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Good Morning My Children

Ironic? What Could Be More Ironic, My Immortal, Multidimensional, Children of The Light Divine?

Monday, January 15, 2024 Blog

Oh yes, another day for "humanity" on Mother Earth. Another day of self-created illusions...illusions of darkness, which of course you call "Reality"..."Reality" My Children? And even when your Creator, "The Creator", turns on "the Light" for you, to reveal to you what "Reality" truly is, that only Love is "Real", you pay little attention, for your illusion of humanness has you convinced The Creator is not "The Creator"

Hmm...fascinating in a very strange kind of way, but then again, humanity has been creating strange, dark experiences ever since you stepped foot on planet Earth. Oh yes, it has been, and continues to be, a experiential dimension which humanity continues to use to "test yourselves"...oh yes, to create every imaginable illusion, every imaginable experience in an attempt to convince make you forget your true identities, in favor of your illusion of humanness.    

By just about every measure "you", My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, have been very successful in your illusion of what appears to be a never ending experiential dimension of humanness..."humanness" with your illusion of being very limited, physical, fear conscious beings who are void of "Reality". Oh yes, void of living in the conscious awareness that "only Love is Real", and the Everywhereness of Love is the Infinite Field of your Creator, which you can never escape...never truly experience...for even now, this moment, within your illusion of being separated from Me, your Creator, you reside within Me

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, for you could not be "alive" unless I was the very essence of your beingness, the essence of your Soul, which of course, has no end that is, if you would pay a modicum of attention to your investigations into your illusion of your death's

Ah yes, what was I communicating at the beginning of My Message of Love to humanity, just a few paragraphs ago, how you, "humanity", create strange, dark experiences, which appear..."appear", My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, to be never ending. 

Ah yes, My Sprirutal Children of the Light Divine, appear to be never ending, for as your brother and friend has taught you, for those who have shown any interest that is, The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph communicate to humanity that everything..."everything" My Children, that is created in time, ends in time. Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human, and that would include your illusion of humanness, for you do exist "within time". Ah yes, I believe you do.

Even "you", a member of the very strange human race, cannot deny you exist "within time". Oh my, what are you to do My Children? Finally we have arrived at a component of your illusionary, experiential dimension of humanness which your egoic consciousness "cannot deny". Oh yes, your egoic, fear-based consciousness (the opposite of the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love) in which you have experienced an endless parade of your dark, human experiences..."incarnations", I believe you call them.

Ah yes, and your denials of "Reality" began again, did they not My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine? Oh yes, indeed, for your temporary, experiential dimension of humanness includes the entire spectrum of emotions...the dark and the Light, an element of your Dream World of humanness, which you insisted on, so you could obtain the illusion of being truly lost in your humannness

Oh yes, lost in your humanness was essential if you were going to truly"test yourselves", My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, for if you did not own and identify with egoic, fear consciousness, how could you experience "non-love"? How could you experience where you are at this very moment...hmm...My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine?

Oh yes, how could you deny the validity of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, particularly The Way of Mastery trilogy, where he documents how he, and how all of humanity, can obtain the "State of Enlightenment"...the conscious state of "Oneness" with all of Creation...."All of Creation" My Children, which of course would have to include "Oneness Consciousness" with Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love. 

"Love Consciousness" My Children, something you have temporarily forgotten, at least temporarily, while you are lost in your humanness

How very, very ironic My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine. "You created" your illusion of humanness, your illusion of egoic, fear consciousness...along with all of your other human illusions, including but not limited to, your very limited and temporary physical bodies...your very limited and temporary physical dimension...your very limited and temporary lives...your entire experiential dimension of humanness to become lost in. Oh yes, so you could own and identify with being lost in your illusion of humanness, to test yourselves

Oh yes, to see if you could transcend all of "your" illusions of humanness to once again "remember" and live what has always been, and will always be, and yet, "your creation", your egoic, fear consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Everywhereness of Love, is the thing that is stopping you from remembering who and what you truly are

Ironic? What could be more ironic My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Children of the Light Divine? 

"You create" an illusion of a "false self", of a "non-self"...egoic, fear consciousness...and you plunge it into "your" illusion of humanness. Your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, documents how to transcend your "false self", with its illusion of humanness, which was "your plan" from the beginning of your adventure into into egoic, fear consciousness, inclusive of your illusion of separation from Me, the Everywhereness of Love, and you essentially "ignore" The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...not to mention yours truly, your Creator, and My Message of Love on Message of "Reality"...our message of your true identities, and the eternal Bliss awaiting all of humanity... 


That is all...

Abba...Your Creator & The Everywhereness of Love 



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