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Good Morning My Children

You Are More Like Me, The Source of All, Than Your Human Children

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Blog

Children...hmm...I could probabaly call you something else...other than "children"...but then again, what would that be...for you are more like Me, The Source of All, than your human children, on your planet Earth...hmm...and that should make you pause. Oh yes, for the experiential dimension, which you have created, is the opposite of My Kingdom. Oh yes, your "humanness" is do you say such things? Oh yes...your human ego's are "so not Divine" in nature...because that was your intention, your desire...for I created you to be "Creators", just like Me, "Abba" I Am called...the Divine Parent of All.

So...what were you thinking when you created your "humanness"... hmm? You were thinking; what would Life be like without Love and in the illusion of form...and that would be "fear in form". Oh yes, and into your experiential dimension of Earth you went. Oh yes, it is called "incarnation"...and then, the thought came, let us test ourselves. Oh yes, let us see if we can distract ourselves by this opposite of our Beingness of Love enough to forget Who and What we are. Oh yes, let us create an alternate self-identity...a fearful, physical identity, void of Love, Oneness, and our identification as our Spiritual Selves...our Unlimited, Multi-Dimensional, True Loving Selves...and "that" My Children is how you arrived at your current state of affairs.  

Yes...yes, the argument could easily be made you took your curiosities way to far, for you knew within the depth of your Beingness of Love and Perfect Peace...yes, "Perfect Peace" My Children, it was impossible. Oh yes, literally impossible to create and experience anything that would in any way do permanent damage to your "Allness"...your Oneness of Unlimited, Unconditional Love...but, you tried just the same...and so, when you wonder about, "why would God make such a place like this...this experiential dimension with so much darkness", just, as you say, "go look in the mirror", oh yes!

Yes, My Children, for there is no other experiential dimension of comparable aloneness in all of Creation. "Aloneness"...what an interesting word...what an illusion...what a description for your dimension of non-reality...yes, non-reality. Can you imagine such an experiential dimension now that you have created "it", and immersed yourselves within "it". Oh yes, you much so that your Earthly dimension of fear consciousness and physicality is perceived as "Reality". Oh yes, you have have accomplished your original goal...even the impossibility of being separated from Me, The Source of All, and I Am Pure, Unlimited, Unconditional Love...Who permeates everything you see, and touch, and cannot experience with your physical senses. Oh yes, for even the air you breathe is filled with Me, Pure Love and Perfect Peace...

Oh yes, My Children, for your self-identification with physical, fearful forms could not be any more "not Me" than you are...and yet, the "link" between us cannot be severed, for that is an impossibility that can never be experienced in anything except an illusionary dimension of separation, aloneness, and fear

How do you like "your creation"? How do you like feeling alone and without Love or True Peace...hmm? What do you think now that you have created your illusionary Dream World, as it is called by your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph...hmm?

The only question I have for you now, My Children, is how long? How long are you going to subject yourselves to your Dream World of fear, aloneness, and physicality? How long...indeed. How deep must you journey into your fear, aloneness, and unworthiness? What is the answer to that question My Children? are so lost, you are unable to answer. Oh my, so lost, you are unable to answer...what are you to do? For how long are you going to pretend your experiential dimension of fear, aloneness, unworthiness, and physicality is "Reality"...hmm? Ah, we are quickly back to the same long My Children? How long are you going to pretend there is no "link" between us? 

Hmm...millennia after millennia...after millennia...quite the history of devastation, destruction, and death. Oh yes, possibly the biggest illusion of all...your illusion of death, but no, for your illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, is even more of an illusion than your "death" creation. Oh my, what an imagination you all have to create such an experiential dimension...but then again, you are Divinely Creative, so when it comes to darkeness, fear, and despair...and let us not leave out physical pain and suffering, humanity has no equals in all of Creation...oh my, "congratulations". 

"Congratulations" My Children, for there is one very bright spot on your horizon, which you do not even see...cannot imagine...cannot conceptualize, unless of course you go "within"...not just on the surface levels of consciousness...oh no, for that will not accomplish what I, your Divine Parent, are referring to. You must go into the depths of your Beingness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...deeper and deeper you must go My the Heart of your Beingness, which you have tried so hard to forget live without. Oh yes, for this level of what you refer to as "temporary insanity" has been one of your goals. Oh yes, to be so void of the Reality of Love and Oneness of All of Creation, you perceive such a state as "Reality" rather than illusion...rather than Jeshua ben Joseph's "Dream World"...that you created and temporarily exist within

Oh yes, My Children, this is your "status quo"...yes, yes...even when Jeshua ben Joseph returns to your experiential dimension in the form of a wealth of information and educational tools on your experiential dimension, your lost world of have for the most part, ignored his helping hand, and he comes not alone...for he has come with a Heavenly Host of your sisters and brothers..."Masters" one and all, to assist you. "We" are all here to assist you with whatever degree of assistance you will accept. Oh yes, there is that you say, "condition". Yes, you must accept our assistance in, what is your word..."extracting" yourselves out of your Dream World. Yes, yes...extracting yourselves out of your Dream World of fear and separation from Me...and I Am Love...

Just ask Michael...please...he will tell you about the process of which I speak...the process Jeshua ben Joseph describes in The Way of Mastery. Yes...just three books Michael has, and continues to study, to complete his extraction from fear consciousness...yes, "egoic consciousness" it is called...the illusion of all illusions.  

Yes, My Children, some of your brothers and sisters are truly dedicated. What are your words...oh yes, they are "all in" the inevitable...yes, My Children, the inevitable process of extracting all Souls from your Dream World of fear and physicality. Yes, My Children, your brothers and sisters could be elsewhere in Creation, and as I have described in earlier articles, some of them are elsewhere, for My Creation is "Infinite", with countless experiential dimensions of "Bliss", that exceed the limits of your human imaginations. Oh yes...and yet, Jeshua and friends are "here", with you, waiting to assist you in your journey back to Love, Oneness, and Reunion with Me, your Divine Parent.  

Does this all sound, as you say, "a little crazy"? Oh yes, I Am sure it does, just as many thought Jeshua ben Joseph was a "crazy man" two thousand years ago, as he began to "channel" My Message of Love. Oh yes, My Children...for where do you think all of his wisdom came from...hmm? Some of his most famous teachings and sayings were, as you say, "channeled" portions of My Message of Love. Yes, yes...let this become known throughout your fear-based, experiential dimension. Jeshua ben Joseph "channeled Me, your Divine Parent, two thousand years ago", and some of those words appear in your Holy Bible. 

Yes, My Children, why...when you read the words to which I refer to, does a sense of True Peace and Serenity overcome you...shift your state of consciousness, at least temporarily, when you say to yourselves, possibly only subconsciously, I want to be like Jeshua...oh yes, I want to feel and live in the Love and True Peace Jeshua ben Joseph do I "do that"...which is why, even to this day, millions study and attempt to emulate the ancient teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. Oh yes..."channeled teachings" they are, for Jeshua ben Joseph, a Conscious Christed Being of Love and Light Divine, had awakened from your Dream World, to deliver My Message of Love to all of all My Children who chose to enter your Dream World of fear and physicality.

Yes, My Children, your brother and friend had extracted himself from your Dream World of illusions to deliver My Message of extend Pure Love and Perfect Peace into your experiential dimension...for "that" is your function My Children..."that" is why you were be My channels and mediums for Pure Love and Perfect Peace, a subject I have discussed before within these articles...oh yes, to play a major role in the Extension of Self, Your Divine Parent, throughout Creation...oh yes!   

However...however, My Children, the human ego won the battle two thousand years ago in that the "story" of the Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph became polluted with egoic untruths...a very natural course of events under the circumstances, at that particluar juncture in the human experience...and this is why today, Christianity represents a soup of egoic fallacies and Jeshua's authentic teachings...oh yes, My Children...

Anyone who compares this current era of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings to your Holy the Gospels, which allegedly represents an accurate history of his Life and Teachings, will quickly surmise huge differences exist. Oh yes...huge differences...differences that became even more exasperated by what you refer to as The Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles of your New Testament...oh yes!

Jeshua ben Joseph, in this current era, has not commented, to any degree that is, on the disparities between "Reality" and your New Testament, for many of which is Unconditional Love My Children...for an "awakened Christed Being of Love and Light Divine", what you sometimes refer to as a "Conscious Christ", honors and respects the choices made by any sister or brother...any sister or brother who chose to enter your experiential dimension of fear and physicality...for a Conscious Christ does not judge...a Conscious Christ, what some refer to as a Member of the Family of Light Divine, lives in Perfect Union with Me, and I am Unconditional, Pure, Infinite Love...

Remember My Children? Do you remember from whence you came..."before" you chose to create your egoic consciousness, and your experiential dimension of fear consciousness and physicality? 

Yes, My Children, The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph describe the journey from egoic, fear consciousness, back to Perfect Reunion with Me, your Divine and All Loving Parent...for "that" was the journey Jeshua ben Joseph experienced...oh yes...he has, as you say, "walked in your shoes". He experienced the darkness of the ego, and in your challenges to complete the shift in consciousness...from egoic, fear consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Perfect Union with Me, and I am Pure, Unconditional Love.  

"Humility" My Children..."humility"...for it matters not whether you call yourself a "Christian" or whatever...your journey back to Love requires look in a mirror and admit to yourself "there is a better way"...and that will be your first step back to Me, and My Love for you knows no end My Children.

Come "Home" to Me. 

That is all...

Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love... 

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