ben Joseph had used your common human approach two thousand years ago, he would still be incarnating into your human cycle of reincarnation...
Oh my, what will your experiential dimension of Earthly events greet you with this day, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human. Oh, you are never quite sure what each new day has in store for you, for that is part of the environment which you immersed yourselves within, the third dimension of Earth, a jewel in the vastness of what you call "space". Oh yes, "space, the final frontier" according to one of your favorite TV series.
Ah, but the vastness of your three dimensional experience, your three dimensional environment has created the perception that "that" is all there is. I assure you that what you perceive as the universe, in which you have human experiences, your human incarnations, is only one part of an infinite dimensional variety, or you might say..."assortment of experiential dimensions"...which of course is well beyond your human capacity to conceptualize, and yet, the limitations of your temporary, human, physical senses create the illusion..."the illusion", My Spirirutal Children of the Light Divine, that if your physical senses cannot experience something...anything, then "it", whatever "it" is, does not exist.
Ah yes, your temporary, physical senses have been fooling you ever since you entered your illusion of humanness, which is obviously ongoing for most of the human population. Oh yes, indeed...and even the more spiritually orientated Souls, who are lost in your humannness, have a rather pervasive propensity to place three dimensional limitations on multidimensional aspects of the infiniteness of Creation.
Think about that for minute or two My Children. Your three dimensional humanness, the illusion that it is, attempts to "project" the inherent limitations of a three dimensional element of an infinite universe on the infinite dimensionality of the entire universe. Oh my, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, time for you to expand your perception of what the words "infinite dimensionality" and "Creation" represent, don't you think?
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children, pretending to be human, for if you ever want to graduate from your Earthly experiential dimension of humanness, with all of its limitations, with its framework of fear consciousness and physicality, you should consider expanding your perception of what the word "Creation" truly means. "Infinite" My Children..."Infinite"...there is no end to the infinite dimensionality of "Creation", for your Earthly experience of humanness is simply a single experiential dimension in all of "Creation", which is "infinite".
A small percentage of your population accept the "Reality" of the Spiritual Realms, the Spiritual dimensions, and yet, that too is only a small component of what is "infinite dimensionality". Oh yes, all of which is available for you to experience, simultaneously if you like, for that is what "Spirits" are capable of, and "that" is what you are, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine.
Ah...do you see how limited your illusion of humanness is My Children...limited indeed. Oh yes, which is why many who read and study Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, particularly The Way of Mastery trilogy, are challenged to conceptualize parts of his enlightened message of Love.
Oh yes, so what do most of you do, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine...hmm? You have a source to educate yourselves on an expanded version of "Reality"...an expanded version of your "true identities", inclusive of your primary function and purpose, and as soon as Jeshua ben Joseph (and friends) introduce new elements of "Reality" to your very limited, human perception of "Reality", you opt to become conveniently distracted by some elements of your very limited humanness.
If Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother, friend, and equal, had used this common human approach two thousand years ago, he would still be incarnating into your human cycle of reincarnation. Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine...Jeshua ben Joseph is a "Spiritual Child of the Light Divine"...a Soul...just as you are...conscious awareness with free-will.
However, two thousand years ago Jeshua ben Joseph refused to become "conveniently distracted by your illusion of humanness", in his quest to obtain the answers to all of humanity's Big Questions. "That" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine summarizes the main differences between yourselves, as in all of humanity (well, almost all of humanity) and Jeshua ben Joseph.
Ah yes, you used your free-will to become conveniently distracted from the wisdom of The Way of Mastery trilogy, whereas Jeshua ben Joseph uses his free-will to always..."always" My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, to take the next step, and the next step, and the "next step" in our relationship..."his and Mine", which is the process, the lifestyle, the adventure available for all who "choose" to avoid becoming distracted by your illusion of humanness...your illusion of fear consciousness and physicality.
"Our realationship", My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, is just like all other relationships in that "you create" it, "you" nuture it, "you" educate yourselves about it, "you" develop it, for "you create" all of your experiences. Ah yes, Lesson #1 in The Way of Mastery trilogy..."you create all of your experiences".
Ah yes, My Spritual Children of the Light Divine, your create all of your experiences. "You are creating" an experience this very moment by what "you decide" (via your free-will) to be "consciously aware" of...and you are choosing to be consciously aware of this article, on jeshuabenjoseph.com. Now..."toss in" your values, principles, and perceptions, and "wha la", "you create" an experience.
All Souls "who have chosen" to experience the limitations of humanness, within the experiential dimension of Earth, have chosen to be consciously aware of fear consciousness and physicality...and to temporarily forget your relationship with Me, your Creator and Divine Parent.
Oh yes, "you have chosen" to substitute egoic, fear consciousness, with its illusion of aloneness and separation from Me, your Creator, for your true identity. "You have chosen" your illusion of humanness, the "darkness" of humanness, as I and Jeshua ben Joseph delineate on jeshuabenjoseph.com, and within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, most notably, within The Way of Mastery trilogy.
Although a few have followed in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph, almost all Souls (who chose the illusion of humanness), have either begun the journey of following The Way Home to the Reality of Pure Love and Perfect Peace (The Way of Mastery) only "to choose" to be conveniently distracted by their illusion of humanness or...or remain so lost in their illusion of humanness, that they do not even realize they are in fact lost in their illusion of humanness, which "they created"...which "they chose"...which they generally do not take responsibility for. Oh yes, your ego's have perfected the art of "denial". Oh yes, indeed..."denial", a subject Jeshua ben Joseph educates all on within The Way of Mastery trilogy.
To choose to continue to be distracted by your illusion of humanness, your "self-created" illusion of dark emotions and physicality, within your experiential dimension on planet Earth...or...to follow the model provided by Jeshua ben Joseph, and experience the Pure Love and Perfect Peace of re-uniting with your Creator and Divine Parent, while still in your human form?
Hmm...I will continue to place this choice, these two options in front of you, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine. Regardless of what "you choose", you will not be alone, for I Am with you always, for I Am the Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, even within you illusion of humanness.
That is all...
Abba...Your Creator & Divine Parent...