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Good Morning My Children

What Does "Human Fate" Mean? Just look at your history of pain and suffering...

Monday, November 27, 2023 Blog

Good morning, good morning My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, pretending to be will you navigate this day on your Mother Earth with all of the challenges that it may, and undoubtedly will, present to you, which of course you had a hand in creating, to test attempt to make you forget "who" and "what" you truly see if you can still be the "Presence of Love in form", no matter the circumstance.

Ah yes, the grand game of, "can I be the Presence of Love in form", even after I have forgotten I am a Child of God...a Christed Being of Love...Immortal...Multidimensional...Divinely Creative...oh yes, can I remember who and what I am...who and what I truly am, rather than pretending I am a fear-based, human being, on planet Earth? far My Children of Love and Light Divine, you have succeeded at completing about half of the Grand Game of Pretending to be Human in that you have forgotten you are a Christed Being of Love and Light Divine. Oh yes, indeed...for you believe and live as though you are a fearful, mortal, "human being", with a destiny of death, and a variety of dark, negative emotions, while you search for Love and Perfect Peace. Oh yes, just look at your long history or visit one of your many "mental health practitioners"...oh, they have so many names these days.  

Yes, go see one of your psychiatrists, marriage counselors, or life coaches...they all have the answers, to all of your questions, for they have studied long and hard to obtain their titles and degrees, which they prominently place on their office walls. Oh yes, they try..."try" to give you the perception they to do not have endless questions about how to naviagate your human plane of pain and suffering...of "fearful consciousness"

Hmm...I have a question for them...your mental health practitioners. Do you know how to live fearlessly, as the Presence of Love in form, you? Oh, they don't have courses in your fine universities on how to obtain a Masters or Ph.D. degree on immortality, living fearlessly or as the Presence of Pure Love in form? Are those not the subjects you are most interested in, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, who are pretending to be human...oh yes, "pretending to be human", until you experience what you fear the very most, physical death...and then what happens, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine...hmm?

What happens when you leave your human costumes...hmm? Why so quiet My Spiritual Children? You have many, many books describing what happens to you when your precious human bodies no longer function. There are a small sampling of such books on this internet site, the end of the section entitled The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph.

Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph, also known as "Jesus Christ" remember him don't you? Or do you, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, who are utterly lost in your game of "what is it like to be a physical, fearful, human being?" What is it like to live thinking fear and all of your many negative emotions are "Real", and part of "Life"...for that is what you believe and live, is it not? You live your many human lives, each Soul that is, for you are well versed in the process of reincarnation, for you even have Past Life Regression Therapists'. Oh yes, they are part of your mental health profession, My Spiritual Children, pretending to be human.  

You pay these Past Life Regression Therapists' to assist you in accessing your memories, buried in your subconscious, about your prior lives. Oh yes, it is all quite common these days, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine. You may want to consider a visit or two, to experience part of "Reality", which many humans deny is part of your "Reality". Ah...and there is "that word" again..."deny".

Or...or...if you want to be particularly adventurous, maybe you should schedule a session with a Life Between Life Regression Therapist...hmm? Can you guess what memories they bring to the surface of human consciousness, from the depths of your hidden, buried, subconscious memories?

Oh yes, I know...deny, deny, deny...much of your human population will deny there is such a thing as "Life" in between your many incarnations on Mother Earth. Ah...but here is an interesting twist, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine...even those of you who believe in a Life, a Spiritual Dimension, in between your many incarnations, you still fear your physical deaths? How interesting...

Humanity has a proverbial mountain of evidence, research, and case studies on Life after you depart your physical, human bodies, and yet, you still fear physical death. Hmm...I wonder why, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? Maybe...just maybe, it is because you have been "conditioned"...ah yes, what a polite term, "conditioned" into thinking and living as though you are your physical, fearful, human costumes? Could that be the answer My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, hmm?

"That" scenario would explain so very, very much about your temporary, physical, fearful, human lives...within your experiential dimension of Mother Earth. I wonder why your more prestigious universities do not offer Masters and Ph.D. curriculum on "that" subject, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine?

Oh yes, what could we call this special field of study and proficiency...hmm...My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? I can think of many such names. How about...Making "The Shift" from Temporary Humanness to the Immortality of Being a Spiritual Child of Love and Light Divine? Wow...that's a great name, don't you think?

Ah, but who are you going to get to teach the courses? Don't you need someone who is an expert on making "The Shift" from your limited, illusionary, humanness to the "Reality" of your true, Immortal, Spiritual know..."The Shift" in consciousness from believing and living as though you are "human beings"...fearful, physical, limited, human beings to Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits..."Spirits", My Children of Love and Light Divine.  

Who do you know is an expert on all of these subjects, who has made "The Shift" in consciousness from fearful, limited, humanness to living your "true identities" as Immortal, Unlimited, Spirits of Love and Light Divine? Oh yes, who has documented this "Shift" in consciousness from fear to Love...who, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? have been told many times, in many ways, and still, humanity remains lost in your humanness, creating excuse after excuse for why you avoid following in the footsteps of the one I speak of, who knows what you desire to know, who has documented what you desire to know, and yet, excuses, denials, and more excuses. 

Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, you say you desire True Peace and Love, and yet, all I hear are excuses and denials. Follow in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph and The Way of Mastery trilogy, or at least be honest about your fate as a limited, fearful, physical, human being.

Ah...questions...what does "that human fate" mean, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? Just look at your history...your human history of pain and suffering, for you can "spin it" any way you like, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, but pain and suffering is the order of your human after day...just look at your nightly news broadcast.

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...

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