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"Good Morning" from The Source of All

What Is Your 1st Priority?

Monday, September 26, 2022 Blog

Good Morning...good day to you...have a good day...and why would I, The Source of All, have cause to wish all on Earth such a greeting? Because you are My Offsprings...the extensions of Self...and I Am but how could any greeting that does not convey a positive start to any one of your days be appropriate? 

The Offsprings of Self? The Offsprings of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...the Offsprings of the "Infinite Field Love"...The Great Mystery that I Am...the inconceivable and yet, the Reality of your very existence. 

Yes...of course it is a "good morning", even though you reside temporarily in "the impossible dream of separation from Me", and I Am but Love...why impossible you say? Because you cannot one or no thing...can be where I Am not.  

Good morning? Of course it is a "good morning"...because no matter what transpires...because no matter what illusions of darkness that you will always reside "within" Me...and I Am but Love...insullated from any harm whatsoever...even if you dream that you endured a fate of unimaginable pain and the will awaken from your impossible dream in the so-called the Reality of union with Me...and I Am but a state of Perfect Peace.   

This article is just another context...another perspective...that we...Michael and I, your Divine Parent, are communicating to assist you in awakening to your True Reality...rather than the illusion...the Dream World that you temporarily reside within. Have you read any of the many, many books now available on what is called "near death experiences"...your NDEs...or any book that describes what happens when any Soul lays down the physical apparatus called the human body?

The eventual destination is always the same...there maybe some short-term variations...but all Souls eventually arrive in the Paradise of Perfect Peace...where there is no suffering...and no environment void of all of the darkness that all Souls experience when they lay down the physical body...for there is no end to your existence...your conscious awareness of Life...for you are My Offsprings...made in My Image...having the same qualities and characteristics (as a wave is to the Ocean)...which simply means that if I Am eternal, which I Am, then you are also "forever"...even when your "Impossible Dream" is over.   

Can you imagine such a morning on Earth...where all of the pain and suffering is over..."gone"...never to exist again? Would that be a "good morning" My Children...My Christed Beings of Love and Light? "That" My Children is your so-called future, when all on Earth will have awakened from your Impossible Dream of separation from Me...and I Am but Love.

The shift in consciousness for the creation of Heaven on Earth has already begun...even though most "dream" that such a Reality is only a ironic is that? You dream that I do not exist everywhere, even within your dream. It is no wonder that Jeshua ben Joseph calls your temporary state of consciousness as your "impossible dream".

Even as you read The Way of Mastery, as Jeshua ben Joseph describes the changes in consciousness from fear-based egoism to Love slumber in your impossible dream of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...denying the "Reality" of Jeshua's words..."Jeshua ben Joseph words"...the Soul who edured the famous crucifixion of 2,000 of your years ago...that was labeled as the "Only Son of God"...this is the Soul you say is not describing "Reality" today? Hmm...   

My point...My message this "good morning" that most who read Jeshua's The Way of Mastery do not take it literally...because they are dreaming your impossible dream, and do not comprehend the message of Jeshua ben Joseph...not really...or and I, and I Am but Love...would see thousands who have awaken from your impossible dream world throughout the Earth environment...thousands who would be functioning as channels and mediums for Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love. 

For just such an environment is fortold as the inevitable result of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery. How many incarnated Souls do you know...have you heard about...that say they function as mediums and channels for My Message of Love?

This simply means that the thousands who have read The Way of Mastery have yet to choose to implement the steps of awakening contained therein. Hmm...I wonder why so called self proclaimed advanced spirirutal beings...who proclaim the validity of Jeshua ben Joseph's teachings...would choose not to follow in his footsteps to Enlightenment...choose not to take Jeshua ben Joseph's teaching "literally"...where by they would be passionate about implementing each and every word of his teachings into their daily that they would one again remember and re-establish their relationship with Me, and I Am but Love.  

Why do you think that such a situation exists? Why do you think you embrace Jeshua ben Joseph's path to Christ Consciousness...the path conveyed in The Way of Mastery...and yet, you choose not to place the implemantation of those very teachings as your 1st priority? Hmm...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...

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