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From Your Friends, Jeshua ben Joseph & The Council of Christ

A Message for All of Humanity - Part 2

Friday, August 26, 2022 Blog

Peace be with you this day...from your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph. 

The "duality of judgment" is our topic...a continuation of the prior article on the cause of your illusion of separation from our Divine Parent, Who is but Love. The discission will include looking at an example of how a Soul, who has awaken from your Dream World of egoic, fear consciousness, and yet, continuess to slip back into periods where he judges himself as being unworthy of a relationship with Abba, our Divine Parent. 

The Soul to be used as our example is Michael, the one who has journeyed down the path of "soul purification"...the process of purifying himself of judgment and fear...that facilitates the retraining of the mind and surrender to the Will of Abba, the Will of Love..and even accomplishes this shift in consciousness much of the time...whereby he accepts the "Reality" of union and Oneness with Abba, Who is but Love...and functions as a channel, a conduit for Abba...the extension of Abba from the formless into form.

And why do we, my friends and I, who are called by many names, including The Council of Christ, make an example of Michael...because his path in consciousness is one that many will experience...and what better way to make your journey more understandable and quicker...yes quicker...than to educate you on the steps of awakening to the REALITY that Love is everywhere...that your Divine Parent is everywhere...and it is literaly impossble not to be connected be One with our Divine Parent, as I am, one Jeshua ben Joseph. Oh..."you" are also One with our Divine Parent...but you exist within your perception, the illusion...of your temporary Dream World of separation from Abba, Who is but Love.    

In his current incarnation, playing the role of Michael...and I use those words with very specific intent...for each incarnation is simply a temporary role, in a temporary body-mind, in an illusionary dimension, which each Soul plans for, experiences, and then concludes, when so-called physical death occurs...and then, the Soul returns to the REALITY of Love, in the Spiritual dimension.

In his current incarnation, Michael hit the juncture in his journey into the illusion of fear consciousness and of separation from Abba, Who is but Love, where he was in the grips of what is called "egoic consciousness or fear consciousness"...for that is what the ego creates ceaselessly...fear and all of what I have called the step-children of fear...or all of the various negative emotions in your metaverse of fear illusionary dimension of unparalleled fear and dark emotions...a non-reality that "seems so real", that it "seems" literally impossible to be anything but "Reality"...and yet, it is not reality...except for the Souls, such as yourself, that chose to enter into and experience the "perception of reality"...the illusion of reality called your world, the Dream World or metaverse of fear consciousness.    

Michael could not endure any more fear...any more darkness...and so, what did he do? He did what many do when they arrive at a similar state...he cried out to the universe..."what do I have to do to make all of the fear and darkness stop...I'll do anything...but please, make it stop". And that was the moment that Michael's journey back to the remembrance of Perfect Union with Abba began in earnest. 

Many years later, Michael finds himself consciously in the Light of our Divine Parent...embracing the path of awakening in The Way of Mastery. The path of desolving the illusion of separation from our Divine Parent, the Great Mystery of Love...and yet, because of periods of judgemnt of self, he still slips back into the perception of unworthiness of Oneness with Abba...unworthy of a conscious realtionship, which had been re-established

This brings us to the heart of our discussion this day, for the periods of illusionary unworthiness that Michael experiences sometimes, is the very same that almost all Souls will know and live...either consciously or subconsciously...if not in this current incarnation, then in a future incarnation, after they to have re-established their conscious relationship with the Divine Parent of All, Who is but Love.

As has been discussed within many of the articles on this, God's Blog, each Soul has chosen to experience fear-based, egoic consciousness...the duality of judgmental consciousness...good and bad...right and wrong...and these judgments of bad and wrong have been applied to the identity of the Christed Self, of the Soul, which has temporarily created the illusion of unworthiness...the illusion of separation from our Divine Parent, Who is but Love...and Who is "everywhere"...and has been referred to as The Infinite Field of Love

Many of these events of self judgment reside within the depth of the Soul's subconscious. Thus, even though the Soul has no conscious memory of the events (the fear-based decisions of the ego), they judged themselves as the events occurred, often subconsciously, and thus, they judge themselves as unworthy of Oneness with Abba...and thus, of Love...because all judgments are a product of duality and fear...for Love is unconditional...Love does not judge...Love just our Divine Parent Loves all Souls, all Christed Beings...and We were created not better than another. And because there is never any judgement of us, Abba's Love for each Soul is equal and unconditional...without end. Abba's unconditional Love of all Souls contributes to another aspect of the conundrumness described in Part 1. Each Soul desires Love...each Soul desires union with our Divine Parent...Who is but Love...and yet, Souls judge themselves as being unworhty of Love, which typically has an unconscious aspect of the perceived unworthiness, which Souls...including yourselfproject onto our Divine Parent, Who Loves unconditionally. That should give you something to think about...  

Here is, as you say, "the bottom line" completely awaken from your Dream World of fear...and the illusion of separation from our Divine Parent...all must "own" our true identity, that you are an extension overflowing of, the Love that our Divine Parent is, rather than the illusion of unworthiness that you identify with. The path of awakening to REALITY...the path of purification of the Soul of fear consciousness (and there can be no fear without judgment)...this journey back to the Bliss of remembrance of your eternal relationship with Abba, our Divine Parent, is a path with many, many variations...for each path, of each Soul, is unique because each Soul has chosen different experiences...with different judgments of unworthiness.  

However, One Truth that applies to all Souls is that the purifiaction of the soul...the purging of all judgments of Self...must occur for the Bliss of Eternal Union with our Divine Parent, Who is but Love, to be complete. This journey back "Home"...the journey back to Love...must include the acceptance of your Christed Self...of your Oneness with Abba...for how can you journey anywhere where Love is not present...for the Source of All, Who is but Love, is "everywhere"...including "in" your very Beingness, for Abba placed a Spark of Divinity, a Spark of ItSelf within the Heart of each Soul...accept this REALITY..."own" that your essence is Love...begin living this REALITY of Love, even if you do not believe it! Begin tapping into the Love in your heart...even though you are still dreaming...

How does any Soul that subconsciously judges itself...its Christed unworthy of unworthy of Oneness with Abba...forgive and accept the Self, when it can not even remember what events it is forgiving the Self for? Quite the conundrum...exasperated by the Reality that all of the events of unworthiness occurred in a Dream World of fear and separtion from Abba...a dream of non-Reality...just like all dreams

What do you do when you awaken from a dream? You go about living as though your dream was not REALITY. In this regard, consider looking at your awakening to the REALITY of Love...the REALITY of our Oneness with the Divine Parent in this's going to is is Abba's why not get started today...even though you are still dreaming. 

Why not "own" that there is no separation from your Divine Parent, Who is but Love...why not surrender all decisions to your Divine Parent, Who is but that all of your decisions and actions are the result of Abba, Who is the Great Mystery of Love, extending ItSelf into and through your body-mind? 

I, Jeshua ben Joseph and "our" friends, The Council of Christ, can describe this process and tell you how it feels...when any soul walks and lives in REALITY...the REALITY of Oneness with Abba, the REALITY of fulfilling your primary function as a medium for Love...for a Soul who receives Love, acknowledges the Presence of Love, breathes Love, and then allows that Love to flow through the body-mind, as guided by the Voice of Love within, is a witness to the Will of Abba...the Great Mystery of Love...creating experience through Its!

Love can not be can only be allowed to flow into you and then through you...into form....and in this case, into the Dream World of separation from our Divine Parent...into your Dream World of fear consciousnessFor whenever...and listen very closely...whenever you feel the need to be in control, you are in the illusion of non-reality, the illusion of the egoic self...the illusion of attempting to make happen whatever you think you need to have happen...rather than acting as a participant in the Miracle of Creation...the extension of Abba-Pure Love, from the invisible into the visible.  

As conveyed in The Way of Mastery, you are one who gets to experience Love, to be a Co-Creator of Love, and also observe and witness the flow of Love. This is the Miraculous Truth of your REALITY. The Healed Mind...the untangle not a mind that makes whatever it wants to happen, happen...for that is an egoic attempt of absolute power. The Purified Mind...the Pure of Heart, realize that the need for control is illusion, whereas, surrenduring to the Voice of Love within, is the REALITY of Being the Conscious, Presence of Love.

The Purified Mind...the Purified no longer attached to the world's definition of success or failure. It is no longer attached to what others simply trusts the Mystery of Love that birthed It, and then operates through That Mystery in each moment. The Soul that abides in the need for control, abides in fears and anxieties, whereas, the Soul who honors the guidance of the Voice of Love within, whatever it may be, abides in Love and True Peace...conscious union with its Divine Parent..Abba.  

The Soul that values the need to control, perpetuates its Dream World of separation from its Creator, Who is but Love...whereas, the Soul that owns its eternal Oneness with its Creator, and cultivates that relationship, and implements the guidance of the Voice of Love within, resides in the Flow of Love that knows no end. One soul attempts to control the flow of Life, and is caught up in the fear-based illusion of duality, including the subconscious judgments of unworthiness...and the other abides in the REALITY, the Great Mystery of Love that is everywhere..."everywhere"...and particpates in the extension of That Love from the formless, and into the form.   

To demonstrate how this all works, a short exercise will be provided, that you can practice each day.

Affirmation for Channeling Abba, Who is but Love.  

I open to and accept the Reality of Love for

My mind has already been healed by the Love that birthed me in Its Image. I use the power of this mind to choose the Perfect Peace of God. I do so now and forevermore. 

I surrender to the Presence of Love, as a channel for That Love, every moment of every day.

Abba, what would You create through me in this moment, that is an extension of Love? 

And now, do nothing but observe what comes into your mind...what pictures appear...what guidance is heard...what feelings suddenly flow through the body...and then, implement whatever Abba's guidance is. This is an exercise in using your connection...your channel to Abba, Who is but Love, that is always within, for that is how you were created. You do not have to evolve and do not have to spend years in only have to own your birthright as a channel for Love, and cultivate your natural ability, with the techniques that work best for you. This is all really quite simple...for when you "own your identity" as a medium for Love...That Love will guide the expression of the body-mind. 

As a a channel for our Divine Parent, there is only the Reality of Love...anything and everything else, such as your Dream World of fear consciousness, your illusions of unworthiness, and separation from our Divine Parent, is recognized as the illusions that they are...which is simply experienced from the perspective of..."how very strange and mind-boggling this all is" you now cultivate a deeper awareness of your Oneness with your Divine Parent...and your God-given ability to function as a channel for the Source of All, Who is but Love...

This is a period of great transition...a period where you will probably slip back into the illusion of reality, the duality of judgment...egoic judgmentalism...where the illusion of separation from your Divine Parent once again "seems to be reality"...and yet, you have just slipped back into your Dream World of fear and dark emotional dramas, inclusive of separation from your Divine Parent, which we will continiue to tell you is literally impossible, because Abba, Who is The Infinite Field of Love, is "everywhere".  

You exist within Abba, The Infinite Field of Love Consciousness, within which you and other Souls have created a temporary dimension, an illusionary Dream World or metaverse of duality, fear consciousness, and unworthiness of have that experience. As a functioning channel for Abba, you are aware of your relationship with, your Oneness with Abba...and when you slip back into your temporary dimension or metaverse of fear consciousness, you begin dreaming again...back and forth you will go...from the Reality of Love and union with your Divine Parent...and then back again to dreaming that fear, dark emotions and the illusion of unworthiness is "Real". 

This journey in consciousness is truly mind-boggling, particularly at this juncture, where the environment of being in the Dream World is everywhere. There are no communities of awakend Souls, of Incarnated Conscious Christs, within your Dream go to and reside with...for there is only variations of the illusion of the Dream World...except when you "own and live" your primary function as a channel for Abba, Who is but Love

The shift in consciousness, the transition of which we speak...the purification of your Soul and the retraining of the mind to be aligned with the Will of Abba, will take you from brief periods of functioning as a channel for Love (God Consciousness) a lifetime of conscious union with The Great Mystery of Love that Abba is. 

Some Souls will make "this shift" from unworthiness of self and fear to Oneness and Love rather quickly. In what I, Jeshua ben Joseph, will call "the future of humanity", there will even be mass, spontaneous purification of consciousness...but for now, the retraining and purification of the mind to Love God Consciousness, will be one soul at a time.  

And given the Dream World environemnt that you exist within, it is inevitable that Souls, such as Michael, will slip back into periods of dreaming, periods of doubt, periods of unconscious feelings of unworthiness, which is why there must be total commitment to follow and implement the guidance of the Still Small Voice of Love commitment to a new priority...a new lifestyle...that includes a routine of studying and practicing the mental and emotional patterns of Love Consciousness...and even the studying of the mental and emotional patterns of egoic, fear consciousness, so that you can begin to readily identify the differences, within your own behavior...which will accelerate your shift to God Consciousness...all of the time... 

As Michael has experienced, the intense conditioning of your Dream World of fear consciousness and its illusion of separation from Abba, has been so pervasive...over so many incarnations...that some of the mental and emotions patterns of fear...of the ego, fight the shift to Love Consciousness and reunion with our Divine Parent every step of the way.    

However...once a new lifestyle of owning your identity of as a Christed Being of Love, with an open channel of communication with Abba, includes a daily connection in consciousness, with freqeunt requests for guidance from our Divine Parent, such guidance will always be provided. "Specificity" is often consider requesting routines and techniques that untangle and purify the mind, whereby it is aligned with the Will of Abba...this is called Rightmindedness.

The nudging of Abba, out of your Dream World of fear, will eventually enter a new phase, where you will find yourself running to the Light of Love, and out of the darkness of the Dream World, that your Conscious Christed Self now exists within...that you are now observing from a completely different vantage point...for as a channel for Abba, Who is but are now playing an active role in transforming the intense Dream World of fear and unworthiness...a shift from judgmentalism and fear consciousness, to Unconditional Love Consciousness (God Consciousness), in an environment where such a shift has never been undertaken before...and yet, an awakening to REALITY is inevitable...for The Infinite Field of Love is the most powerful energy in all of Creation...and Abba is everywhere...just as I, Jeshua ben Joseph stated 2,000 years ago..."Heaven is spread out upon the Earth and yet, humanity see It not"

Many tools have been provided to assist all Souls in your inevitable awakening to the REALITY of Love that is eveywhere...this internet site is simply one example of the guidance and assistance that our Divine Parent makes available to you, our Christed Sisters and Brothers...  

Much has been conveyed this day...and within all of the articles of this blog. I, Jeshua ben Joseph, and our Brothers and Sisters in our Family of Light, will continue to come forward to assist all in the journey back "Home" Love and Perfect reunion with our Divine Parent...The Loving Source of All...

Peace be with you always...

Jeshua ben Joseph & The Council of Christ   





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