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"Good Morning My Children"

Good Morning = A New Day

Tuesday, October 4, 2022 Blog

And a new day it is...a day when a few more of My Children...a few more Christed Beings of Light...My Light...will begin to see, think and feel Reality...and what is "Reality" you ask?

"Reality is Love"...for I Am everywhere...and I Am but Love...which all simply means that a few more souls that have slumbered in their Dream of Separation from Me, and I Am but Love, will awaken to "Reality" see...awaken to the Reality that your dream of separation from Me...and I Am but Love, has been, and is just that..."non-reality" illusion.

And then there is every other Soul, who reads this, and as you say...scratches their head...and says...what is Abba talking about? I Am talking about the Reality that there is no separation from Me, and I Am but Love...ever...under any any dimension of creation...even where you are this very moment. I reside within and around you...and in and around everything, everywhere...for I Am the Great Mystery, the Infinite Field of Love out of which all things arise...including you!

And why have I, the Great Mystery of Love, created ask? It is very simple My provide Conscious Forms where by I, and I Am but Love, will have Conscious Forms to extend the Self from the Formless of Spirit into Forms of physicality...because I desire to extend Self...won't you join Me? For you "perceive" yourself as individuated and yet, WE ARE ONE. Perceive My Children..."perceive"...perception does not always mean "Reality". you finally get it? Have I, and I Am but Love, been direct enough for you to understand? I trust I have...and I Am but Love. 

And what do you have to do in order to fulfill your "primary function" as a medium for the Great Mystery of Love that I Am? Nothing...absolutely nothing, but claim your birthright...for you are already healed and perfect...yes My Children...for I created you healed and perfect...just like Me! My image...The Spirit of Love...that had no beginning and that has no end...

So, My Children...begin asking for guidance for all of your decisions...and listen...listen very patiently and carefully for My Still Small Voice of Love within guide you in all matter how big or small...and we will commence the transformation of your dream of darkness...your Dream World of separation from Me, the Great Mystery of Love that I Am, into a paradise on Earth...on a scale of Love unimaginable to most...but not to Me, and I Am but Love...or to any of My Children...who all have a Spark of Divinity within...that some call The Holy Spirit...the "Divine Energy of Rightmindedness" that allows all souls to think, and see...and even feel in alignment with Me, and I Am but Love..."to think, and see, and feel as I do"...for I Am within you NOW...this very moment, and all moments...for all of eternity...    

You may call yourselves the "Vehicles for Love"...or "Incarnated Conscious Christs", who will usher in a new era of Light and Love on your planet Earth that all have been waiting for...incarnation after incarnation. Well my is here!

Practice...practice...pratice My Children...and then practice some more...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All

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