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Good Morning My Children

Pre-Incarnation Agreement and Your "Link" to the Everywhereness of Love

Thursday, November 9, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, The Children of God you were, and are called, by your most famous brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, who has returned to your Earthly convey a more accurate rendition of the events of two thousand years ago. Oh yes, and in the process, much new information about who you are, what you are, and why you are here has been recorded, is now available for all of humanity, and surprisingly, is not of much interest to most of the human population. 

"The End"...only it is not "the end" is only the beginning of the new and "final era of humanity". Oh yes, the final era of least in the large number of Souls who temporarily inhabit the forms known as the "human anatomy". Oh yes, what will be known as The Great Exodus from the human form is on the verge of commencing, thanks primarily to the information Jeshua ben Joseph has returned to share with his sister and brother Chisted Beings of Love and Light Divine.  

Oh yes, if you think the ancient Christian version of the events of two thousand years ago changed the direction of the human race, as you sometimes say, "you have not seen anything yet". But, the future, your future, "here" in your Earthly experiential dimension, does not appear to be of much interest to most of your human population. Oh no, for you are far too busy with your illusion, your game of, "what is it like to be human?" 

Oh yes, when you were planning your current incarnation, in the Spiritual Realm, some of you had such high aspirations to make a big difference this trip into your experiential dimension of physicality and fearful consciousness. Oh yes, you were going to make some "Big Changes" with the assistance of Jeshua ben Joseph...just as Jeshua ben Joseph had planned two thousand years ago...only to discover there was, as you say, "a sizable gap" bewteen what you thought, what you planned, what actually is, and what will be transpiring.  

Oh yes, and some will say, "why"? It all seemed so clear, understandable, and obtainable in the Spiritual Realm, but when we reincarnated, into the human form, everything changed..."everything"

Oh yes, and why did everything change when you reincarnated into your temporary, human forms...hmm...My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? Because you once again forgot who you are, what you are, and why you incarnated. I believe your phrase of, "we blocked out" our who, what, and why is apropos. Oh yes, your forgetfulness is part of your "Incarnation Agreement". However, you agreed not to remember your Incarnation Agreement, unless of course you went through the steps to access your subconscious memories, from the Spiritual Realm...and until this very moment, most of humanity did not even know you had entered into an Incarnation Agreement prior to becoming, once again, physically embodied Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, if you remembered the terms of your Pre-Incarnation Agreement, "LIFE" on planet Earth, or rather, within you Earthly experiential dimension, would be quite different, indeed. Ah, but that is not the case, now is it?

Oh no, for most of humanity has no recollection of your who, what, and why...oh no, there has been a long history of speculation, of delusional fabrications of your who, what, and why, but not as you sometimes say, the memory of the "Real Deal".

Ah yes, the "Real Deal"...the "Real Deal" you agreed to in your Pre-Incarnation Agreement. Ah, and what was part of the proverbial foundation of your Pre-Incarnation Agreement, hmm? You don't remember, do you? Of course not, because that was all part of your agreement...your Pre-Incarnation Agreement

The Sovereignty of All Souls is Sacred...oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph discusses this principle within The Way of Mastery trilogy. The Sovereignty of each Soul, to have whatever experiences they so desire, is "Sacred", which simply means, it is prohibited to interfer with the experiences desired by another Soul.

Considering most humans, most embodied Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, are habitually projecting their values, their principles, their lifestyles onto their fellow humans, the arguement could easily be made you forget the related terms of your Pre-Incarnation Agreement. Oh yes, you have forgotten the Sovereignty of the Soul, and so you habitually try to impose your values, principles, and lifestyles onto your fellow human beings.  

With this element of "Reality" in front of you, now look at the landscape in your Earthly experiential dimension. There is much conflict, as you say, "to put it mildly". Oh yes, I, your Creator, gave you all free-will, to create whatever experiences you so desire, and humanity tries to impose their desired experiences onto their fellow, embodied, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine. 

Hmm...let us step back a few steps shall we? I gave you all free-will, and yet, you are trying to take My gift away from some of your fellow, embodied, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine. Do you think that just might create a few problems? How do you like it when one of your fellow "human beings" tries to impose their values, their principles, their lifestyles onto you, and then, become quite upset when you don't comply? Now...reverse My last do you feel when you try to impose your values, principles, and lifestyle onto your fellow human beings, and they don't comply? Often, you become quite confused and upset.

How can this be? You say to yourselves, not realizing, everybody doesn't have my same values, principles, and lifestyles...because they desired to have a different experience...they desired to have a different experience, as a human being, than you do.  

Oh yes, and surprise, surprise, it is their right to do so...their Creator Given Right, and you are trying to take My gift away from them, and vice versa. And "who" is doing the imposing? Who and what is doing the "projecting" of values, principles, and lifestyles? Can it be your Spiritual Beingness of Love and Light Divine, with your essence of LOVE...your essence of Infinite and Unconditional LOVE? No, I don't think so, do you? 

Hmm...I created you in "My Image", with Infinite and Unconditional Love, and you do not see Me trying to impose Unconditional Love onto your human race do you? If I had, or was, I assure you, Life within your experiential dimension would be quite different...and it is not. Why, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? Because I understand I gave you free-will....I honor "your Right" to create whatever experiences you so desire. I honor The Sovereignty of Every Soul, no matter how un-loving the experiences are, which you desire to create...and experience.

Ah...we are back My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine...back to where so many of My articles on God's Blog have discussed before. Oh yes, I will continue to discuss and convey many of the ideas and principles contained within Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, most notably, within The Way of Mastery. Ah...however, I, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Perfect Peace, and All-Knowingness will be, and have been, more direct. It is with this "Spirit"...ah...a bit of sarcastic humor there My Children, that I will once again convey how your game of "what is it like to be human" came into being. It was your desire, your intention, your curiosity that was interested in attempting to create and experience "non-love"..."non-love" My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine.   

Why? Because you had never experienced such a state before. All you knew was My Infinite Beingness of Love, which of course, is "everywhere".

Because I gave you free-will, and many, many other qualities, including Unlimited Creativity, you created the "illusion" of non-love, the "illusion" of being separated from Me, your Creator (Who is Everywhere) and your creation...your experiential creation...your experiential dimension manifested as the opposite of Oneness, Love, and God Consciousness (sometimes labeled as "Christ Consciousness"). In your human form of expression...your desire, your intention, your curiosity manifested as "Fearful Consciousness", along with your "illusion of separation" from Me, your Creator.  

As communicated by Jeshua ben Joseph, in The Way of Mastery trilogy, the moment you had the thought..."is it possible to create and experience non-love, and the illusion of separation from The Creator", I created your way back to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, and out of your illusion of separation from Me, or your egoic, fearful consciousness

My solution, My way back to the Reality of My Eveywhereness of Love was placed in all of your all of your Spiritual Hearts. It goes by many names..."Right-Mindedness" and "Holy Spirit" are two of the better known labels. You do not have to improve, you do not have to evolve, you do not have to change a single thing to access "your access" to the Reality of My Everywhereness of is "always within you".  

The label I gave you all in a prior article for our eternal connection, which can never...never be broken, is "link". Yes, you have a forever "link" within you to the Everywhereness of My Love is another form of "your link" to the Everywhereness of My Love..."the link" within all of humanity...the link "within" all of My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine. 

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...




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