The Choice is Yours, Not Mine...
Today, another day for The Creator, and that would be Me, "Abba", to deliver another Message of Love to humanity...and some may ask, why the description, "Message of Love"? The answer is quite simple, as many may surmise. I Am Love...Infinite, Living, Vibrating, Conscious LOVE...beyond your human abilities to comprehend and thus, whenever I deliver a message to humanity (oh my, did you comprehend what was just conveyed?) the content can only contain one thing, My essence, which is your essesnce, and that one thing is "LOVE".
Let us return to the phrase, whenever I deliver a message to humanity. How often in your long history have you ever received such a message, from your Creator, available for all to read on your internet...hmm? A simple question with a simple answer, is it not?
In any case, not the primary subject this morning, in your year 2023, on your tiny planet Earth, moving at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour. Oh yes, that is correct. You are standing "still" or such...or seem to be, and yet, you are not "still" at all. One of the endless illusions of your Human Dream World, so appropriately named by your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, and yet, humanity does not perceive "LIFE" on your planet Earth to be a Dream World, but rather "Reality".
Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph has been trying to "wake-up" his sisters and brothers to the "Real Reality", and that would be your eternal relationship with the Everywhereness of Love, Who created you, Who of course is The One communicating to humanity on God's Blog, on this very moment, and yet, humanity, and that would include "you", continue to slumber in your illusion of egoic fearful consciousness, physicality, and of course, the biggest of all your illusions on planet Earth...humanity's illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, Who it is literally impossible to be separated from.
Ah...and why oh why do you think Jeshua ben Joseph is trying to wake you up from your Dream World of egoic, fearful consciousness hmm...My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? Why does any brother or sister try to wake-up a sibling having a dark, disturbing dream? Because he or she "Loves" the other...their sister or brother, who is "dreaming". However, in your Earthly Dream World, of dreaming you are human, it is far more complex to awaken you to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love than simply touching the shoulder and saying, "wake-up, wake-up", my sister or brother, oh yes...indeed.
In your Human Dream World (on planet Earth) it only takes a few moments to awaken anyone from their "human dreams" and yet, Jeshua ben Joseph has been trying to wake you up for over two thousand years. In your current era, he and a Heavenly Host of your disembodied sisters' and brothers', have taken decades to deliver what we are calling his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, some of which have been recorded and distributed to portions of your human population. Please note the phrase, "some of which", for they (Jeshua ben Joseph and a Heaven Host) have communicated to thousands of Souls in your human forms, some of which have not, and do not recognize the source of the messages they have, and continue to receive.
Oh yes, another of your endless human illusions, for many still do not comprehend that communicating with their disembodied sisters' and brothers', who reside on the "other side of the fence", in the Spiritual Realm, is easier, quicker, than using one of your smart phones..."cell phones" they are called...for communicating to us on the "other side", in the Spiritual Realm, does not require any numbers, but rather simply desire, intent, and consciousness.
You, humanity, all have the ability to communicate with us, in the Spiritual Realm, and the only thing stopping you is your illusion that you think you cannot. Oh yes, you all have endless abilities you deny you have...and there is "that word" again, which keeps popping up in our communciations to you..."deny". Such a necessary term for our communications, which appears within Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, most notably within The Way of Mastery trilogy.
Oh yes, The Way of Mastery trilogy, where he describes how he woke-up to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, and from your Dream World of egoic, fearful consciousness. For how could he accomplish such a worthy endeavor without educating humanity on the differences between your "original", conscious state of "Christ Consciousness"...Enlightened Christ Consciousness, which can also be referred to as "Love, Oneness, and God Consciousness" versus your current, "chosen" state of consciousness: egoic, fearful consciousness, with its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, "Abba".
Oh yes, quite different states of consciousness, indeed. There is no need for Me to try and educate humanity on the numerous differences between egoic, fearful consciousness and Love, Oneness Consciousness, for Jeshua ben Joseph has already done so, in considerable detail, within The Way of Mastery...The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation, and The Way of Knowing, inclusive of many question and answer periods, which often followed the primary, so-called "Lessons", thirty-five in all.
Yes, Q & A periods, where the embodied, human Souls in attendance, could ask Jeshua ben Joseph anything they so desired...quite the informative, very educational, priceless insights into both sides of the proverbial "fence" between your Earthly, human Dream World, where your "illusion" of egoic, fearful consciousness dominates...and the Spiritual Realm, your "Home", where Oneness, Love, and God Consciousness prevail...the illusion of a fearful, human reality, and the "Real Reality" of Oneness, Love, and your eternal relationship with Me, your Divine Parent and Creator...The Everywhereness of Love.
Yes, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, temporarily occupying human forms, within your egoic, fear-based Dream World, which I prefer to refer to as one of the infinite experiential dimensions you can choose from...Jeshua ben Joseph has done a masterful job of educating his "embodied" sisters and brothers, when you are ready...when you are ready to educate yourselves on the many differences between what you currently perceive "Reality" to be...within your human bodies...within your human Dream World of egoic darkness, and comparison to your Home in "Bliss"...within your relationship with Me, your Divine Parent and Creator.
Let Me make one thing very clear, so there is no confusion. "You create your experiences", so there is no need, no requirement for you to leave your current illusion of being embodied in a human form...for you to return Home to "Bliss". You can if you so desire...or not...the choice is "yours", not Mine...just as it is your choice to "change"...change from egoic, fearful, limited, human Christ, Love, Oneness, God Consciousness, while you either remain in, or shift out of your temporary human forms.
That is all...
Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...