My Only Desire is to Extend Self-Pure Love, "Through You"
My only desire is to extend Self…and I Am a Beingness of Love, which is everywhere at everywhen…with the understanding that not all of what you call dimensions have time…what you also call mind-boggling, yes?
I would like to begin this message with a nuance of "Creation"…and Creation is the extension of Self—Pure Love. When you hear or read My words being extended, what you call channeling, through Jeshua ben Joseph, Mother Mary or any other Conscious Christ, you will notice subtle, yet obvious differences in tone, feel, and content. For I desire to extend Self in an infinite number of ways, through an infinite number Conscious Christed Beings of Love. So…in some respects, I will sound a bit different when I communicate My message of Love through different Conscious Christs, including the one that this message is being extended through…this one called Michael. Now some will say that this Michael must be very special to function as a medium for "Me" - A Beingness of Love…and yet, he is no different than you.
You are an extension of Me -"The Creator"…which for discussion purposes, makes you the "Created"…and your only purpose, even though it may seem beyond belief, is to function as a medium of expression for Me—Pure Love, Perfect Peace, Perfect Intelligence & Pure Potentiality. This internet site was created for the sole purpose of communicating with and assisting all Souls that are ready…to make "the shift" from egoic or fear-based consciousness to Love Consciousness. Love Consciousness is one of many phrases for conscious alignment with the Mind of your Creator - "Me". By making this shift in consciousness…as you say 24/7…you obtain a state of happiness un-paralleled in all of Creation. I have given you the mechanism, the spark of Divinity within, for making the shift to Love Consciousness…also called Christ Consciousness.
Millions will make this journey in consciousness within the current era on Earth…which means that countless more will be coming forward as Michael has. Although some will continue to function as channels for Jeshua ben Joseph, Mother Mary, and other non-incarnate Conscious Christs, the era of many…many "incarnated" Conscious Christs has begun…thus, many will fulfill their purpose on Earth as conscious mediums for Self, the Source of All. Rejoice!
When I first asked Michael if he would be a channel for My message…his immediate response was, “why me…why me…you certainly must have somebody better than me to deliver Your message?” He began to weep…”Why not Jeshua or Mother Mary or any of the other Masters in the Spiritual Realms?” You see, Michael dealt with the same illusions that you deal with…unwavering perceptions (sometimes unconscious) of unworthiness and low self-esteem. You know what I am referring to…your sense that you are somehow "not good enough or worthy" of a conscious, intimate, and loving relationship with Me—A Beingness of Love.
My response to Michael was multifaceted…I’ll summarize…many are drawn to the channeled messages of Jeshua ben Joseph and other non-incarnate Conscious Christs…like Mother Mary…and you "perceive" them all as somehow better than you…even though Jeshua (and other Conscious Christs) repeatedly tell all that they are "your equal", as are all incarnated Souls on Earth. So, when Jeshua says things like…I and our Father are One…Abba does all things through me…and…you will do all that I do and even greater things than these, you will do…most Souls on Earth just don’t believe him…because of conscious or unconscious feelings of low self-worth. I assure you that all such "perceptions" are "illusions".
You are as I created you to be…the thought of Love in form…you’ve just temporarily forgotten that’s all…because you wanted to have the experience of physicality and non-love, within the Earth dimension…which of course included the illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love. This is all temporary and a self-created illusion…IT IS NOT REALITY! It is as we say (Jeshua and I) in The Way of Mastery…you chose to have a case of temporary insanity!
I told Michael that I wanted a so-called ordinary incarnated, unconscious Christ…a Soul that many could relate too…an incarnated Soul that everyone would see as "not special"…not like Jeshua ben Joseph…and also a Soul with the same feelings of low self-worth and esteem, which all the Souls on Earth have…so he could say to you...”if I can use The Way of Mastery to become a channel and medium for our Creator, than so can you!” And I know, because I Am All-Knowing, that some Souls will believe him…and make the journey back to Me…which as you say, will “snow-ball” into the era of mass Christ Consciousness on Earth.
Michael agreed to be a medium for Me, and I Am but Love…and even when I told him that he would endure many that would doubt his words (and Mine), and also be the subject of demeaning criticism and ridicule, his commitment to Me, to be a medium for The Source of All, was unabated. Michael had suffered enough, from the illusion of separation (from Me, his Creator) and wanted to play some role, no matter what it was, in putting an end to not only his suffering, but also the suffering of other Souls on Earth.
Why will Michael be doubted and ridiculed you ask? Think about it. What would you say to somebody who told you that they talk to God everyday…that they ask for guidance in all matters, and I, The Source of All, give it to him or her. Most, if not all, would say; are you crazy? God doesn’t talk to anybody on Earth. And assuming you are one that shares this perspective, I assure you that you are living in non-reality…ya know, "temporarily insane".
You see, if you are to be a Co-Creator of Love with Me, and that’s My plan, you have to communicate with Me…all of the time. Even though this is the lifestyle Jeshua ben Joseph teaches in The Way of Mastery, and that many students say they "believe"…in "Reality", they don’t believe him. Why? Back to their feelings of I’m not good enough to have a relationship with God.
A relationship with Me, The Source of All, is just like any other relationship. It takes desire, intention, trust, and practice…to mature and flower. It’s really quite simple…the more you talk to Me, the more I talk back to you! Try it…you’ll like it. I’m with you every moment of every day…because I’m everywhere at everywhen…non-stop…forever. This means that it is literally impossible…"impossible"…for us to be separated.
So, let’s get started? This will only take a few minutes…sit down and close your eyes…relax your body, mind and emotions. I’m talking about real relaxation…relaxing from all the “stuff” that your mind is usually dealing with…for just a minute. Take a few deep relaxing breaths…release all of the tension. And now just ask Me something simple…and wait for My response…either from My Still Small Voice of Love within…or possibly with a picture in the mind. A little patience…and there’s My answer…it’s that easy…because I Love you…and desire to share My Love with you!
For those that are interested, The Way of Mastery helps to untangle and retrain the mind to be aligned with Me—God. Many will accelerate their shift to Love Consciousness with this helpful teaching device…a tool to undo all of your deeply engrained, fear-based habits and mental patterns. Then again, if you are not ready to make the shift to Love, and surrender to My guidance, and I Am but Love, that’s OK…take all of the time you want…have as many incarnations on Earth as you want. Your Soul has no end, and I’m not going anywhere…because I’m already everywhere 24/7…forever.
When you are tired of fearful living and have suffered enough, and that day will come, if not in this Life, then in a future incarnation, I’ll be there for you…to guide you back Home…to Me…and I Am but Love. I gave you free will, to have all of the experiences you desire. So, it is your choice to stay as you are or take the necessary steps to come "Home". Here is a little surprise for you…deep down inside your heart…in your Soul…you can feel that that I’m speaking the Truth. How do I know this? Because I put a Divine Spark of Love, part of Me, within you…forever…
You are Loved more than you can imagine…always.
That is all…
Source of All