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Good day...Another Message from Your Loving Creator

Transition from Your Anxieties and Fears to Unconditional Love

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Blog

Many will hear about this person who talks to God...and in disbelief, will say that this is impossible...and those Souls will be mistaken...for I, your Creator, communicate with all a fashion that some would label as "non-stop". It is just that almost all souls...all of My so-called Children of God, do not recognize My various messages as originating with Me, The Source of All. 

I Am constantly communicating with you...and attempting to guide you to My Light. However, you chose to experience the darkness temporarily...and so you created an illusion...what Jeshua ben Joseph has labelled as the Dream of Separation from Me, your Creator...which of course is literally impossible...because, as I have conveyed earlier articles...I Am everywhere at everytime...there is literally nowhere in all of Creation that you can go and not also find Me there...and I Am but Love. 

Yes, yes...I Am what your quantum physicists would call a Limitless Field of Love...only they would leave out the Love part...because they generally only address scientific aspects and not the Spiritual Realities of Creation. They...your quantum physicists that is...have lableed My Limitless Field of Love as their Zero Point Field

Some of your quantum physicists have even recognized that this Limitless Field of Love that I Am is "intelligent"...but they avoid the natural...and logical progression that their Zero Point Field is in fact Me, The Source of All...and I Am but Love.  

I, The Source of All, could spend you say "ink"...making comparisons between My Self, and I Am but Love, and the limitless Zero Point Field...but this is not the focus of My Message to you this day.

Part of your illusion...part of your so-called Dream World of Separation from Me, and I Am but Love, is that you need to improve...or what is called "evolve", in order to have a relationship with Me, your Creator. This aspect of your Dream World is what I hope to dispell this day.

I, The Source of All, created You (all Souls) with a perfectly clear channel of communication with Me, and I Am but Love. This can never be taken from you...and it is there for you to use for all of eternity. However, you can deny that you have this ability...and in a manner of speaking...have the temporary experience of separation from Me, and I Am but Love.

This line of communication between us...this ability to communicate your moment to moment thoughts, emotions, questions, fears, and anxieties is always on and operating as I, and I Am but Love, experience everything you you what you refer to as "real time" experiences.  

So...rather than struggling with the endless nuances of life experiences that you have chosen...your so-called "script of Life on Earth", you all have the option of obtaining guidance from Me, and I Am but Love, in all matters.

Just for a moment, consider imagining what such a process...such a life experience would entail. You would open up the line of communication with Me, and I Am but Love, by simply willing it to be so...for it is always available to you. You would then ask Me, and I Am but Love, for advice in all matters...every moment of every one of your days...and I would guide you...and because I Am but Love, all of your decisions...all of your actions...all aspects of your life experiences, would be based in Love.

How do you think Life on Earth would an ever increasing number of Souls choose to implement My Loving Guidance? 

The pressures, the anxieties, the stresses that you all subject yourselves making all of your decisions would be as you the blink of an eye. Yes, yes...I can hear some of your egoic thoughts...such a big change would take some time...a transition period...why? Because your ego thrives on being in CONTROL!   

You are all, as you say, "control freaks". So, yes, for most of you there would be a transition period from the pressures, anxieties and fears....let us not forget all of your fears...of everyday the Unconditional and Loving decision-making process that I, and I Am but Love, always make available to you. 

Hmm...a transition from your anxieties and fears to "Unconditional Love"...

All of the resources and education that you need are right here on this internet site. could even start such a transition today...this very second...

Something to consider...don't you think?

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...

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