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Good Morning My Children

Your "Big Picture Puzzle"

Thursday, November 16, 2023 Blog

Hmm...what would you like for Me to tell you about this morning My Children...My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? There have been many mornings, most mornings, when My Message of Love probably did not sound as though it was a Message of Love...but, that has been, and will continue to be (a little peak into the future...your future), simply because of the choices you have made, your current inability to recall those decisions, and why (what your motivation was to make such decisions).   

Ah yes, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, there is a sizable gap between your conscious memories as temporary, physical, fear-based, human beings, and Who and What you truly are, inclusive of why you chose to be "here", within your experiential dimension on planet Earth. 

Now...with that as an introduction and foundation for all of My artilces on My Blog, "God's Blog" it is called, on, we...humanity and I, your Creator, can begin this day, this morning, with My Message of Love that aims to nudge humanity towards the Love and Light from which you come, and away from the fear and dark dramas within which you currently abide. 

Ah yes, and even with those few words, the gap between "Reality" and your perception of "Reality" is far different, depending on your current vantage point. If you are on "our side" of the fence, in the Spiritual Realm, My message thus far makes perfect sense. However, on your side of the fence, within the human, physical, fearful consciousness, of your Earthly experiential dimension, your perspective is far different, less clear, incomplete, and thus, it is literally impossible to have, as you say within your Earthly experiential dimension, "the Big Picture".

The analogy I, The Infinite Beingness, The Infinite Field, The Infinite Matrix of Living Love, Perfect Peace, and All-Knowingness have used before, is humanity is putting together a puzzle of your "Big Picture" but...but, not only do you not remember all the pieces to your puzzle, you often forget you even have a "Big Picture Puzzle" to put together.   

Ah yes, My Spiritual Children, extensions of the overflowing of the Infinite, Conscious Love which begot you, and that would be "Me", your Divine Parent...your Divine Creator. Using a few of your human words of expression, you are playing a card game called, "what is it like to be a human being", and you do not even have all of the cards, hmm? A sizable challenge to understand the game, don't you think? 

Ah...and this is why your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph (also known as Jesus Christ) has prominently come back into "your human game", to assist humanity to put together your "Big Picture Puzzle" assist humanity in understanding what it is truly like to be playing your game of "what is it like to be a human being", and most importantly, how the game ends...hmm?

Your first step in completing your "Big Picture Puzzle"...your first step in completing your game of "what is it like to be a human", is to comprehend something Jeshua ben Joseph and I have communicated to you many, many times before...oh yes...many, many times. 

Jeshua ben Joseph's approach was, and remains, far more gradual than mine, for he spent decades delivering his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, through numerous "human channels". Whereas My approach, these past twenty-two months, using My Blog (God's Blog), on, has been, and will continue to be, much more direct.

The analogy I would use this morning is a child having a very disturbing...what you call a "very bad dream", and the brother (Jeshua ben Joseph) is gently touching the shoulder of the child, trying to awaken the child from their dream. The parent comes into the room (and that would be Me, your Creator), sees the approach of Jeshua ben Joseph has not been successful, and begins to agressively shake the child (humanity), in an attempt to awaken the child from its bad dream.  

Ah yes, another context has been conveyed to all of humanity...another analogy...another chapter in My Message of Love, with the goal of awakening humanity from your Dream World of fear and physicality to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love

Why? The "why" is obvious is it not, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, dreaming your are physical, fearful, human beings, in your self-created, experiential dimension, called "the third dimension of planet Earth". 

Ah, and the Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Child of Love and Light Divine does not awaken. It continues to dream its dream of being a mortal, physical, fearful, human being...which the Child created, to create a new experience, to test itself, in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, from The Way of Mastery trilogy..."I (the Child), have therefore called to My Self all multitude of experiences (by dreaming I am a human being) order to challenge My Self, in order to condition My Self, to rise above, to transcend all possible experiences that could distract me from the remembrance of who I am." 

Ah, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, do you not think your "dreaming" has not tested yourselves enough? Is it not time to awaken to the "Reality" of your true Spiritual Selves...hmm? For those of you who answer this question with a "yes", then simply follow in the footsteps of your brother, Jeshua ben and practice The Way of Mastery until..."until" you wake yourselves up from your dream of being a human being. Oh yes...wake-up to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...for I gave you it is "your decision" to wake-up to "Reality"...or just keep testing yourselves, by dreaming your dream of being human. 

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love... 



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