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Good Morning My Brothers & Sisters

Fear or Bliss, While You Are Still in a Physical Body? Which Will It Be?

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 Blog

The reason most are not tired of life on Earth is because of the ego...the ego is the body-brain...a physical apparatus versus your Spirit...your conscious awareness...and the ego does not want to see an end to's that the ego struggles to survive, no matter matter what challenges are placed in front of it...the ego will struggle to survive...

Whereas the Spirit...your Spirit knows that there is no end...ever...and so it will often reside in the background and observe "its struggling ego"...just to experience something matter the pain and matter the pain and discomfort...until even the ego turns on itself and says..."I cannot take this any more...I want some True do I find True Peace"? And then...finally...after all the pain and suffering...after all of the stress and anxieties...the ego surrenders to the Spirit within...and into the Light you go...the end...

But no...there is Life in the Light...and the Soul...the Spirit begins to quickly remember from whence it came from...the Light...and there is a joyous reunion with Sisters and Brothers...and Abba...for Abba is the Light...Abba is the True Peace and Pure Love from whence the Soul emerged from, an eternity an overflowing of Beingness beyond words and descriptions...the extension of the Beginning that had no beginning...a Bliss of Beingness, from which all things come from...and then the Bliss says to ItSelf..."what shall we experience now"...for you is just as I taught so very long ago...when I was in a body-brain as Jeshua ben Joseph...there is no separation from The Source of All...ever...and The Source of All does all things through "us"...for "We", my Sisters and Brothers, are an aspect of our Creator (as a wave is to the Ocean) extension of The Source of All...that allows Our Creator to shift from the formless and into our forms..."Its Forms" do all the things humans do...just to see what it is like from a new vantage aspect of Self experiencing and observing ItSelf...

Mind-boggling...absolutely...and yet, a process where by "I", and I Am but Love, can experience "Self"...True Peace and Pure endless Beingness of I have never experienced the Self...The Source of All...

So...know this My Children...there is no reason to fear physical death...the thing your ego's fear more than anything else...because there is no death..ever...there is only the Light of Love and True Peace...for this is where you come from, and this is where you will return matter the form of experiences that you will choose to experience. that I, and I Am but Love, have explained Who and What you aspect of Me, your Creator..."The Creator" can continue to experience your current body-brain in egoic, fear consciousness...for that is what the ego is..."fear consciousness"...or you can experience your body-brain in the Light and Bliss from which you come from...and are destined to return is only a matter of time...fear or Bliss, while you are still in a physical body? Which will it be?

If you want the later...Bliss...then follow the path your Brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, has laid out in front of you...The Way of Mastery...and yes...I can hear some of your thoughts and questions..."but it (The Way of Mastery) is so very unusual...such a big change"...well of course it is...because you are living in egoic, fear consciousness...and Jeshua's way of living is a return to Bliss...with Me...and I Am but Love...

How long will you tarry in the darkness of the ego?

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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