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Good Morning My Children

"You", Humanity, Have Been Ignoring the Opportunity to Become "Enlightened" for Decades...

Thursday, November 23, 2023 Blog

Ah yes, another morning...the sun has yet to rise, but another day on Mother Earth has begun. We can only imagine what darkness will manifest this day on top of the wars, deceases, and tragedies which are ongoing, somewhere on your planet Earth. It is a wonder you, "humanity", find the desire and energy to keep going amidst such never-ending darkness. 

Do you ever wonder about such things? Of course you do, particularly when you step-back and peruse the landscape...your landscape on Mother Earth. But all to often, humanity just stumbles on and through whatever you have decided to experience, without giving it much thought. "It"..."Life on Earth", has often just been a game of survival, rather than a well thought out process of "how can we make Life better".  

"How can we make Life better"...what a unique thought for a race of beings who have invented the opposite. Oh yes, the opposite of "how can we make Life better", for how else would you describe your long history on planet Earth? The darkness never just keeps going, and going, with a new chapter each day of death and destruction. 

Look at your "big news" events each day, and everyday. Need I say anything else to make My point this morning...hmm? How about a "big news" story about something wonderful for a event which would eventually change the course of events on your planet Earth...from darkness and fear to Light and Love? Wouldn't that be a nice change? Oh..."it" has already occurred, only you, "humanity", chose to ignore it and question its validity.

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine (pretending to be human), you are ignoring the event that will change your status quo of calamity after another, to a movement, a change, a way of Life you have already misunderstood once, two thousand years ago, and you are trying once again to misconstrue, yet again.  

Ah, I just gave you a very big hint as to "what" and "who" I am talking about, and yet, most of humanity, what are your words...would be "lost" to surmise what and who I am referring too, if it were not for the name of this internet site,

Ah, a few of you have actually realized what I Am talking about, the return of Jeshua ben Joseph and his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...only most of humanity, when they hear of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channneled Teachings, do not even "lift a finger"...expend a modicum of energy to learn what his message to humanity is.   

Hard to believe isn't it? Oh, that's right, I Am addressing humanity, so it is not difficult to believe at all, for that is exactly what is transpiring on your planet Earth, in your Dream World of egoic fearfulness..."fearful consciousness", in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph.  

Just last night, in a grocery store, Michael tried to introduce the significance of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph to one of My Christed Children of Love and Light Divine (pretending to be human), and it was as if he had not said anything at all, for the lost Soul, lost in their humanness, just continued to ramble on about all that was far more important in her life then The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, inclusive of how he became an "Enlightened Soul" two thousand years ago, which he was now sharing with humanity...again..."again", as he had tried to do two thousand years ago, only to be crucified

Oh my, maybe that's why he decided not to incarnate again, with his Message of Enlightenment, but rather just to channel it, over decades, because he did not want to endure another human reaction to how to re-establish your relationship with your Creator and Divine Parent, "Me", Abba. Oh yes, maybe that's the reason he did not reincarnate, because humanity found a way, two thousand years ago, to punish him for delivering the Message of Love, from yours truly, your Creator?

"If" that was the case, for him not reincarnating, you can hardly blame him, for who would want to endure the pain and suffering of being crucified a second time...hmm...My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine...who?

Ah, and some of you are thinking to yourselves, "this is silly", we would not have crucified Jeshua ben Joseph again, for we would have welcomed him back, and listened to every single word...listened to his teachings about how he became "Enlightened" two thousand years ago.

"Really"? Are you sure that is what you would have done? I don't think so...for I know so. Look...just look at how you have reacted over the past forty years to his "Contemporary and Channeled Teachings". Are there any "best sellers" in the channeled manuscripts? No...not one...not a single one, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light please, as you say, "get real". You may say, to make your ego's feel good, you would have been interested in how Jeshua ben Joseph became "Enlighened" two thousand years ago, but when someone actually puts that opportunity in front of you, you do what? What do you do, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine (pretending to be human)...completely and utterly lost in your Dream World of humanness, your ignore it

Oh yes, the human race is ignoring the opportunity to become "Enlightened". Humanity, and that would include "you"...are ignoring the opportunity to not only become "Enlightened", but to also re-establish your relationship with The Creator, "your Creator", and that would be "Me", the Beingness of Infinite Love, Perfect Peace, and All-Knowingness. Hard to believe? No, not really, not for "you", humanity...for you have been ignoring this opportunity for decades..."decades" My Children. 

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...


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