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"Good Morning My Children"

Awareness With Free-Will...My Gift to You

Thursday, October 6, 2022 Blog

It is a good day to learn a way that has been long forgotten by incarnated Christed Beings of Light, such as yourself...yes...I Am talking to "you"...and I, your Divine Parent, will help you remember why you are here...on the illusion of physicality...yes, yes...the illusion of physicality.

And you are saying to yourself this moment..."what illusion is Abba possibly talking about...because the physical dimension of Earth is no is is Life itself...and I live it everyday...what could this One who claims to be my Creator be talking about?"

When you wake up from a dream...a dream that seems so real that you perceived it as "Reality"...and you are surprised to learn that it was only a you continue to insist that your dream is in fact "Reality"? Of course you don' quickly acclimate to the perceived Reality of your everyday life...and you go on your way...just as you have done each day since you incarnated into the physical dimension of Earth...and there is a message there for you...if you choose to think about it.

And what does incarnate mean? "Into the meat...into the flesh" My came into the flesh. As a "Spirit" you chose to come into the flesh...into a temporary body-mind...a field of awareness with free will began the adventure of temporarily identifying with, and being aware of itself as a body-mind.   

Hmm...temporarily aware of OneSelf as a body-mind...that is called Harry, Susie, Barbara or whatever name was chosen by your physical parents...correct? this not how you arrived at where you are at this very moment? 

Where did your Spirit come from? Your very sense of awareness that creates each and every moment of your Life within the illusion of physicality...and let us pause right here...your sense of awareness that creates each and every moment of your Life

Think about that...I mean really think about you typically never do...for you take it for granted. You rarely...very rarely, even think about IT. And what is it? It is awareness...conscious awareness My is what gives you is what creates your experiences...for without awareness there is no "conscious experience"...there is just what is called existence void of awareness

A tree is not is alive but it simply exists.

A rock is not simply exists.

A dog is not is alive but it simply exists...and yes, a dog has what is called instinct...a means to react...but instinct is not awareness...instinct does not possess free will...for their "it" is only instinct...

You My Children have awareness with free no other creation in all of Creation. And if you think about you rarely do...whatever "you choose" to be aware of, creates your experience...for I, and I Am but Love, created you to be creators of experience. And to be creators of need awareness and free will...for without "awareness and free will", what would you be? What would you be My Children?     

You would not have the opportunity, each and every moment, to be aware of whatever "you choose" to be aware of..."to create your experiences"...for it is through awareness with free will that you create your Life..."you create your Life". No one one can tell you what you must be aware of, moment to moment...because only you have the ability to do that...only you have the ability to "create your Life" moment to moment...and yes, others many "attempt" to tell you what you "should be" aware of...but should is not must.  

And with that, from a brother and a friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, a few words from The Way of Mastery...There is no creation that has within it the capacity (the choice)...that you, as a human being, truly experience and realize the Presence and the Mystery of the reflect and to know, and to "consciously embody" That which Love is...for the human body is the temple of the Living Spirit (that's Me), "when it is seen through the eyes that have awakened". Where you are is where Heaven is fully available. That which you are is the Love of God made manifest...and God is but Love".

That is as you say is a "WOW"...when you have awakened...when you have awakened...and there is another message for you...

And even though you have "this" creative no other creation in all of have typically chosen to be oblivious to "it"...for you have created a dimension...a Dream World...a metaverse of fear-based experience...where it "seems" that things and events outside of your awareness and free will create your experiences

And the key word in the last sentence is "seems"...because what truly creates your experience is what you choose to be aware of ...what "you choose" to be aware of.

Do I have your attention? Are you choosing to be aware of My next words? Are you choosing to interpret My words? Are your interpretations creating your experience? is all so simple...and what this line of thinking reveals is that you, and you alone, are responsible for creating everyone of your experiences....and you create moment to moment, without end...for all of eternity, with the awareness and free will that I, and I Am but Love, gave you.   

You decided to incarnate into a temporary body-mind. You decided to put your awareness with free will into the perception of a body-mind. You decided to temporarily forget your relationship with Me, and I Am but Love...and then experience fear-based, egoic consciousness. You are responsible for everything that you experience.   

My Children of the Light...when you wake-up each morning, who decides to get out of bed? Who decides what to eat for breakfast? Who decides what clothes to place on the body-mind? Who decides to say...or not say..."good morning". Who decides what you will be aware of moment to moment? Somethings, some events, and some other Souls may attempt to tell you what to be aware of...but "attempt" is not the final word...your free will is. 

Even though humanity is famous...famous for creating the "perception"...the "illusion" of not being responsible for each and every experience that you have...and when I say "famous"...I, your Divine Parent, mean famous...because all non-incarnated Souls are very aware of the dimension, the Dream World, that you have created on Earth. "We all" observe you in wonder...from a perspective of innocense and Unconditional you create all of your any Loving Family observes each newly incarnated Soul...with Unconditional Love.    

Unconditional Love My Children...for it matters not if your temporary body-mind is six hours old, sixteen years old, or sixty-six years old...your Family of Light observes you from a perspective of innocense and Unconditional all matters...

And it is not as if there are not an infinite number of other things to do...there are...for Creation is endless...I, your Divine Parent, simply desire to describe your world from a differrnt context than you are use to ...for those in the Spirirtual Realms that choose to, from time to time, to observe what is transpiring in one of the infinitie dimensions of experience...the dimension you call your world...the fear-based dimension you have created on Earth. 

And what are We, your Family of Light and I, and I Am but Love, curious about regarding your world...many things...many, many things...but in particular, when will the masses begin to take responsibility for what you choose to create each of your days...rather than continue to perpetuate the illusion that your world is responsible for what you choose to be aware of...and thus, what you choose to experience. 

Hmm...I sense a nerve has you say..."hit"...and here come all of the excuses...and from where do all of the excuses come from? From what is called "your ego"...the greatest creator of excuses in all of Creation...and that is saying something!

And We, You and I, your Divine Parent...the Infinite Field of Love, the Mystery of all Mysteries...from which all things arise...have arrived you say...the moment of Truth

You create all of your experiences...and what does every incarnated soul search for...either consciously or one way or another? Love...Love My Children...and I Am but seek for reunion with Me...for that is why you are "here" on create many new experiences, which culminate with reunion with Me, and I Am but Love...while you are still incarnated...while you are still in the flesh...and that will give you something to think about. no more...choose your birthright...choose reunion with Me, and I Am but Love...and I Am everywhere...even inside the heart of your very Beingness. When you choose to awaken from your Dream World, that is where you will find Me, your Divine Parent..."within". 

Many tools of awakening have been provided for all to pick and choose from...some of which are on this internet site...and none of your choices is more important for souls who struggle to awaken than Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of and practice My Children...and then, study and practice some more...for many have read Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...but very few have studied and practiced its message...for The Way of Mastery provides a path of awakening for those who struggle to untangle and retrain the mind to be aligned with Love...and I Am but Love.     

However, I gave you awareness and free will, to create whatever experience that you desire. What experiences will "you choose" to create today...and the next day...and the next...and the next?  

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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